Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jean Barreau

Jean Barreau

Name: Jean Barreau
Faction: N/A
Rank: Pirate
Species: Human
Homeworld: In some starship.
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 195
Eyes: Deep Blue
Hair: Orange
Skin: Caucasian
Force-Sensitive: No


Appearance: Jean has long orange hair which is braided from his nape down, but unkempt in the front. He has an eye patch covering his left eye, and deep blue eyes. He has a slim, tall physique. He wears a trench coat and hat, both holding many personal trophies of his.

Voice Sample: Pip Bernadotte

Equipment: Two heavily modified blasters, A trench coat and clothes with medium armour beneath it, a blaster rifle, a knife, and just about anything he can get his hands onto.


Personality: Relaxed, light-hearted, fearless, charismatic, stealthy, very agile, good pickpocketing skills.

Strengths: Well-liked by his friends, skilled brawler, smart , cunning, ruthless, fearless, versatile.

Weaknesses: Can be very offended if someone mentions him being a bastard or talking about his past, Rebellious nature, Chain-smoker, Uneducated.


Biography: Jean was born to two very unloving refugees on a refugee ship and as soon as they landed, he was immediately abandoned by them. He was raised in the refugee slums of Nar Shadaa by an old man whose name he has long forgotten, until the old man was murdered by some Black Sun thugs because he was unable to pay them protection money. After that incident Jean raised himself and played with the other children of Nar Shadaa. During his time in the slums Jean became a natural pickpocket, able to steal from others and rarely being caught by them. One time however a Black Sun mobster caught him stealing his wallet and beat the child, damaging Jean's left eye beyond repair. Later in his life Jean became addicted to deathsticks and in order to pay for these he became a Slythmonger peddling the stuff to others in the local Von Schlichten cantina.

One day he walked up to this hooded figure and offered to sell him some, but then the weirdest thing happened. The man waved his hand in front of Jean and told him he didn't want any and that Jean should go home and rethink his life, Jean did just that. He went to his house and took it all in, the smell of poverty and the sights no rich person ever saw. He quit his job as a slythmonger, but no one ever leaves the Black Suns, so he transferred to becoming a thug who collects money from others. Jean eventually started climbing the ranks in the Black Suns, eventually he was the overseer of the local refugee camp. This was the life, Jean had everything he wanted, money, women, beer, his own ship, but he still felt something missing. Freedom. So that month in the night he and some of his closer friends stole everything, the money, the ship, and even an old R2 unit, and then made their escape. Jean was on his own now, free at last to do whatever he wanted. That is, until the past catches him.

Ship: A Pirate freighter.

Kills: N/A

Bounties: N/A


Roleplays: N/A

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