Jassifa Pik
RANK: Cabbie
AGE: 42
SEX: female
HEIGHT: 6'8"
WEIGHT: 210 lbs
EYES: Irises are black
HAIR: Sandy Blonde
SKIN: Light Pink
+Jolly: Jassifa keeps a smile on her face for as long as she can, whenever she can. She has excellent fortitude.
+Expert Navigator: Jassifa has a good memory for places she's been, and places she needs to go. She hardly ever gets lost.
+ Business Sense: Just.. don't try and cheat the lady.
-Parasitic Relationship: Despite their symbiotic partnership, Jassifa is the one losing blood at a consistent rate. She's sometimes a little slow, if Pik decided to be a glutton one day.
-Paranoia: Jassifa is terrified of being discovered by Force Users, and of being dragged in for desertion. She uses her Force Powers to disguise herself within the Force, to the detriment of other force abilities. She is no longer at a master level, due to disuse.
Jassifa is a tall, leggy blonde with pink skin and pointed ears--so pretty much your average Sephi in appearance. She loves to keep her voluminous blonde curls up in elaborate hairstyles when she's planetside. Once her cab is in the air, however, She's more than happy just to braid it back or tug it into a workable ponytail.
She'll wear some jewelry when she feels like it, but tank tops and loose pants are her usual garb. She has a slight limp, and walks with a cane.
Jassifa was discovered as a young woman to be force sensitive. She was studious in her training, eventually rising to the rank of Master. She, as most masters, was released into the galaxy as its defender from the Empire.
8 years into her mastery, Jassifa's contentment in the Force snapped. On that day, Jassifa shed her Jedi robes, disguised her saber, and fled into the seedier parts of the galaxy in search of whatever it was she found herself craving. Her force powers waned from disuse; Jassifa only continually exercises the ability to disguise herself as a non-Force User from both Jedi and Sith.
Pik the Hoover happened to be a small perk in the cheap freighter Jassifa bought. It'd been living in the hull of the ship, hiding from its previous owners and snacking on them while they slept. In return, though, Pik discreetly kept the ship running, fixing small (but serious) errors that the former captain would miss. Discovered by Jassifa rather quickly, the little vampiric hoover attached itself (literally and figuratively) to the Sephi with the promise of keeping the ship running. Jassifa took Pik's name as her new surname, and they tour the galaxy as Jassifa Pik, picking up whomever and whatever happens to need a ride, or safe escape from whatever life they led before.
Be sure to tip your driver!
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http://starwarsrp.net/topic/57037-hey-sailor-need-a-lift-flight-of-the-space-cab/ (Intro RP, Public)