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Private Jedi Council — War on two Fronts



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Thank you all for gathering."

She looked across the room with a content smile. The new members of the Council had finally settled in and were about to join their first, serious meeting. They could each offer a valuable perspective that could help shape the course of the war, which almost made Valery excited to start. The Jedi Council hadn't felt this solid in a while, but now it mattered more than it had in a very long time. The brief clash with the Mandalorian Enclave had required a few meetings, but that conflict had ended as quickly as it had started.

These wars were destined to last far longer.

"I finished a war meeting with several representatives of the Defense Force, so I have a few things to share," Valery continued, "The Alliance has been on the defensive for a long time, even before the Empire invaded the Core. Now, it's ready to strike back and it is planning to do so on two fronts. First and foremost, the Alliance wants to follow up on the battles over Sullust, Naalol, and Eiattu 6 with a strike deeper into Sith Order territory. The target will be Sluis Van, so we deny them those important shipyards near the border and cut off the supply lines to Sullust, which also has major shipyards."

Valery displayed a map in the center of the room, showing the launch vectors. The fleets would gather on Eiattu 6 and pierce through the defensive lines to reach Sluis Van.

"They've made this our priority because the Empire has massively slowed down its expansion since our defense of Coruscant, and seems to struggle to recover after their earlier rapid advance. But a second plan is set in motion to also invade Tython and Empress Teta, to retake the portal they used to enter the Core and trap their remaining forces behind our lines."

Valery looked between her fellow Council Members and dipped her head, "I wished to discuss potential targets, objectives, and any other priorities we want to establish."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Efret Farr Efret Farr Amani Serys Amani Serys Elias Edo Elias Edo

“We need to consider what we're going up against with the Sith. Beyond their dark side users, I mean." Jonyna pointed out. "I'm not as familar with their ground forces, but I saw what their ship the Mors Mons did to Tion. The whole Galaxy did. We need to bait that ship into a disadvantageous position."

To Jonyna, fighting Star Destroyers and larger ship was a matter of history. She'd done it before, and she'd do it again. "Regardless of where we attack, that ship is a serious threat to any operation. Beyond that..."

She paused, "The Service Corp can only do so much against a populous who has been under the oppression of the sith for so long. We need to consider the possibility of civilian attacks against us. Rules of Engagement, that sort of thing." Jonyna had fought against a hostile populous before. It was always nasty... "What do we know about the sith's troops? I saw mass assaults on Eiattu led by sith lords. I can't imagine lords of the sith are as competent generals as they claim to be."



"The Sith will use the civilians. They'll use them as a shield, or a sword, without any hesitation. Regardless of where we go or how we try to plan for their involvement, there will be innocent blood on the Alliances hands. It's the Sith's strongest weapon against us. They can twist the story to whatever they want in the eyes of the Galaxy, to say that the Jedi were the ones killing innocents."

He'd seen it himself, constantly, in the war against the Sith Order's predecessor. His expression tightened further, though.

"They are, and more, Master Si. These aren't the New Sith Order of the Maw who focused on their order while the Empire or Scar Hounds or whatever they aligned with commanded the fleets. Some of these Sith are trained to command armies. There are some who use things like undead legions and overwhelm strategies, but it would be unwise to think they're not generals."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
"Our victory at Exegol was not complete."

Master San Tekka's synthesized voice emanated from behind a faceless ceremonial mask. He studied the holodisplay in silence while calculating probable strategic outcomes. Memories of the old crusades still haunted the old man, but they could also be powerful lessons. These were both familiar battlefields. A new star war loomed over the Council.

"We should have hunted them to the outer dark," Zark lamented, "Consecrated every warlord's stronghold. But the galaxy was tired of holy wars and so eager for peace."

Something about the helm made his emotions and thoughts difficult to read. He listened to the Force for guidance while his colleagues debated the extent of the threat posed by frontier conquerors.

"The Maw commanded its armies through terror and slavery, but there are Sith Lords who have mastered the subtler art of indoctrination. They can twist the minds of entire worlds to sacrifice everything for the purity of their infernal cause. Do not underestimate their cunning, Master Si. Even now they lure us into a war on many fronts with seemingly random acts of depravity. There is a larger design here the full extent of which is clouded to us by foul sorcery."

