Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Jedi Downtime (Open to Jedi)


Location: Jedi Temple Coruscant
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Open to Jedi

Katarine couldn’t sleep. The Coruscant Temple was still in the process of being rebuilt, though significant improvements had been made. The living quarters were livable, and the cafeteria was freshly stocked. Some of the padawans had returned for training and some of the knights and masters were around to help with the rebuilding. Kat herself had arrived on Coruscant late last night after finishing an investigation in the outer rim. She was caught up on sleep now and fresh out of things to do. She still wasn’t used to all this downtime that Jedi had in this time period. During the days of the Rebellion she was constantly moving, but now the council actually encouraged Jedi to have a work life balance. This was a great thing in theory but the problem was in reality Kat didn’t have much of a life. Everyone she ever knew was long gone, and even though she had made some friends here she really wasn’t well connected yet. Truthfully the Jedi Master was lonely.

After laying in bed a few more minutes she finally decided to give up on chasing sleep. She threw on a pair of comfortable pants and a shirt and left her room to wander. Perhaps she wasn’t the only one awake tonight.


TAG: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

Jonyna had always been one to wander around the temple at night. It was a habit she wouldn't admit, but she often found the temple to be...lonely. It's expansive halls were unlike the jungle she grew up on, where life was around every corner, and unlike her ship which always had something going on.

Yet, she couldn't help it. She enjoyed exploring, and often just wanted to wander the halls to see what was around the next corner. For now, she wanted to-

And then she ran face first into Katarine.




Location: Temple Hallway
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Katarine had turned a corner right as someone else had and suddenly she collided with someone tall and furry.

“I’m so sorry Jonyna! Are you okay?”

She wondered what the Cathar Jedi was doing awake at this hour.


TAG: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

"Yeah I'm...fine." Jonyna rubbed her nose, wrinkling it as she stood back up. "Haven't seen you around lately. You doing okay? How's my nephew?"

She didn't often ask about Nir, but she did hope the boy the best. Even if he settled for being a rock star, she did want to know he was doing well.



Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

“He’s doing okay. I think he’s still taking things slow to figure out what type of Jedi he wants to be. He’s a pretty good investigator, but I see him also taking a guardian path maybe. Time will tell.”

She pushed her hair out of her eyes and glanced around the dark hallway.

“What are you doing awake?”



Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

“I couldn’t sleep. The kitchen sounds good. Lead the way.”

They started back down the halls, passing by some windows that were still boarded and some machinery being used in the reconstruction.

Kat wondered if there would be any other Jedi in the kitchen…

Tags: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Drumming her talons on the kitchen top Tieuvelli hopped from one cabinet to the next. Ingredients were drawn into a ball behind her, trapped like ships in a gravity well.

Meanwhile nearby, a Chiss padawan ate from a bowl of fruit seemingly bemused by the small Songwings efforts to craft herself a meal out of mostly dried meat.

"Are you certain you do not require my assistance Master Renlas?" He asked, a feint smirk beginning to form contrasting his weary eyes.

"No thank you. All is well!" She chirped and proceeded with her great work. Nodding to herself in satisfaction her head swiveled to the nearby food processor.


Location: Kitchen
Objective: Meet New Jedi
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Tieuvelli Renlas Tieuvelli Renlas

When Katarine and Jonyna entered the kitchen they found it occupied by two other individuals. Kat had never met either of the Jedi but she smiled pleasantly when she saw them.

"Hello, I didn't think anybody would be up so late."

She walked further into the kitchen and watched the Songwing Jedi prepping a meal.

"I don't think I've met either of you. I'm Master Ryiah. It's so nice to see more Jedi."


TAG: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah Tieuvelli Renlas Tieuvelli Renlas

"Master Si." Jonyna smiled as she came in behind Katarine, "But you already probably know who I am. Been around all over the temple the last few weeks."

New Council Member, Sentinel of Harmony, Heir to Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el 's seat. At least, that's what she'd heard since getting the spot. There was a lot of pressure there and Jonyna wasn't sure how to handle...

The Cathar walked over to the fridge, opening it up and pulling out a bit of jerky. She didn't even bother heating it, just shoving it in her mouth. "Sho you guys doin' in 'ere?" She said, mouth full of jerky. Despite the fact she was a sitting council member, she couldn't be asked to have some sort of table manners in the kitchen of the temple. All these years later, still a slob.

Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

Immediately Tieuvelli's quest for food was superseded by the arrival of two more Jedi, ear tufts raising to attention she turned and looked up at them.

"Oh! What an auspicious occasion." She chirped after witnessing Master Si pass into the kitchen. "Welcome both. I am Tieuvelli Renlas and this delightful bundle is Hess'ten'loro."

"Strenl works." He interceded before answering Master Si's question with a stretch and yawn. "It wasn't by choice Master Si I assure you." He groaned as his gaze moved back to Tieuvelli, "This one is nocturnal and for better or worse she is one few Artificers presently available to study under."

His expression brightened slightly, "In short, this is breakfast." He took another piece of fruit from the bowl and ate it.

"I prefer Scholar." She hooted dismissing the title with a wave of her wing. Her bright amber eyes looking up at Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah . "Please find a seat. Maybe I can find you something?"
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Tea. Tieuvelli considered this for a moment, head swiveling to scan over the wall units until her eyes narrowed onto a handle and it swung open. Leaping up with the aid of her wings, she ducked inside to begin searching.

"That's not surprising." Tieuvelli concluded, ah there it was. She ripped the cap off the container with her beak, discarding it to the back of the cupboard and hopped onto the edge, leaned inside and grabbed a tea bag. Proudly she returned to the front of the cupboard and flew back down to the worktop and began work on making tea, with a little help from the force.

