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Within the ranks of the Jedi Order, there have always been those who felt called to specific service: to dedicate their lives to a given sphere of Jedi practice that is, perhaps, more specialized than the general duties of all Jedi. These individuals moved to form groups within the ranks, where they could work alongside others dedicated to the same goals, in order that they might share knowledge, resources, expertise and experience.
These are the 'Circles', each one representing a specific branch of the Jedi Order, each housing a number of different types of specialist, dedicated to the perfection of their craft and unrelenting pursuit of their duties.

Circle of First Knowledge
Enamored by the proliferation of knowledge and the high standard of Jedi Philosophy and Practice, this circle focuses on the pursuit and safe-keeping of Knowledge. Members of this group may very well achieve much more with words or nonviolent uses of the Force. Concentrating on mental refinement through study and meditation, members sought to perfect the art of diplomacy, mediation, civil discourse, reasoning, and parley, rather than drawing their lightsabers first.
From collecting and updating the archives, instructing others in philosophy, receiving and analyzing visions of the past and present, seeking out the darkest of artifacts long lost, they are keepers of the wisdom of the Jedi, but more than caretakers. It is reasonable to say that without the Circle of First Knowledge, the Jedi Order would walk blind.

Circle of Guardians
One of the most common groups that a member of the Jedi Order could be a part of, these Jedi stand as the first line of Defense for not only the people of the Galaxy but the Jedi Order itself. As a member of the Circle of Guardians, a Jedi must come to understand the inevitability of violence and the constant pursuit to avoid encouraging it, yet too the need to prepare one’s self for the benefit of the many outside of one’s own personal struggles.
Concentrating on martial training, or possibly other non-Force related skills, the Guardians are more accustomed to the field than any of the other Circles. From adopting different weapons, instructing others in the use of the lightsaber, piloting a variety of different Starfighters, or discovering the truth behind a crime, these Jedi are staunched in their role as custodians of the Galaxy. They stand protectorate in the face of adversity.

Circle of Healers
Often are the Jedi placed before the prophets of darkness and violence to stand as the representatives of deterrence and guardianship ahead of the Innocent. In these times where conflict cannot be avoided, one will often find themselves in need of medical care; such is the pursuit of the Circle of Healers, not only for Jedi but for all the Galaxy from simple wounds to the research and curation of pandemics and miscellaneous diseases plaguing civilizations. Life and Death is their focus, their friend and their benefactor for which is considered to be one of the most emotionally demanding of the Circles.
As a youngling, you may have found yourself intimidated by the likes of the Saber Arts, fearing for yourself and your friends as you were encouraged to engage each other in practices. Growing up, perhaps you were more the cautious type, less reckless and more for want of mindfulness where risks were at play. The Circle of Healers is the pedestal of pacifism within the Jedi Order, seeking to counter the effects of harm with the healing hands of the Jedi Order guided by the healing light of the Force around us all.

Circle of Artisans
Non-Complacent as they are, The Jedi Order does not rely upon the confidence that society has found within the keeping of Droids to uphold maintenance and stability of technological requirements within the Order but instead gone the distance to educate its own into such outside professions such as Vehicular Engineering, Technological Sciences and such other far reaching abilities within the Force.
As Artisans of the Jedi Order, you seek to understand creativity as aa central aspect of the will of the Force. Among many things, this Circle breeds leading experts in all things technological, the Circle here literally holds the lives of hundreds of Jedi within its hands. From the care of Jedi Starfighters, and operating systems within the Academy, there are many challenges that one might find before stepping outside of the Order's reach and into the open Galaxy for which Society could no longer fare without the expertise of such a path.