Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jayce Amoren

The Last Son

  • Full name: Jayce Galadriael Amoren
  • Pronunciation: Jay-ss Ga-lad-rye-ael A-mor-ren
  • Preferred Name: Jayce Amoren
  • Alias: N/A
  • Titles: N/A
  • Species: Near Human
  • Race: Yashuvhi
  • Homeworld: Yashuvhu
  • Faction(s): The Jedi Order
  • Rank(s): Jedi Knight
  • Class: Guardian
  • Mentor(s): N/A
  • Students(s): N/A
  • Force Sensitive: Yes, Naturally by species.
  • Force Alignment: Lawful/Chaotic Good
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 19 GSY
  • Height: 5 foot 9 inches
  • Weight: 142 pounds
  • Complexion: ​Caucasian
  • Eye Color: Baby Blue
  • Hair Color: Golden Blonde
  • Distinguishing Marks: Small scars on forearms from training wounds
  • Voice Sample: Jaune Arc - RWBY Volume 4 Animation.
  • Appearance description: Standing at an average height, Jayce has golden blonde hair on the slight side of a shaggy look. Blue eyes that are no longer innocent. Generally wearing light plate armor on his chest, forearm/hands and shoulder, Jayce doesn't dress the part of your "normal" Jedi. a sweatshirt a size too big, slightly ripped and faded jeans. Half calf combat boots, and a torn red sash replacing what should be a belt. Upon it an emblem of a spear being held by a circle. On this sash, a sheath for a longsword. Decorated in a pure white and gold aesthetic with a blue grip, it fits well with his shield.
  • Marital Status: Single,
  • Sexual Conduct: Hetrosexual,
  • Languages: Native Langiages - Galactic Basic, Yashuvhi,
  • Occupation: Jedi Knight, Part time librarian.
  • Residence: Moves wherever he needs to, Owns land on Yashuvhu, but nothing is there.
  • Honor Bound: A young man stuck with the life his father had given him, Jayce is making it one of his promises to himself to keep his word. A promise is not given lightly, and thus he rarely gives out his word. However, when he does, it's the real deal. He won't go back, and he will do everything within his power to keep that promise.
  • Brave Bird: Jayce is one of a kind in the bravery department. Always willing to put himself into harms way to defend others, or simply do something that others would likely not do. Jayce takes this to heart. If he is unable to be brave, then he cannot keep his promises, nor train to become stronger for those he cares for.
  • Respect of ancestors: Jayce holds high amounts of respect for those who came before him and allowed him any chance within the Jedi Order. Let alone at a semi-decent life. This also extends over to others who are above him in positions with in the Jedi Order, or even beings who are just older than him and have more experience.
  • Quick to Judge: Being a young man who tries to defend those he can from others who wish harm, and with a rather shaky past, Joyce is quick to judge others around him. Once me makes a judgment, its hard for him to change it.
  • Growing Fast: A young man who once could have been told as a Impish and childish young man, a lot has happened to cause the young man to grow up very rapidly. From this, he has received a host of problems ranging from depression, limited anxiety, and more. While he is mature for his age, it comes with a downside.
  • Sword and Shield: ​Wielding one of the most iconic weapon setups of history, a sword and shield is the best that Jayce has to give. Using a Longsword, and a kite shield as his main form of defense and offence. Handed down to him by his Grandfather, Galadriael Amoren, his name sake.
  • I am the Force...: Jayce is fairly strong. Able to hold himself well should the need arise, He is aspiring to become a Jedi Guardian. One who is able to live by the Jedi Code, uphold the values of his namesake, and even more so, to reclaim his honor and to pay the price for his father's sins. Anyone will be hard pressed to keep him from this.