This Council could not lose sight of the bigger picture. It was only a matter of time before the Dark Lords gathered enough power to openly challenge their Order once more.
in the footsteps of a stranger

To prepare for today's meeting, a series of screens and cameras were set up throughout the council room to make lipreading a much easier task for Efret. When it came time to speak, the interpretation unit clipped to her tunic would process her signs into speech.

"The Sith will also use artifacts," Efret posed, channeling the conversation just a bit into her area of expertise. She may have worked on and gained a little combat prowess since the Holy City was attacked, but she still was far from a general. "At least some do, to draw portions of their power or to augment what they already wield.

"My team and I set up Field Camp Nu in the capital of Eiattu. From there, we've coordinated the recovery of half a dozen Sith artifacts from battlefields on Eiattu and Naalol. Half have been successfully nullified. We're working towards that for the rest, but, in the meantime, they're being properly contained.

"If we were to recover artifacts from prospective battlefields proactively instead of only reactively, I believe we could weaken the Dark side's effect in favor of our forces—perhaps not by much, but any advantage is crucial, yes?"

Tides of Change


Tags: Efret Farr Efret Farr | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka


Elias remained tight-lipped as the rest of the Council deliberated, eager to add his own perspective but wary of how passionate he was regarding the current state of the Outer Rim. Sullust and Sluis Van both fell to the Sith after their unexpected assault on the Rimward Trade League's western border. He was there on Dagobah when Sith ships bombarded the Jedi Coalition temple, leveling it with reckless abandon. He had friends on Susevfi when Yumfla was razed to the ground and the League's government was beheaded. He served the enclave on Svivren with Caedyn Arenais and Alana Sunrider - now, it is glass.

"The Sith Order is not to be underestimated," Elias said, echoing Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble on the matter. "I was present for their largest incursion into League space. I saw what they are capable of. The Sith Order is so much more than what you think they are." This time, he was speaking to the Council as a whole. For a moment, he locked eyes with Efret Farr Efret Farr - she knew quite well the horrors Elias and the Jedi Coalition endured in their brief but valiant defense against the enemy. "They are more than Sith. They are generals, politicians, priests, educators, and innovators. They are a full society. They are a nation of evil. They are an empire." As much as he hated war, Elias could be swayed into supporting a decisive strike against the Sith. There was a personal vindictiveness in that decision, but it wouldn't be entirely selfish. Last he heard, Sullust's infrastructure was crushed by the Sith when they occupied the sulfurous planet after the RTL withdrew. Similar reports came from Sluis Van as well. If the Sith had somehow restored the shipyards to operational status this fast, that would be deeply concerning.

A strike was almost necessary, in that case. As for objectives, a few came to mind. "If the Alliance is to claim these worlds and field them with defensive forces, I suggest we establish a foothold for the Jedi Order in the old temple on Sullust. The Outer Rim Jedi once pacified a Sith ritual in the tunnels below - that's where I found KT-77, my protocol droid." It's also where he met Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl for the first time. "We could use it as a forward operating base for any future missions behind their borders, and I could share its location with my contacts in the Coalition. There are a few surviving Jedi floating about League space who know much more than we do about the intricacies of the Outer Rim. Their input on Sith movements and strongholds would be invaluable."

Then, his thoughts shifted to Sluis Van. Elias was leading the Jedi Coalition's Shadows on an investigation into a Sith coup in the planetary government when he was called to defend Dagobah. "The sitting Sluissi leader, Khedive Redarr Syko, was concerned that his position was being threatened from the inside. He had reason to suspect Sith involvement, but before we could act, the Sith launched their invasion of League space... from what I understand now, the Khedive did not survive behind the Sith's iron curtain after the League fell." Elias knew that it was not the purview of the NJO to directly intervene in the political turmoil of any world, let alone one that technically sat beyond even the jurisdiction of the Alliance, but if Khedive Syko was assassinated and replaced with a Sith puppet...

"I would suggest that once Sluis Van is secure, we investigate the circumstances of the current leadership's ascension to Khedive. All may be right as rain, but there's good evidence to suggest we may be dealing with Sith loyalists in the executive office." Elias sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. His breathing had become rather sharp with all the excitement and information being shared, so he paused for a moment to gather his thoughts and rest his lungs. When he was ready, he simply added, "I have a great wealth of knowledge of these worlds, the ones that were once part of the League. I can help coordinate missions and establish supply depots for Jedi agents in the region. I can connect our people to the League's Jedi forces as well. Their numbers are few, but every blade we have on our side is one less the Sith have on theirs."




