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Approved Armor Jedi Gauntlet

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Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd.
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Be careful what you wish for.
  • BLOCKS A LIGHTSABER- In a pinch, you are protected.
  • IS NOT A SHIELD- The Phrik/Cortosis weave is an underlay and will not last long against skilled lightsaber duelists. One, maybe two hits is all you have.
The main purpose of the Vambrace is to provide a "tech center" for Jedi in unprepared situations. The comm-link, the fiberchord launcher, the slave caller, all are the primary setup and meant to give the Jedi an "out" when necessary. It is not the perfect escape but the Phrik/Cortosis weave underlay, came along at the thought of a Jedi being unarmed, and the ability to imbue it with the Force makes for a more versatile device.

The gauntlet is an upgraded model.

The fiberchord launcher was replaced with a miniatiurized grappling gun coming out of the small circular module over the palm. The retractcable grappling hook and fiberchord has a tensil strength of approximately 400 lbs. and length of 500 meters. The middle panel of the gauntlet holds a fully functioning, holonet connected datapad and Slave Circuit for use to remotely control a Jedi's ship. The module to the left of the grappling gum over the thumb holds a comm-link (which also connects wirelessly to a "Headset microphone comm-link' for easier communication). A built in Universal Translator is wired to both the datapad as well as the comm-link.


  • Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd.
  • Affiliation: Jedi
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Jedi Gauntlet
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Thick Leather outer layer, Cortosis/Phrik underlay, Standard tech components


Yes, it comes in other colors too. ;-)

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an upgraded, more modular model of the Jedi Vambrace
Image Source(s):
Permissions: My Subs

Technical Information

Affiliation: Jedi
Model: Jedi Gauntlet
Modular: Yes
Material: Thick Leather outer layer, Cortosis/Phrik underlay, Standard tech components
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Low
Thermal Resist: Low
Radiation Resist: Average
Other Resistance(s):

EMP/ION: Very Low
Elemental: Average

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

I had to move this sub to the Armour category from the tech section, because it is very well protected as I see and more of an amour than anything else.
  • Because I had to move it, I would like to ask you to edit the pre-made fields, the Amour template has more than the simple tech.
  • The image source link is not good, you have to link the site where you found it, not the picture itself.
  • The top line says it is Mass Production, but in the template you write it has only Minor rate. Which is the true?
  • To me this is not looks like as a Force imbued item, those are Unique or Semi-Unique objects, to me this looks like more of a simple Alchemy item. A Force user needs to make the imbued item, the alchemy is more of a technology. You wrote your company made it, this means all of your company members are Force users?
  • About this, if someone doing this, this is how the Force Artefacts or Imbued items created, anyone is able to make it, it is not depends on the making process. But if the gauntlet has already ability I would like to ask you to write a list about what kind of Force skills these can be.
    Force Affinity: Capable of being infused with different abilities from the Force
  • And this, if you want to keep here the imbued word (in the Force Affinity), you have to modify the production scale. If you say it is alchemised, that is more of a technology and not something very exhausting thing. The Wookieepedia says:
    Attuning an item took a massive drain on the crafters reserves, however, with the crafter only being able to imbue energy once every twenty four hours.
    And please don't forget the "Mass production" means millions or billions items.

Here some suggestions. First, let's clarify whether this is an Alchemised or Imbued item. In both cases, please make a list of what Force abilities can occur with the Gauntlet. The production scale will depend on this (Semi-Unique or Limited). But if you leave only that the gauntlet was made with alchemy and therefore more resistant but it has no other ability, it can be Mass Production.
And I would like to remind you about these parts of the Restricted material list:
Alchemised Artifacts/Items [Force Imbuement, Alkahest, Jal Shey, etc] (Alchemsed artifacts/items where the only effect is increased resilience are not considered to be restricted materials)
Generally speaking the more powerful the submission becomes, the less of them there should be. The production range of a submission with alchemy or nanotechnology ranges between Unique and Minor. Please use the history and other parts of the submission to flesh out its power and potency. A Factory Judge is allowed to ask for more depth, if they believe that the submission needs a little bit more work to it.
Be careful what you wish for.
Just took the Force Stuff out and made it a cool gauntlet for Jedi.
Everything should be done MANIAC MANIAC

I'm going to hold off on fixing Connel's gauntlet until I know this is okay (saves you the trouble of going through two with similar issues)
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