Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Javin Fennek

NAME: Javin Fennek

FACTION: Republic Remnant

RANK: Jedi Remnant Knight

SPECIES: Twi’lek

AGE: 40

SEX: male


WEIGHT: 40 kilograms

EYES: blue

HAIR: none

SKIN: Blue




lightsaber combat
Trained as a Jedi sentinel Javin excelled and favored lightsaber combat over use of the force

stealth/ assassination
Choosing the sentinel sub-class of Jedi shadow Javin would often go on missions that required stealth

military tactics
Having witnessed and participated at in many battles Javin learned from the remnant generals military tactics and strategies


force mastery
Having focused most of his time on training in stealth and lightsaber combat he barely gave time for force mastery

Favoring bigger guns and better combat moves over boring treaties made Javin very bad at diplomacy

Describe your character's physical appearance. While your avatar should represent your character's appearance, there might be some things not apparent in it for use in role-playing. Height, weight, eye color, hair color, and skin color may also be listed here.

Born to a Republic Remnant senator and a Republic Remnant military general Javin was admitted to the Jedi just 3 days after his birth.
Growing up loyal to the republic and the Jedi Javin preferred the fast paced lightsaber lessons over the boring lesson about the living force. When it was time to choose his path Javin followed the path of the Jedi shadow.

Javin owned a dynamic class freighter dating back to the time of the Jedi Civil War that was inherited from his ancestors. He called it the Resurrected. The Resurrected was armed with duel heavy laser cannons and 2 quad anti-Starfighter cannons.

None (for now)




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