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

After her opening, discussion began immediately among Councilors. Jonyna raised a good point about the Sith fleet but her views on their Sith Lords sparked the more experienced Kahlil and Zark to warn Jonyna about underestimating them. Efret Farr Efret Farr covered her work handling Sith artifacts and the potential impact of them within the war, and Elias Edo Elias Edo was already thinking ahead and offered his experience with that stretch of space.

All of it was good input, but now it needed to come together.

"Let's start with the Sith Order," Valery said to give the meeting direction, "Master Si raises a good point about their flagship and its surrounding fleet, but I believe we may already have this covered. The Sith fleet is stationed at Sullust, so a quick strike to take over Sluis Van will cut it off from their supply lines. Their ship is big and powerful, but it's also a huge target and it can't run for long without constant supplies."

Turning to Efret, Valery offered a smile, "Sith acquire these artifacts for a reason — it gives them power. It'll be important for us to continue your efforts, especially if liberate more of their worlds. We'll likely be encountering far more creations of the Dark Side that we must neutralize."

After that, Valery looked at Elias and dipped her head, "I suggest that you coordinate with Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , especially in the aftermath of these battles. Master Noble correctly pointed out that the civilian populace might also become a threat, and your knowledge of these planets and those people might help the Service Corps."

Finally, she turned her attention to the group as a whole.

"Do we foresee any other problems? The path to Sluis Van also means we must target Denab, Dorvalla, and Echnos. That's where our fleets won't be as occupied, but our soldiers and Jedi on the ground will be."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Efret Farr Efret Farr Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Elias Edo Elias Edo

Ignorance is cured by learning. Jonyna let out a sigh, she wouldn't let herself be overcome with a simple thing as pride. "If the sith are true generals, then we need to prepare for sith lords and other dark side users integrated into their armed forces. I know the NJO does not officially act as part of the GADF, but perhaps it would be wise to begin doing the same. I certainly wouldn't advocate for us to become the Republic of my childhood, using jedi as generals, but some level of integrating would probably be wise. The GADF, as much as it's modernized, isn't designed to deal with someone like Carnifex or Empyrean."

She paused, frowning at Valery's assessment. "I wouldn't underplay the Sith's Dreadnaught like that Val. Yes, it's a single ship, but it's a single ship that has decimated both the Empire of the Lost and Rimward Trade League's fleets in both encounters. I've looked into reports on those battles, and, as much as I hate to admit it, I believe our best bet against such a ship would be collaboration with some form of Mandalorian. The Mors Mons is practically a self sufficient city, but it relies on it's connection to the Dark Side for bring forward it's biggest guns. I've got contacts with what's left of the Protectors, as well as a few mercenary companies who worked with us on Coruscant. Our other option of course is something like how we defeated the Maw on Tython, but I understand that requires higher levels of preparation" She pondered for a moment, letting out a frustrated growl. "Either way, we can't underplay that ship. It's destruction would be a heavy blow to sith morale, but so would it would be to ours if we lost even one Dreadnaught to it in exchange."

She paused, looking to Elias Edo Elias Edo "I can coordinate with you. We might want to consider some level of higher rank protection for the service corps going forward." She looked over to Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka "I understand the Temple Guard are duty bound to protect our internal grounds, but I may request their collaboration with the Service Corps should we need protection in hostile populations. We can't underestimate how much the Civilians will resist us should we start taking Sith held worlds, and I'd rather a jedi protect my Corps than a GADF soldier. Better optics that way. Not a blaster raised, but a sword ready to defend."

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"I can get you a list of all known artifacts within the Sith Order's possession, Master Farr." As Kahlil spoke, he was visibly signing. As much as he didn't like his family or his upbringing, this was one of the more useful skills he'd been taught. Most of the skills he'd been taught were useful. Just, not taught in the best of ways. "As well as a list of those they'd likely have tried to come into possession of. I've my own list of such that I wanted when I was younger. It'll be good to check out whether they've been claimed so to avoid as many surprises as possible."

He paused.

