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Approved Melee Weapon Jasper Kai'el's Lightsaber | Master Update

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Manufacturer: Jasper Kai'el
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
Melee Type:
  1. Lightsaber
Size: Average


  • Sheath contains a Magnetic Field to safely store the blade of the lightsaber, allowing the blade to remain ignited at all times.
  • The stone within is made of the same material as the Ankarres Sapphire, a gem with healing properties only capable of being wielded by lightsiders. The weapon will overheat and fail if attempted to be used by a dark side aligned individual due to the these traits.
  • Amplification Kyber Crystal enhances the Sapphire, giving the blade increased power against those alligned with the darkside, similar to Force Light, though not as powerful. While the blade of the saber now assumes the properties of the stone, the power output is increased signifigantly. To avoid overheating and failing the blade must be ignited at all times.
SABER MOD KIT FEATURES (shown in additional materials):
  • Customization: Adjustable blade length, crystal array, and training mode for personalized performance.
  • Water Proof: Will work if wet or underwater and won't short out.
  • Improved Grip: The finger rings integrated into the hilt provide enhanced stability and control, ensuring a firm grasp on the sword even in the heat of battle or adverse conditions.
  • Emp Proof: Can't be affected by EMP
  • Cortosis Proof: Can't be turned off by Cortosis
  • Water Proof: Can be used in water.
  • Can be tracked down if stolen
  • Wards of Darkness: Extremely harmful to darksiders.
  • Hates Darkness: Will overheat in the hands of a darksider.
  • Void Stone Vulnerability: Effectiveness can be significantly dampened or nullified in the presence of Void Stone.
  • Ysalamiri Effect: The crystal's powers are negated when within the vicinity of Ysalamiri.
  • Unruly Blade: The Amplification Kyber Crystal has supercharged the crystal within, making the power it lets off extreme. To not overheat the blade, the lightsaber must be ignited at all times.
  • Hates Darkness: Will overheat in the hands of a darksider.
  • Hot Around the Edges: The lightsaber is incapable of being set to a non-lethal setting, requiring extreme caution while it is used.
  • Drawn Blade: Extreme care must be taken when drawing the lightsaber to avoid injury.
A weapon created by Jasper Kai'el during his youth and his most valued possession. It utilizes Arginium and Ironwood in a more simplistic design, as Jasper felt that making his weapon ornate was completely unnecessary. Because of this, the lightsaber has a much older appearance. It's unique differences are more geared towards his preferences than overall functionality. Ironwood was chosen simply because Jasper liked the feel of the material in his hand over the other options for the grip of the hilt. Similarly, the Sapphire was selected to be the weapon's crystal because it was the first thing Jasper found. The gemstone heats up when in the possession of a darksider, overheating the blade and causing it to fail in their hands. The weapon is cared for with great effort, always kept in a clean state, though scratches are present on the metal. No matter the situation, Jasper will never be found without this blue-bladed lightsaber close by.

Now it is a far more complex weapon, modified upon by the now Jedi Master to be elevated to greater heights. Making use of the technology made available to him as a member of Force Forged Sabercrafts, Jasper has turned the lighstaber into something far more complex, with an increased potenty in damage delt to darksiders, resistance to EMP damage, Cortosis, and water, and an increased freedom in customization options. The blade's power output, however, has been increased to a dangerous level, forcing energy to be expelled at all times. As such, the blade of the lightsaber must remain ignited at all times, the crystal within unstable and requiring constant energy output. The lightsaber's blade is contained within a complex sheath, a Magnetic Field emitter safely containing the plasma. Having earned his rank of master, Electrum has been awarded to Jasper to display on his blade. It is present on the guard of the weapon.


Art Commissioned from Chaos_Cat Chaos_Cat
Previous Version


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To update Jasper Kai'el's personal lightsaber
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Jasper Kai'el
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Ankarres Sapphire, Arginium, Ironwood, Amplification Kyber Crystal, FFS- A.D.A.P.T. Saber Mod Kit, Magnetic Field emitter, Electrum
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Maker of Stuff and Things.
Factory Judge
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