Jaster Awaud
Elder of Clan Awaud
Image Source: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/killzone/images/2/27/Colonel_Radec.png/revision/latest?cb=20090713213808
Intent: Keep Jaster alive from a deadly poison
Development Thread: http://starwarsrp.net/topic/86443-the-return-of-the-dark-region-businessman/
Manufacturer: Trade Conglomerate Engineers
Model: Experimental-001
Affiliation: Personal Life Suit
Modularity: Left wrist Rail Mount (allowing flashlight, wrist mounted firearms, and other Rail attatchments)
Production: Unique
Classification: Multipurpose, Contamination Armor
Weight: 75 kg
Quality: 6
Special Features: Zultec Ultra-Anium,
DZ Conductor, Soak Cloth, Liquid Herbs, Assisted Rebreather, and Reg Shot
Description: Jaster Of Clan Awaud was injured during an exploration of an unknown planet in an uncharted part of the Galaxy. Jaster, as Viceroy of the United Trade Conglomerate, his engineers and medical professionals did all they could to keep the man alive. As result they build him a containment suit to keep him alive until they found a cure. This suit is the result of spotty and quick investments by unqualified engineers and mismatched equipment.
The armor was made with external armor of Zeltec Utra-Anium, strengthened and sealed to protect from outside oxygen entering the cracks of normal armor and contaminating the body. An exoskeleton was placed within the frame to keep Jaster frail body from over us wand the heavy components, this exoskeleton was powered by DZ Conductor batteries, the exoskeleton will be able to carry the large heavy frame of the suite as well as up to 110 kg of weight in case the body should fail and countermeasures were in place so the body within would not be crushed. The doctors would then be working on the rest of the body, using Soak Cloth to stop the pealing of the skin and stop unneeded bleeding. The Liquide Herbs would keep Jaster from not only dieing, but also stop the man from being in agonizing pain, they would be placed in an auto injector within the armor placed in seperate places and be able to resupply through piping. The Assisted Rebreather was to regulate the mans breathing and allow only filtered oxygen to enter the lungs and stop the spread of the poison as it would be modified to mix in Bacta in gas form to heal the scaring in the lungs. There was even talk of replacing the mans lungs, but that was quickly expelled. The Reg Shot would keep the patient from entering shock from all the medicine being pumped into his body and also regenerate any lost skin cells for the acidic poison to eat at.
Image Source: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/killzone/images/2/27/Colonel_Radec.png/revision/latest?cb=20090713213808
Intent: Keep Jaster alive from a deadly poison
Development Thread: http://starwarsrp.net/topic/86443-the-return-of-the-dark-region-businessman/
Manufacturer: Trade Conglomerate Engineers
Model: Experimental-001
Affiliation: Personal Life Suit
Modularity: Left wrist Rail Mount (allowing flashlight, wrist mounted firearms, and other Rail attatchments)
Production: Unique
Classification: Multipurpose, Contamination Armor
Weight: 75 kg
Quality: 6
Special Features: Zultec Ultra-Anium,
DZ Conductor, Soak Cloth, Liquid Herbs, Assisted Rebreather, and Reg Shot
Description: Jaster Of Clan Awaud was injured during an exploration of an unknown planet in an uncharted part of the Galaxy. Jaster, as Viceroy of the United Trade Conglomerate, his engineers and medical professionals did all they could to keep the man alive. As result they build him a containment suit to keep him alive until they found a cure. This suit is the result of spotty and quick investments by unqualified engineers and mismatched equipment.
The armor was made with external armor of Zeltec Utra-Anium, strengthened and sealed to protect from outside oxygen entering the cracks of normal armor and contaminating the body. An exoskeleton was placed within the frame to keep Jaster frail body from over us wand the heavy components, this exoskeleton was powered by DZ Conductor batteries, the exoskeleton will be able to carry the large heavy frame of the suite as well as up to 110 kg of weight in case the body should fail and countermeasures were in place so the body within would not be crushed. The doctors would then be working on the rest of the body, using Soak Cloth to stop the pealing of the skin and stop unneeded bleeding. The Liquide Herbs would keep Jaster from not only dieing, but also stop the man from being in agonizing pain, they would be placed in an auto injector within the armor placed in seperate places and be able to resupply through piping. The Assisted Rebreather was to regulate the mans breathing and allow only filtered oxygen to enter the lungs and stop the spread of the poison as it would be modified to mix in Bacta in gas form to heal the scaring in the lungs. There was even talk of replacing the mans lungs, but that was quickly expelled. The Reg Shot would keep the patient from entering shock from all the medicine being pumped into his body and also regenerate any lost skin cells for the acidic poison to eat at.