Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Jedi Across Orders

Apparently the Jedi message was getting around the galaxy. More and more Enclaves and smaller groups were being founded out from the Rim to the Core. He wasn’t so certain it was always a good thing, but if people could behave like Jedi, understand the core tenants and not make war amongst themselves? Maybe it was fine. But sometimes, the more Jedi that were stating they were the true Jedi, or the Original Order, or whatever, that didn’t work. Coren’s own Order? Omai Rhen founded that on tenants of Skywalker’s Order in the fabled Yuuzhan Vong War. But now he was the leader of a Covenant of Jedi. People who found the larger Orders too difficult, too dangerous, and were seeking to help the Outer Rim.

He was working on rebuilding Sullust, and doing what he could to help promote the Jedi in the Rim. The Judges were doing the work that he wished his people were doing, but he knew how dedicated to the task the Judges were. The Temple at Sullust was regrowing, he was taking some younglings in and helping them out. Fulfilling the task of the Praxeum, but knowing he had his own way of going about things.

To be ready for conflict, and to help defend the galaxy. He was on the Rim, but had an eye coreward. But today was different, he was expecting visitors from another group of Jedi. The Master and General of the Home Guard stepped to the surface, exposed to the heat, as a ship landed. He stood in his mostly civilian clothes, emblems of the New Jedi Order, the Galactic Alliance, and Sullust Home Guard on the shoulder guard he was taking to wearing, to show where he was from, and that he was, still, a soldier.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga
A Light Shining in Darkness
There was an odd loneliness on his journey, being by himself. The Jedi Master was well known for hitching a ride with smugglers and the ilk to whatever destination he was bound for, often in the hopes of imparting them with a touch of his philosophy, to gift them with knowledge of the Force - to allow them a better chance at a future. Today however, he had abandoned that - at least for a while, to travel to Sullust under more professional terms. He’d borrowed a GS-77 Transport from the Imperium, hoping it would make him seem less…​
He almost laughed at the thought as he readjusted his robes, and the door to the molten planet opened. It was common for it to have a harsh environment that few could breath - but luckily, Wyatt was well versed in the art of not breathing, so he simply didn’t, and hoped it wouldn’t offend the Jedi he’d come to meet. As he came within sight however, he offered a warm smile -​
He’d heard of the man, Coren Starchaser.​
There were stories of him across the galaxy for his fortitude as a Jedi Master, his dedication to it - and that sat well with Wyatt. It made him comfortable to be in the presence of someone of such renown, and with every step could feel The Force draw them together, an almost obvious meaning they were destined for this.​
Morga spoke warmly as he reached out a hand, “Jedi Master Coren Starchaser. It's… A Pleasure, truly.”​
I apologize for the untimely visit, but I felt it was important. Could we go inside?”, Wyatt said with a motion to the building behind him.​

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