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Jate Kar'ta

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
NAME: Jate Kar’ta
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: Initiate
AGE: 23
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’ 7” (1.7m)
WEIGHT: 130lbs (59kg)
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Vibrant Orange-Yellow (Usually Described as Fiery)
SKIN: Slight Tan


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
Describe in moderate detail the strengths and weaknesses of your character.

+ Melee Combat Specialist: Jate is very skilled in hand to hand combat and melee weapons. She specializes in the usage of her bes’bev, an ancient Mandalorian war flute made from beskar, Mandalorian Iron. It is extremely resistant to lightsabers. Being a melee specialist, she also possesses great endurance and decent strength.
+ Acrobat: Jate is trained in acrobatics making her movements very fluid and fast. This combined with her jump pack make her a deadly adversary.
+ Musician: Her bes’bev isn’t just a weapon. Not only can she kill people with it, she is well versed in the more musical aspects of its usage and is considered a top notch musician with it. She can read and write music along with play a few well known songs. She is also capable of playing a few other instruments.

- Vengeance: Jate is driven by the need to avenge her mother’s death. She has killed two of the seven Rogue Jedi that were there. While she will stick to the task at hand, if she catches wind of them she will pursue the lead. This has cost her some jobs in the past. It is also because of this trait that she is known to hold grudges.
- “Dislikes” Force Users: While she is more tolerant of them now, Jate isn’t afraid to let her opinion of them be known and will only work with them if it is absolutely necessary. Few have earned her approval of being ‘alright’.
- Do NOT Touch the Hair! Even though it doesn't look like she takes good care of it, Jate loves her long luscious orange blonde locks. It's natural, it reminds her of fire, and she's proud of it. If someone even cuts or messes with an inch of it, things quickly escalate to the weakness labeled below.
- Fury: Jate isn't one to get pissed off easily but when she does she erupts into a volcano. At this point she has made it her life goal to finish off whatever ticked her off. During this state caution is thrown out the window and her focus is punishing whatever caused it. Many times her fury causes more bad than good.

Jate Kar’ta is a fit, strong girl with a bit of a tan. Unlike most Mandalorians she chooses not to wear a helmet, revealing orange blonde hair that resembles flames. Her youthful face is colored by the trauma of her past and her two intense blue eyes. Her mouth seems to be set in a permanent frown. The few times she does smile it seems almost weird and unnerving. She wears a khaki jumpsuit with her torso in red armor along with armored gauntlets and boots. Around her neck she wears a long orange scarf that flutters behind her as she zips about with her jump pack.


Jate Kar’ta was born on Mandalore on the Kar’ta family farm. There she was raised in the ways of being a Mandalorian along with customs and traditions of her family. Jate was a shy kind of girl but she was always tagging along with her mother. When she was by herself in the mountains bordering their lands she learned to play music on her own. She also learned from her mother the basics of hand to hand combat and melee. When she was twelve her mother went on a mission with several others but only one man made it back. He gave news that they were ambushed by a group of Force Users and he was the lone survivor, sent back to bring the news.

Devastated by the loss of her mother, she became quiet, angry, and reserved. She vowed to never trust a Force Users and swore vengeance for the death of her mother. She found joy and satisfaction in only three things: hunting, killing Force Users, and her music. She made it through her verd'goten and earned the right to pick a relic from the Kar’ta family vault. She chose a bes'bev named Atin Laar: Tenacious Song.

Following tradition establish since the Old Republic, Jate was sent out into the galaxy. She made it her goal to track down the people responsible for killing her mother. Along the way she has taken up various jobs to finance her quest for vengeance. One by one she has been tracking them and killing the rogue Jedi off. Out of the seven that participated in killing, she has killed two of them. As she has killed her mood has mellowed. The others have begun to be harder to track and have forced her to curb her desire for vengeance in need to procure credits to continue her search.

Bes’bev Atin Laar: This weapon is from the Kar’ta family vault where weapons, equipment, and relics from past generations are held. A bes’bev is a large flute made of beskar with a sharpened, cut off end. While polished and well maintained, it has a few scratches and nicks from past battles but still carries and excellent tune.
Jump Pack
Gunner Gauntlets (Used on special occasions i.e Dueling/hunting/knowingly battling Force Users)
Armored torso and boots
Gauntlet Flamethrower
Gauntlet Net Launcher
Utility belt
Grapple line launcher with winch
Red and Orange Striped Nerf Fur Poncho


Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.


Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.



Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

A reunion and a job (Ongoing)
The Hunt for a Maalraas (Ongoing)
[member="Scarlet Faith"]

Hiya old friend. Hows it going.

[member="Jate Kar'ta"]

Hello, just read your character bio and find your character very interesting, i would offer you an RP but you are already in one with my alt Alexandra.
Ouch, sounds painful lol. I've been good, looking to get this character back up and running among others. Wanna do a roleplay? Perhaps Yusan has Scarlet track down a criminal or something? [member="Yusan Fenn"]
I watched that dude with more cuts and bruises than I could count when the Sith tried to take the temple. I would be shocked if he did just sit around lol. [member="Yusan Fenn"]

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
I'm always up for a good RP [member="Scarlet Faith"] and [member="Yusan Fenn"]. If you need a plus one let me know or got a job offer. Need to finance the hunt after all.

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