Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jayda Visz

NAME: Jayda Visz​
SPECIES: Mirialan
AGE: 20​
SEX: Female​
HEIGHT: 5’5"​
WEIGHT: 105​
EYES: Burnt orange​
HAIR: Black​
SKIN: Golden green​
FORCE SENSITIVE: Undetermined​


Like other Mirialans, Jayda is naturally agile and flexible. This acrobatic prowess speaks to her experience as a dancer in her slave years but is mainly applied to her combat. Utilizing this genetic advantage, in combination with her small frame, she has created an effective method of holding her own in violent situations - a place she often finds herself. Her combat style is unpredictable and chaotic. It allows her to be extremely evasive and requires her to be extremely precise. She utilizes her limited trained skill, her natural ability, and the element of surprise to her advantage. Most would not expect such ferocity from such a small feminine frame. Little do they know, her body is her favorite weapon. Concealed melee, small simple blasters, and throwing knives are her other weapons of choice as they compliment her acrobatic style best.

Slavery makes up many of Jayda's memories, dating back her abduction as a young Mirialan. Death, torture, thieving, and drug use are just a few of the things she has grown to not only accept but embrace as her life. Her exposure to the underbelly of society has created what she is. She considers this a strength - an ability that allows her freedom to get what she wants without the limitation of moral debate.

"Con Artist"
Jayda has always been good at getting what she wants. Her experience has taught her to be entirely cognizant at every moment - to be aware of exactly what wants to be heard as her survival often depended on it. Lying and lying well enough was the difference between life and death. It never mattered if it felt wrong or right, only if it was convincing enough today so she could hope to see the light of tomorrow. Her persistence makes it impossible to ignore her when she has mind set on something. In Jayda's world a want is a need and she'll stop at nothing to meet her needs.

Her undeniable beauty, elegant grace, and manipulative mastery make for a juicy cocktail built to quench anyone's thirst. For years her requirement was to master the art of pleasure. She was to be the embodiment of sensuality. She was to learn to mold and fit whatever fantasy her captors required. She was an object with a certain set of skills used to appease some of Gorvo the Hutt's most valued clients and confederates. This was the choice she made over death. Now, her body is just another valuable tool in her repertoire of manipulations.

When most would have given up, Jayda adapted and survived. Her powerful will to live has gotten her through hell and back and continues to drive her even now. Her lack of empathy has allowed her to be unaffected by what most would consider disturbing and continue on with new determination. She has always put the importance of her own life over all else. Death was never an option or escape. Any life is better than death.

"Spice Girl"
A life of sexual exploitation, drug addiction, and slave labor has left Jayda with a nasty case of f*cked up. She was hooked on the popular black market drug, Spice, at a tender young age when she was first captured and introduced to the world of slavery. Her insatiable need for the addictive powder has allowed people to take advantage of her in the past and enslaves her even now.
"Size Matters"
Although she's plenty strong and agile for her size, Jayda is not exceptionally resilient when it comes to taking damage. Her petite frame allows for limited endurance. For example, if she were hit with heavy blunt force or slammed against a hard surface she would take more damage than someone with more mass. She is quick to evade, but if she is hit, she doesn't tend to take it well.
"Technologically Challenged"
Jayda's expertise lies in hacking minds rather than computers. Her knowledge of technology - weaponry, ships, computer programing - is quite limited as she has been seldom exposed. After starting in a primitive culture then being forced into slavery, there was little room for learning the ins and outs of the tech world. She taught herself all that she knows which is limited to the basics: she knows how to shoot a blaster and could probably figure out how to turn on a computer. But anything beyond common sense is not a part of her skill set. She prefers getting her jobs done the old fashion way, or getting someone else to do it for her. In fact, complex technology frustrates her to no end and she has a difficult time understanding it's necessity.



Like others of her kind, Jayda appears entirely humanoid apart from her skin color (golden green) and eye color (burnt orange). However, what really gives away her Mirialan roots are the signature geometric black tattoos decorating her face. On her home world, it was Mirialan tradition to place a unique, often geometrically repeated tattoo on their face and hands to signify that they had completed a certain test or task, or achieved sufficient aptitude for a certain skill. The number of tattoos would thus often act as a good indicator of how mature and/or skilled a Mirialan was. The tattoos on Jayda's face where placed just before she had become a slave, signifying her many accomplishments as a youngling. Her obsession with the geometric designs and her wounded attachment to her old life inspired her to continue the tradition. The one on her her left arm symbolizes the first time she took a life. The continuous pattern on her back was placed after she escaped. To her, it is a reminder of what it was like to be connected to the eternal divinity of the Force.


