Geonosis. Confederacy territory.
Sandy, and bright.
DK-03 was not an entirely bright man, he was just really good at fighting and killing things.
He had eventually found that burrito.
It was a good burrito.
His helmet had slightly shifted upwards and he was slamming it fist first into his mouth, engorging the contents within the professionally folded outer wheatish layers. He wasn't sure if it was wheat - he was pretty sure this Galaxy had bread, but he wasn't quite sure if that's what he was ingesting.
But man, did it taste delicious. His mouth salivated further with each munch, creating a whirlpool of encrusted ingredients and mouth-generated water in his front facial orifice.
The bartender in the next town over had told him this was where the Jawas hung out, and had some sweet deals.
Hopefully he'd find one.
That's literally all he had planned. That, and this burrito.