"Yes, you could call us tinkerers but that is only one aspect of our work. You are familiar with Holocrons, yes? Masters work with us to create those." Tieuvelli said happily, there was nothing greater in this universe than knowledge and sharing that was one of her great joys.

"But beyond that, whilst your off saving the Galaxy. I and my colleagues are studying the esoteric nature of the force, we find new ways to integrate it into our technologies and secure artifacts for study, cataloguing and if necessary containment or destruction." She explained whilst the pot began to whistle.

"My school of focus is more the latter and many artifacts are my charge. My... Species aren't very well equipped for battle, I cannot wield a lightsaber." She looked at Strenl who spoke up, "You undersell yourself Master. You have fought your fair share of battles, even alongside the Grand Master I heard."

Tieuvelli shrugged her wings, "I have found other ways to support my allies in battle, but it's of no import. My love has ever been knowledge and it's applications."

She turned around, pecked at the control panel and used to Force to pour Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah her tea. "Here, this should help warm your spirit."

She looked now at Jonyna Si Jonyna Si and trilled, "He sounds like an interesting character, what kind of things did he work on?"

Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Tieuvelli Renlas Tieuvelli Renlas

"Thank you."

Katarine accepted the tea and took a sip. It was warm and delicious.

"I am not much of a fighter either. Though I am also behind on holocrons. I guess I should get to making one of those." She was a master after all and she supposed that was something she was supposed to do. Though honestly she didn't know a ton about them.

"Your work sounds fascinating."


TAG: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah Tieuvelli Renlas Tieuvelli Renlas

Holocrons, eh? Jonyna had always wanted to make one herself. Maybe she'd ask for help on that front soon. For now, she was asked a question.

"Oh, all sorts of stuff. He loved building sabers, but that was more a hobby than a job. The Order didn't exist back then, and so we worked with whatever materials we could get our hands on." Jonyna pulled out both her sabers, floating them in front of herself with a bit of telekinesis. "Once upon a time, these blades were made of scrap and lots of hope. I made an effort to upgrade them once I got out of my 900 year ice nap. But...Giran was always your type. Much more a student of the Force than a fighter. I always struggled to keep up with him in that sense. By the time we both gained our knighthood, he was already leagues ahead of me in understanding how to use a saber."

Jonyna's tone shifted from upbeat to a more solemn tone, as she talked about her Ex.

"Oh you should. It is something I believe all Jedi should try, even if they're not a Master. Sadly resources being what they are - with the war and fractured galaxy - it's not something we can accommodate. But if you need any assistance, please do hesitate to find me or one of my colleagues." Tieuvelli said hopefully, perhaps she would love to see the day when Jedi made Holocrons instead of lightsabers for their trials. History suggested otherwise, but the Celestial Wind sometimes surprised them.

Speaking of lightsabers she turned to Jonyna and listened to her story. Before the Order existed? She thought running the numbers in her head. Eartufts quickly raised and she failed to restrain a Uh-hoo that escaped her throat.

"You were stuck in cryo for 900 years?" Tieuvelli exclaimed, it was a wondrous thing for the order to be so blessed. But she couldn't ignore the implications, this friend of hers had most likely passed onto the living force. Even amongst the longest lived races, it was a rare few that could comfortably reach such a venerable age without complications.

Maternal instincts wanted her to comfort Jonyna but she recognised no regret and the fondness of her memories. Jonyna wasn't a fledgling or chick and she imagined such an act would only make any negative feelings worse. Yes, it was best she stayed focus on the positive.

Her student looked at Jonyna as if she were a puzzle to be solved and Tieuvelli couldn't exactly blame him. She was relieved when the lightsabers were presented, as much of that magnifying focus changed to mild curiosity.

"He sounds like an excellent companion." She trilled happily. She hopped forward and gave the lightsaber an experts eye trying to unravel the upgrades Jonyna had made, creating a mental image of what she and Giran had created centuries ago.

She was surprised. Obviously there had once been flaws in it's construction, she could see where older components had been replaced by the grain in the different metals and material but then the only blade she knew that didn't was her own and that had never seen battle. As she explained, she couldn't wield it. It was purely ceremonial.

She imagined there were flaws, but that was not necessarily because of poor craftsmanship. On the contrary context was important and the quality of materials available was much greater impact here. Yes, Giran had done a very good job with limited resources and guidance and then he made two.

It wasn't an simple task. Lightsabers and the Kyber within them was an extension of the Jedi, uniquely bonded and a degree of balance needed to be maintained in twinned blades.

"His craftsmanship must have been to a high standard. It is by no means flawless but that's to be admired given the quality of the materials he would have had available and honestly I don't know any flawless blades." She looked at Strenl taking a opportunity to tease him, "Perhaps you could learn something from him Strenl."

Strenl smiled at her jest, giving Master Si a nod. "Honestly, he probably could run circles around my craftsmanship."

Tieuvelli saw Strenl ruby eyes focus on her, "Is it possible Giran has a Holocron of his own?"

Tieuvelli considered this. She supposed it were possible. "Perhaps. Given the age it may have crossed my desk, but so many I cannot possibly recall in a moment."

She looked back at the pair, "Would you like to visit my workshop? I might be able to find something if it interests you Masters. I am sure we can find something to pique both your interests."

Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah , Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah Tieuvelli Renlas Tieuvelli Renlas

"What? Oh, no. We never had the opportunity to create holocrons. And yes, I'm very old, but don't let it fool you. Still hip with the lingo, and with a skip in my step." She chuckled, taking a bite of her food. "But Giran knew his stuff. I'd love to see your workshop though, and maybe someday I can have you swing by the newly refurbished Cathar temple. Me and Efret Farr Efret Farr just got done organizing a collection of tomes from a couple thousand years ago that were left entirely untouched."


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