Jayda's Tattoos​
Jayda has a very petite build with small bones and slender muscles. Her waist line and ribcage are small allowing for a very feminine curve. Her bust and butt are voluptuous enough to attract attention but her long legs and beautiful face are the real 'head turners'. Her facial features are quite exotic: thick lips bowed to a round nose with a flat bridge; almond shaped eyes framed with a razor cheek bone and jaw line. Her thick, black hair is quite long and hangs in loose waves just past her lower back when left down. A sharp undercut buzzed into both sides dramatizes her already exotic appearance. Her attire varies depending on her constantly fluctuating situation. Most often, she wares a tight-fit, hooded single piece suit - it allows her to be flexible and aerodynamic, while providing plenty of hiding places for concealed weaponry.

Jayda began her life on the planet Mirial - a frigid and dry planet in the outer rim. The Mirialan culture was based in religion and practiced a primitive understanding of the force. Jayda's community was no different. From the elders, she was trained in a traditional form of martial artistry and schooled in the Mirialan doctrine of the force. The martial training was not to train for violence, but rather to promote peace and health. It was an ancient form, originally brought to the community by a rogue Jedi, that focused on defense training, health promotion, and bringing oneself closer to the force. Even as a child, she was bold and rebellious compared to the other students. She constantly questioned the religion her people held so dear and always felt as though there was more to the story than what her race had believed for so many years. Although discouraged, her views were tolerated as she possessed a rare and coveted sensitivity to the force. Despite her rebelliousness, she never failed an assigned task and usually ranked at the top of her class. Each tattoo placed on her face marked an important passage in her training.​
At the tender age of thirteen, her community on Mirial was invaded by slavers. With no factional protection or method of sophisticated method defending themselves, the invasion swept through effortlessly. The men were slaughtered and the women and children were captured to be sold on the slave market. As a beautiful and exotic race, the Mirialan females would sell for a pretty penny on the black market. Unmoved by her captor's intimidation tactics, she attempted escape. During her escape, she revealed her sensitivity to the force by attempting to persuade one of the pirates with a mind altercation. Unfortunately, she failed and, as a result, was brandished with a force-suppressing collar. The device injected its host with a chemical that completely severed their connection to force if exposed to it for too long. It wasn't long before Jayda lost her connection with the force entirely. This marked the beginning of the end for the young Mirialan girl.​
She and the other captives were taken to Tatooine and auctioned off to the highest bidder. Jayda and one other young Mirialan girl - Orelea - were sold to a member of the Hutt family named Gorvo. They were to be the Hutt's personal entertainment and escort for his most esteemed confederates. They were forced to perform, oblige, and indulge Gorvo and his guests whenever was required. Jayda's rebellious heart fought back, despite the bleakness of her situation. However, she soon learned how powerful a weapon addiction can be. In order to subjugate the resilient girls, the highly-addictive pleasure drug - Spice - was introduced into their lives. Orelea was bit younger and much more fragile than Jayda so it didn't take long for the weight of it all to break her. She decided to take her own life, leaving Jayda alone to survive in the hell she had been forced into. From that moment forward, Jayda made it her goal to destroy the monster who destroyed her life. She trained in secret, coveting her martial training with the visage of elaborate dance, she adapted her own unique acrobatic combat style.​
After the the One Sith's invasion of Coruscant, Jayda accompanied Gorvo to the city of a planet to win over the heart (or rather, the pocket book) of one of the Hutt's new friends - a human man by the name of Verun Vigil. Verun's company, GenevTech, and Gorvo the Hutt had agreed upon a deal - Verun would enter a contract that would allow the Hutts to have privatized access to his company's weaponry in exchange for a hacked credit chip with a virtually unlimited cash flow. As a safety feature, the credit chip was virtually untraceable, as long as the transactions were kept below a certain amount each time it was used.​
Verun had brought with him a gift, a show of good faith for his new black market business partner - a deadly compact incinerator designed to vaporize a room of life forms. As the executive of one of the galaxy's most successful weapons manufacturing companies, Verun was an important ally for the Hutts. Therefore, Gorvo offered Jayda as his gift - his most prized and exotic slave. Taken by her beauty, Verun accepted the exchange with pleasure. For the last time, Jayda acted as the charming escort and seduced the human into letting his guard down. In his slumber, the clever Mirialan stole the weapon and used it to assassinate Gorvo the Hutt, effectively framing Verun as the killer, before escaping into the bowels of Coruscant with the Hutt's unlimited credit chip. Verun would be blamed for the murder and Jayda would have slipped away unnoticed, presumably dead as there would be no trace of the bodies. This would allow her enough time to remove her slave chip before it could activate and kill her.​
With a virtually unlimited credit chip and new found freedom, Jayda would begin the next chapter of her life in the underbelly of Coruscant. Searching for a new purpose (and her next Spice high), she would be forced to learn how to make her own way in the galaxy.​



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