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Approved NPC Jatogg

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Gamorrean screenshot from Return of the Jedi
Loyalties: Companion of Tylar Ryx
Role: Serving as sidekick, crew member and backstory of Tylar Ryx​
Development threads: If necessary​
Age: 32​
Species: Gamorrean​
Largely typical Gamorrean armoured dress and physical features such as green skin, four protruding tusks from a noticeable underbite and small beady eyes. Jatogg is however taller even than most other boars in his species standing at 2.3 meters and possessing very sizeable muscular bulk. He is rarely seen without snot or drool leaking from the mouth or nose.​
Jatogg on duty remains a typical boar, brutal and merciless. However the true personality he shows is of a surprisingly thoughtful figure. He will spend days contemplating philosophical questions far beyond the intellectual scope of a typical Gamorrean. He also displays a peculiar honour system where he will not hesitate to play dirty or backstab employers for credits but will show loyalty to those he likes and sympathy for underdogs even if it is to his disadvantage. Jatogg also prides himself on his sense of self-deprecating humour, never afraid to mock himself and his companions.​
Force Sensitivity:​
Weapon of choice:​
"Gamorrean Guard" drawn by Jason Edmiston
Two handed Vibro-axe is preferred weapon. Can use blasters in dire circumstances but significantly less skilled than with melee weapons. He would much rather just use bare fists.​
Trained as a fighter and enforcer for Coruscant's underground crime networks, many crime bosses tried to groom him as a top enforcer over the years and gifted Jatogg training in cage fighting and how to use improvised weaponry in an attempt to buy his loyalty. Over the course of his career he has also learned the valuable skill of how best to torture a captive for information without leaving any long term physical damage. Fancies himself a self-taught skilled poet but close friends digress.​
Having done odd jobs from many crime lords in the past, Jatogg has some savings to fall back on supply his needs and occasional luxuries. He is far, far from rich though.​
Combat Function:​
Very dangerous heavy melee fighter who would give even Jedi and Sith pause with his sheer strength. Jatogg is capable of going toe to toe with Wookies and Trandoshans and come out on top. However like all Gamorreans, he suffers from poor eyesight which seriously hampers his ability with blasters. A being of his size also struggles with stealth and running speed. It all adds together so while Jatogg is lethal up close, he usually isn't too difficult to avoid and escape from unless he has support.​
Notable Possessions:​
Jatogg was part of a generation of Gamorrean sows who believed there was more opportunity in the criminal enterprises of the core worlds than Hutt space. He arrived on Coruscant as a youth at first serving as a bouncer at a criminal owned nightclub. After helping his boss escape the Coruscant police in a raid he was promoted to personal bodyguard. Shortly afterwards he killed the man after a large bribe from a rival gang. Since then Jatogg bounced from gang to gang until he met the Mirialan Tylar Ryx. The two had an instant connection and a shared interest in leaving Coruscant. Years of service to petty crime lords in a small patch of Coruscant had left Jatogg feeling unfulfilled with his life and told Ryx of his desire to see the stars for himself again. A few weeks later, the two stole the frigate of their boss and set course for the nearest Star System. Since then, the pair have been inseparable. Jatogg's job includes the same clientele he has always served but on a much larger scale and with the chance to explore new worlds.​
Jatogg is to serve as a companion character to Tylar Ryx and help expand her backstory.​
Tylar Ryx said:
He is rarely seen without snort or drool leaking from the mouth or nose.
I believe you meant snot here.

Tylar Ryx said:
Trained as a fighter and enforcer for Coruscant's underground crime networks. Fancies himself a self-taught skilled poet but close friends digress.
Could you please be a little more specific? List any noteworthy skills, for example.

Otherwise everything else is fine and you definitely put effort and thought into the character design.
Largely typical Gamorrean armoured dress and physical features such as green skin, four protruding tusks from a noticeable overbite
I believe you mean underbite. An overbite would be the top jaw protruding out over the lower jaw, which is the opposite of what the images show.

Speaking of images...

You need to properly source both of the images used in this submission.

Tag me when you have made these corrections.

[member="Tylar Ryx"] [member="Boethiah"]
You will need to credit the original artist of the images within your sources.

For future reference the proper way to source images would be:

"Gamorrean" from the Star Wars Films

"Gamorrean Guard" by artist Jason Edmiston

And link each line to the page upon which the images are found (the links you already have posted). Edit those lines in for your sources and we will be good to go.
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