Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi Duel, Any takers?

Does not have to be a "Jedi" but a Force User in General. Reason is to get Cortosis for a Future Project, and i might have to do this several times to get the amount i want.

I will use all took available and will not go easy.


Inactive Character
Physcopathic murderous bull elephant reporting.

Btw, devastating defeat is like losing a limb, getting bones broken, etc. But Nawd can do that. *insert evil grin*

[member="Shiro De'Vol"]


Inactive Character
I can be anywhere. City / heavily populated planets are best. Not Nar Shadaa or Corusaunt though. Filth, Corellia, or anywhere else in the galaxy's good. :D

[member="Shiro De'Vol"]

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