  • ....The Force is with me: Documented as a fifth generation force sensitive, Jayce is holding onto his legacy with all he has. Using his ability to control the force to every advantage he can. Learning everything possible from the library, teachers, and even his peers. He does not gain power to strengthen himself, but to protect himself and those he holds close.
  • Legacy of Sin: Family is important. Either by blood, or a family created by years of time spent together, Jayce is one who holds his family dearly. Even more so as the only son of Jazen Amoren, he aims to reclaim their honor and to fix the mistakes of his father. Said father falling to the dark side, and causing a tragedy that only the two men can fix.
  • Guilty of guilt: With every promise that Jayce makes, he feels guilt weigh heavily upon him should he fail to follow up, or be unable to aid others. He feels the guilt of his fathers sins as well. Blaming that he was not brave, or strong enough to prevent his father from committing his crimes.
  • A Jedi is a Defender: Jedi are well known for their prowess within the Light side of the force, and their choosing not to end the lives of others unless absolutely necessary. Jayce is very much the same. He wants to give everyone a chance to become better. A chance to repent for their sins. Even then, Jayce will likely not take a life unless it is the very last resort. However, there is one exception of his Father.
  • Dyslexia: Even as Jayce spends so much time in the library, he finds it hard to read. Words flipping back and forth and backwards. This is a problem that will always be difficult for him. Directions for him are a little troublesome as well. Mostly trying to remember port and starboard, or left and right directions.
  • Point and Shoot?: Jayce is not avid at using firearms of any kind. Sure, if there was a targeting system on a ship then he will be fine, but any small arms fire and about the best he can do is aim in the general direction and pull the trigger. Its a hit or miss with him.
  • Advanced Technology: Ask him to take apart a lightsaber? nah. Not happening. Speeder? No. But tell him to make sword, basic plate armor, plumbing or even wood working and he will be fine. He can use a datapad or other devices with some finesse, but anything above the simple uses of flying a ship or using technology, he will just use the coined term of any IT professional. "Have you turned it on and back off?"
  • ​Politics... ewwww: Jayce is not one for dealing with politicians or making deals other and a promise of keeping up on a favor. Having heard so much about drama, lying, stealing, bigotry, and knives shoved into someone's back, he'd want to stay as far away as possible from this. However, with his job, it will come sooner than later.
  • Tongue-tied/Timid: Feeling the weight of all that is on him, and the pressure to do more, Jayce is rather timid despite his bravery, and willingness to step forward. His bravery is pushed out and forced more so than naturally of him. It makes it difficult for him to be a leader and make decision on the fly for others. As well as finding it rather difficult to talk around females he may find interest in, or stumbles over his words when confronting someone.
"The Amoren Family has long been a farming family. One that had cleared out land just a little ways away from the Yashuvhu Mountains. Diana Garen married Faux Amoren five generations ago. Diana being one of the descendants of the Force Adepts from a long line of such force sensitive beings. Those within the family later down the line ranged from being Force Sensitive to Force Attuned. While most were Attuned to the force, A few such as Jayce, his father, Grandfather, Great-grandmother, and her sister were sensitive within the force. Able to command the force very well. It is from this line that Jayce has also received the gift of the force. His aptitude is rather powerful considering that both of his Grandparents on his mother's side, and his parents were also sensitive to the force. Thus him having the ability to be sensitive to the force, was not a question.

