NAME: Jebaaj Skleros
RANK: Mandogaul of clan Skleros
SPECIES: human/zabrak hybrid
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.82 meters
WEIGHT: 65.7 kg
EYES: Crimson
HAIR: Pale white
SKIN: Pale white
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Mandalorian: Combat trained since birth, Jebaaj is a living example of a true Mandalorian.
Path of the Void Mind: Within the Skleros clan there are many philosophical disciplines to understand and practice. The Path of the Void Mind circles around completely quieting the mind and focusing what's at hand. Not only does this increase focus and accuracy but makes it far harder for telepaths and force users to predict Jebaaj's next move or read his mind. It is still possible, just not particularly east.
Voidborn: Thin bones and lesser muscle growth are the tell tale sign of not enough sufficient gravity during key developmental phases in Jebaaj's childhood. Many of his generation suffer this condition from frequent power outages that would stop the spinning of the drum he called home for months. This, combined with frequent space walks, has made him taller but far less physically able than the average person. Instead he must rely on cybernetic implants to make up for his muscles weaker abilities on the battlefield and suffers from broken bones easier than the average person.
Albino: Jebaaj was born with a rare medical condition that has made him prone to getting sick easier. To combat this he and many of the others who are stricken with the same genetic deficiency in his clan keep their helmets on almost constantly both out of honor for the Resol'nare and to help filter the air they breath. The condition has also paled his skin and hair, and his eyes are a deep crimson giving him a somewhat alien appearance.
Jebaaj Skleros is a tall, thin, muscled individual constantly wearing the ancestral armor of his ancestors. The armor has clear skeletal design, based off of the starweirds that Jebaaj's great grandfather slayed to establish the colony and now homeland of his people. The armor marks him as Mandogaul of the Skleros clan, and he carries the responsibility of leadership with pride and efficiency.
SHIP: Pursuer Class Patrol Ship
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