
- Intent: [NPC wildlife species]
- Image Credit: Ken Barthemely Concept Aliens
- Canon: [N/A.]
- Links: http://conceptaliens.blogspot.com/
- Name: [Jawoline]
- Designation: [Semi]
- Homeworld: http://starwarsrp.net/topic/110483-narbada/
- Language: [Jawolinian]
- Average Lifespan: [90-155]
- Estimated Population: [Planetary. Numbers ranging from 100,000-239,120]
- Description: [Average height of a Nexu, wide flexible and stretchable. The jaws snap back and snap forward like a slingshot, snapping down onto their prey and or enemy, though not damaging their teeth and gums, this is normal if stuck. It's common them to bite normally and not in a forceful way though even when not doing so their bite is way too far deadly. Having tails that swing back and can prove harmful against prey and attackers/enemies. Unnoticeable eyes/hard to spot and or see, intimidating the prey and predators of their kind. With a hard chest that points out in a disgusting way however. Though acting as armor.]
- Breathes: [Type 1]
- Average height of adults: [0.94]
- Average length of adults: [4.51]
- Skin color: [Green, Brown, Black, Yellow, Orange, Purple, mixed, red and blue, black red blue and purple in one, also having the main color of purple]
- Hair color: [No hair]
- Distinctions: [ The slim thick and tallness of the wildlife carnivore/ Jawoline, and is used for fitting in small and tight/compact area's. The muscle and hardness of the tail and if used against an enemy it will give a powerful knock back/throwing the enemy back and hurting them. The males and females show comparisons and differences, the Males have the sharpest teeth and faster speed as the female has a slower speed and has scary outlooks but weaker teeth. The females carry the baby but in an armored surrounding like a kangaroo.]
- Races: [N/A.]
- Strengths: [Stretchy Jaw: Having such a stretchy, flexible, and hard muscles that will not snap and break when twisted and can be fixed.
- Fast and Small: The easiness of sliding through tight spots and run away quick enough, also being hard to spot and catch and or even find.
- Muscles and Movement: Almost being athletic they are very hard to rip into pieces and flesh and bones, also having strong muscles like iron
- Sharp Teeth: Their sharp teeth bite into flesh and having a stiff and hard jaw line also gums strong like armor and not painful, roots deep but not too deep, can rip through armor]
- Weaknesses: [Small: Though having a strength on this side they are very easy to be knocked unconscious and eaten
- Sharp Teeth: Having a positive affect and strength it is also used for valuable items to other planets]
- Carnivore: Being the meat eaters they are, they'd need more meat, if not they'll starve, plant foods they cannot digest, and are allergic.
- Posion: Poison foods like certain berries and nuts are bad, especially containing poison in ockvolleys, they CANNOT digest poisonous foods.
- Diet: [Being a Carnivore they are they love to hunt for sea animals like fish and their favorite food is other animals, the ockvolleys are a rare food that they'll eat, if they are starving they'll desperately hunt for ockvolley's
- Communication: [Jawolinan, Verbal/Animal]
- Technology level: [N/A]
- Religion/Beliefs: [Belief in the universe and hunting others, having this belief since their ancestors birth.]
- General behavior: [They hunt as packs and take care of their families as their young ones are their precious values and their food like values are other animals. They are kind towards each other and cooperate with each other, mating calls, usually through mind power and telepathic connections and communications or a screech. Making things useful and using things like twigs and stones and dirt and mud and leaves and everything they'll use so that they'll have nests and huge like dams. They commonly hunt. They even build, using hangs a few times though rarely, commonly they use their mouths. No, they do not inventors. They explore often wise and go out in packs especially when moving from another place to another hibernation and hunting in packs. They are nocturnal. They are taught in hunting and or taken by Nardoshians used for the war and trained Etc, etc. ]
[The Jawolines took one step by one and advanced up their chain, crawling from the bottom all the way to the top. Being the most feared, that's until of course the Ockvolleys replaced them as fierce omnivores and would press fear down deep into the hearts, especially the prey. These wildlife species were commonly apart of the Nardoshian Empire back in 100ABY and used later on and still used. They are carnivorous animals and 2nd of the food chain and will hunt and or be hunted, they are not coldblooded but they take food as useful, they do not waste and play around with their appetite.
Not all is known from previous settings and pasts, however they were known to be the fierce ones of Narbada and were usually prayed upon, mercy was begged however mercy was not accepted, especially when dealing with enemies. They were called devils years later but then the species of Narbada opened their eyes and had no fear any longer as beliefs changed, they were the main part which changed and had an evolution upon everything that was shown and seen, even the recent and present.
They are assistance to the true protectors of Narbada, like servants. Their creation was in depth confusion and their look made an odd opinion among few.