Jayces Grandfather, Galadriael, Was the first of the Force Sensitive side of the family to become an actual Jedi. Training with the Galactic Republic and joining in the fight against the Sith Empire those so many years ago. Galadriael was one of the few Padawans who joined the order when it first formed. However, the man retired after having a son in secret. His son then taking the mantel of a Jedi knight, He was Knighted near the very end of the Galactic Republics time as a Major faction. Teaming up with who would become his wife, the two traveled everywhere together, and decided to come back home to start a family. Being years later, Jayce was born into a family of four. Consisting of his Father, mother, and older sister. Jayce was always an adventurous boy. Playing in the dirt when he should be working in the fields, and playing soldier with his father at a young age.

As the lad grew up, He was told bedtime stories by his Grandfather about the times he, an his father were Jedi fighting off the Sith with everything they had. However, Records end here as to what happened to Jayce. All that can be said was that his family died in an accidental fire at his house, and Jayce was the only survivor. As for where he is, its is unknown."

I shook my head. There was quite a bit of information on me here in the library. However, they don't know the whole story. I grew up in a very good family. My father was a good man. Worked day in and day out to feed us and keep a roof over our heads. My mom helped out the best she could. She wasn't one much for physical labor, so she did the "wifely duties" of taking care of the house and even worked in town as a secondary school teacher. My sister was older than me by five years. So even when I was still going through school, She was already working in a factory to make speeders for the public.

My life was a good one. I mean, we weren't the richest of people, nor were we the poorest. It wasn't difficult with the double and later on triple incomes coming in. My grandfather living in the city was nice and all. After school, I would visit his home everyday. Just waiting for my mother to get off work so she could take me home. Living far out from the city made it difficult for transportation to school, but we made it work. Growing up was good. I had a few friends. Never had any girlfriends cus... well.... It was difficult for me to talk to girls who I even had an inkling of desire to be a friend with. My Grandmother passed away and so my Grandfather came to live with us. Help out on the farm. In truth, it was just to make sure the old man wouldn't kill himself due to the loss of his wife, and to make sure he was okay, and taken care of.

He moved in with us when I was about five or six. I would hangout with my old pa. Him continue to telling me stories of his heroism and bravery in battle. However, it all changed in one night. My life forever changed by the actions of someone I loved.

My father became enraged. I still don't know how or why he was, but he was angry at my grandfather. Yelling at him like some fool. I can still remember the snapping sound of the lightsaber activating. The hums of it slicing through the air and attacking my mother, sister, and grandfather. While pa couldn't save my mom or sister, he could save me. Choosing to throw me out of the window of my own bedroom, he saved me from the fire. However, in doing so, he was mortally wounded by many injuries my father had caused. I couldn't leave him. It still stings now. The idea of me running back into the burning home that I had grown up in, to save my grandfather so that he could just hear me scream and cry over him dying.

I took up what I could, and moved on from the place. Healing from my own wounds, I promised to find my father, and promise to end him. To have his crimes punished, and his sins rectified. Since then, I have moved from various Jedi enclaves. Learning what I can from them, as well as the datapad that was given to me by my pa. Training with what I could. On the way there, I met a young woman. I never really had any problems talking to Vyr'ago. I don't know why I could, but I felt like I could talk to her a bit. We met while sifting through various entries within the library. From then on, we became friends. Mostly because I trusted her. Not sure if it was just because she wore a mask, and so I didn't see her face, or I just don't have any other connections to her.

We have trained a few times, but I left to join a new upstart faction. The Jedi Order. One that is small in numbers, but is promising. Being a Jedi Knight, and now having the responsibilities of aiding these Jedi in whatever I can do, it will be a tough job, but one I am willing to take on. Speaking of, I need to get to training. Getting up from my seat, I walk out of the library with the datapad I was reading and jog to my room to change into my armor and grab my weapons.

The Last Son
Jayce is a Sword and Shield build. All of his abilities revolve around the idea of defending one's self from attacks, as well as being able to fight others while in these protective states. Jayce could also be considered a "Beacon" in the idea that he is to Rally others to his aid, or others. Even inspire them to fight onward despite the odds in which they are facing. Jayce is one that you can always come to when in need.

Jayce is a Lightsider. Namely a Jedi. Thus most of his abilities are lightsided in nature. However, there are a few that he could use to potentially kill someone with. While the potential of killing someone with his skills are very possible, Jayce is not one for killing. He has them known so that if it needs to be used as a last resort, or otherwise use it to end someone instead of saving them. Just as a Lightsaber can be toned down to only cause minor injuries, yet can still be at full power to end the life of someone.

