Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jayne Doe; True Identity Forgotten


Name: Unknown; Currently referred to as 'Jayne Doe'
(formerly known as 'Qavai Novrii')

Faction: Unknown
(formerly associated with The Sith Empire)
Title: Unknown
(formerly known as 'Darth Koss')
Rank: Unknown
(formerly Sith Knight)
Homeworld: Unknown
Age: Unknown; Presumably early twenties

Gender: Female
Species: Zabrak

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 140 Lbs.

Build: Athletic

Hair: Red

Eyes: Violet

Force Sensitive: Yes

Lightsaber Proficiency- Qavai grew to be very prominent with Juyo and Shien/Djem So.
Pain Tolerance- Being a Zabrak, Qavai has a very high tolerance for pain.
Confident- Qavai was never insecure or unsure of her abilities. If she failed at a task, she would merely push herself harder until she accomplished it.
Love For Combat- Qavai's need for battle was a double-edged sword. Though she was quite capable of and often very good at fighting, there were also times where she would find herself far outmatched. Not only that, but she could become quite grouchy and agitated if she spent too long without combat.

Impulsive- Qavari was a talented Knight. But she was also quite brash, which often led her into more difficulty when dealing with problems. Some might suggest that she relied too heavily on her emotions and not enough on logic when making decisions, and usually resulted in more than one scenario where she narrowly made it out alive.
Workaholic- Qavai didn't know how to relax. She didn't know how to stop training or taking on missions. She spent only 3 hours of the night sleeping. The rest were spent meditating, sparring, exercising and Force-training. Overexertion happened at least twice a month, causing her to be forcibly taken to a med-bay to ensure that she didn't kill herself.
Hunger For Perfection- Tying in with her inability to cease working, Qavai was also constantly striving for perfection. She worked solely to ensure that there wasn't a single flaw in her execution or in her resolve. Since perfection is effectively impossible, this meant that her need would never be fully sated. Which, in turn, could be used against her.
'Jayne' is orange in complexion, with black tattoos across the entirety of her face. She has long crimson red hair that reaches just past her shoulder blades, curly and slightly wild. Her eyes are a rich violet hue, with what appears to be vivid red circles on the outermost part of the iris. She stands at a relatively average height. Her outfit is a sleeveless tunic with trousers and boots that rise to her knees, as well as arm-guards that rise to the elbow and finger-less gloves, the colors being a mixture of blacks and dark grays.

'Jayne' seems to be fairly inquisitive and open-minded. She wants to learn about things, especially in regards to who she was. More often than not, she will become confused multiple times a day, as certain things might seem familiar to her with no reason or explanations as to why or how. She is fairly talkative, but not overly so. She prefers to observe and then inquire a bit later. Overall, she is somewhat friendly, and approaches new things with bold curiosity.
Qavai had little time for idle conversation. What little sense of humor she did possess was often far overshadowed by her persistently serious attitude. She could only form bonds with people who either fought alongside her in battle or shared her rigorous lust for perfection. Trust was non-existent. Lust for physical intimacy was rare, but it did happen on occasion. But only when she believed it would give her more focus.


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