"We will cut their supply line for a time, but they've full worldcrafts. The Malsheem exists in their Holy Worlds, churning out the Kainite Fleet by the day. As much as we've a war with two groups, it's more a war on four fronts given how both the Dark Empire and the Sith Order have split themselves. While we head for Jutrund, the Kainite fleet could very well go for the Core themselves."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Efret Farr Efret Farr | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Elias Edo Elias Edo
Master Zark's cowl shifted when the recently elevated cathar reminded him of a past life. Gunship engines roared in his ears, marines standing to attention while behind them a skyline burned. There had been others called to serve in the Stygian Crusades. Some fallen in battle. The rest swore Barash Vows. Somehow he endured.

"I can spare a few Knights to the Service Corps," the modulated voice said after some thought, "But Master Kahlil is wise to fear reprisals. An outer rim campaign leaves the core worlds more vulnerable."

Silent as a tomb the Jedi Gatemaster rose from his council seat to inspect the holodisplay more closely. Leather vambraces reached out to hold its palm under a molten orb, scattering the image in his wake. Zark towered over the projected celestial bodies like some cosmic titan. Constellations reflected off his faceless helm.

"That is a name I've not heard in a long time," he whispered, then louder, "The old temple on Sullust is well known to me. This world is where the last great rebellion began. Yet with a Sith armada staging in orbit we'd be placing our agents in high danger."

San Tekka passed through the map to circle a floating depiction of the Mors Mons. It did not look as intimidating so reduced in scale but the old master knew that the real thing dwarfed the Prosperity and everything else in the Alliance's arsenal.

"Even if we managed to scuttle this monstrosity in a direct assault, the losses would cripple us. We should investigate this connection to the darkside. Severing that power source might reveal a greater weakness."

It was the same principle as Master Efret's strategy. The Sith superweapon was a potent vergence in the Force. Purifying that reservoir of corruption could shift the balance toward light and life.
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in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret turned to Kahlil and smiled at his offer. “Thank you, Master Noble. That would be very helpful. Once I have it, I'll begin to prioritize.

She then glanced to Zark. "I think that wise."

Finally, she looked over at Val. "In the meantime, there's a different connection I wish to share. Denab concerns me. Years ago, I learned about a Rakatan evolution device said to be long-lost somewhere on the surface. It may well not be there now but even the possibility is a grave danger. The device allows for the creation of new plant and animal species, potentially en masse. One doesn't have to be an Alchemist to use it either, to my understanding.

"If we deploy ground troops to Denab when the time comes, we should assume the Sith will find and weaponize this device, and properly prepare."

Tides of Change


Tags: Efret Farr Efret Farr | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka


The civilians shouldn’t resist at all, not violently at least. We’re not capturing Sith worlds as plainly as you say, we’re liberating League planets.” Sullust and Sluis Van were longtime members, and Denab and Echnos were likely trade partners of the RTL. “They might reject long term Alliance occupation politically, but they recognize our ability to secure and defend them in the interim. The kinds of pushback we’ll receive from the locals won’t come until after the Outer Rim stabilizes, and by then, it’ll be solved by the Senate’s pen over our blades.” Whether or not League worlds were given the choice to return to the League or not wasn’t up to Elias or anyone else on the Council. It really wasn’t up to the Senate, either, but perhaps that was the years of being a Coalition Jedi guiding his anti-Core sympathies. Elias loved the NJO and Alliance, but he had to be realistic about the mindset they were playing with in the Sanrafsix Corridor; most worlds between Kabal and Pantora preferred their system to the Core’s.

Supporting the civilians would mean respecting their sovereignty as well.

It would go a long way,” Elias went on, “to make contact with the rebel forces in the region. If we combine a small group of Jedi with the resistance fighters, you’ll have a small army defending the corps.” He didn’t have many specifics, but Elias knew where they ought to be most active. “Kabal is where I’d place their leadership. There, or Sevarcos. Susefvi was the RTL’s capital, so there’s probably a good number of rebels in Yumfla.” It was conjecture, but Elias was the Council’s best source of knowledge on the League. He just hoped they trusted the League remnants as much as he did. “Perhaps Master Si and I could take a mission to one of the deeper worlds in the Corridor and make contact. Just before its dissolution, the RTL nationalized its Force order like the Republic of old; the Jedi hold influence through symbol recognition alone.


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