Jayce is the bannerman of the group. The one man standing in the center of the battle and holding the line for everyone else. With his ability to inspire others, and aid them in more defensive abilities, Jayce is one of the few who can be offensive just as much as he can be defensive. Thus Jayce is a man who you have to have on your side.

|| POWERS ||
Telekinesis - Knightly - A general term for the altering of objects through the force via pulling, or pushing. These can range from a Repulse to throw large amounts of enemies off of himself, Barriers to defend himself, or simply to push an opponent away from him. While this is a great group of abilities to learn from, it is from these sub categories that Jayce finds he is more suitable with. Various abilities that can be labeled under this genre of the force can be anything from, Push, Pull, Rend, Burst, Whirlwind, Wave, Repulse, Inertia, Jump, Speed, Shockwave, and even Injure.
Force Barrier/Protection Bubble - Knightly - Two abilities within the force that closely resemble one another. Force Barrier is mostly invisible and can be used as a barrier against attacks, or a barrier on enemies to prevent their actions from attacking others. Thus as Jayce is more suited to defending others with his very tanky build and fighting style, Barrier is an ability he can't do without. Protection bubble is along the same lines. However, it can damage enemies should they touch it, or reflect abilities back at the user.
Force Deflection - Apprentice - Deflection is a purely defensive ability. Using the force to defend against other force attacks, blasters, lightsabers, and much more. Its generally used as a last resort with those who are without weapons, or without a lightsaber to reflect those same threats away from oneself.
Cleanse Mind - Apprentice - Due to Jayce's past, and his father's outburst of rage, Jayce never wants that to happen to him. Thus, he has learned how to use this ability upon himself and others. Keeping negative emotions, thoughts, or to remove mental abilities that could be plaguing his, or someone else's mind.
Inspire - Apprentice - Jayce is the man who will stand back to back with you. He is the man who will stand at the front lines of any fight, he is the one individual who would stand against a tidal wave and attempt to hold it back on his own. His bravery is not to be tested, but to be seen. As such, It seems that Jayce has the natural ability to inspire others to fight along side him even with the odds stacked against them. There are some who believe it is a very small form of Force Valor, but as Jayce is not trained in such ability, he doesn't know quite how to use it.
Force Channel - Apprentice - A force power mostly used by those more attuned to the force, Jayce has found an affinity for this power. Allowing him to control the force much more easily when in this state of mind. Because Jayce does not use the iconic lightsaber, his energy can be channeled elsewhere for his other abilities, or onto others to aid them in battle.
Force Call - Inept - While Jayce has very little experience using this ability, he has only done it once in his time as a Jedi. Thus he knows how to use such of a skill, but can't really call upon it when he needs it most at the moment.
Force Reflex - Inept - A very useful ability to have, it is one completely based around increasing ones reaction time, or to make Jayce more aware of the situation ahead of him. Everything will seem to slow down for a second or two while thoughts can be gathered, and then be implemented. However, it only shows up randomly. No real using of the ability on his part. Just naturally using it.
The Last Son

Helios - A longsword that once belonged to Jayce's grandfather, and has now been passed down to him. Surprisingly it fits and works very well with Jayce, even though it is not attuned to him. While it is passed down from the family line, it is unsure how he can use this weapon to such high proficiency over others.

Sigma-5 Ruusan-class Jedi Interceptor - Swiftsword - A interceptor gifted to Jayce in the use of getting from one place to another on his own, or even space combat should it become necessary.
The Last Son

The Path of a Jedi - Act One
Sins Are Not Easily Forgotten - Private/Solo - Jayce experiences the death of his family at the hands of his father, and takes up the council of his Grandfathers ghost to find his path, and to take up the weapons that he had once used a long time ago.
Forging of Bonds & Faith - Faction/Training - Meets up with other Jedi, and learns more about his own weapons in the process.
Not All Bedtime Stories are Fantasy - Private/Training - Meets up with one of the other Jedi around the compound, and decides to do a little more than reading on his day off.
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Faction/Training - A Darksider decides to aid the Jedi Order in defending against Darksiders and their impure ways. Jayce joins in this session to learn more about the dark side, and what may have caused his father to become enraged, as well as learn to defend himself.

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