"Oh you should. It is something I believe all Jedi should try, even if they're not a Master. Sadly resources being what they are - with the war and fractured galaxy - it's not something we can accommodate. But if you need any assistance, please do hesitate to find me or one of my colleagues." Tieuvelli said hopefully, perhaps she would love to see the day when Jedi made Holocrons instead of lightsabers for their trials. History suggested otherwise, but the Celestial Wind sometimes surprised them.
Speaking of lightsabers she turned to Jonyna and listened to her story. Before the Order existed? She thought running the numbers in her head. Eartufts quickly raised and she failed to restrain a Uh-hoo that escaped her throat.
"You were stuck in cryo for 900 years?" Tieuvelli exclaimed, it was a wondrous thing for the order to be so blessed. But she couldn't ignore the implications, this friend of hers had most likely passed onto the living force. Even amongst the longest lived races, it was a rare few that could comfortably reach such a venerable age without complications.
Maternal instincts wanted her to comfort Jonyna but she recognised no regret and the fondness of her memories. Jonyna wasn't a fledgling or chick and she imagined such an act would only make any negative feelings worse. Yes, it was best she stayed focus on the positive.
Her student looked at Jonyna as if she were a puzzle to be solved and Tieuvelli couldn't exactly blame him. She was relieved when the lightsabers were presented, as much of that magnifying focus changed to mild curiosity.
"He sounds like an excellent companion." She trilled happily. She hopped forward and gave the lightsaber an experts eye trying to unravel the upgrades Jonyna had made, creating a mental image of what she and Giran had created centuries ago.
She was surprised. Obviously there had once been flaws in it's construction, she could see where older components had been replaced by the grain in the different metals and material but then the only blade she knew that didn't was her own and that had never seen battle. As she explained, she couldn't wield it. It was purely ceremonial.
She imagined there were flaws, but that was not necessarily because of poor craftsmanship. On the contrary context was important and the quality of materials available was much greater impact here. Yes, Giran had done a very good job with limited resources and guidance and then he made two.
It wasn't an simple task. Lightsabers and the Kyber within them was an extension of the Jedi, uniquely bonded and a degree of balance needed to be maintained in twinned blades.
"His craftsmanship must have been to a high standard. It is by no means flawless but that's to be admired given the quality of the materials he would have had available and honestly I don't know any flawless blades." She looked at Strenl taking a opportunity to tease him,
"Perhaps you could learn something from him Strenl."
Strenl smiled at her jest, giving Master Si a nod.
"Honestly, he probably could run circles around my craftsmanship."
Tieuvelli saw Strenl ruby eyes focus on her,
"Is it possible Giran has a Holocron of his own?"
Tieuvelli considered this. She supposed it were possible. "
Perhaps. Given the age it may have crossed my desk, but so many I cannot possibly recall in a moment."
She looked back at the pair,
"Would you like to visit my workshop? I might be able to find something if it interests you Masters. I am sure we can find something to pique both your interests."
Katarine Ryiah
Jonyna Si