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Jedi Group Training: Mental Capacity, and the Gifts It Brings

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?

Room of a Thousand Fountains
Pleasant. Serene. Calm.​
Aika stood in the middle of one of the small ponds, her hands clasped behind her back as her head hung back slightly. Her breaths came deep and slow, her mind clear. Without a doubt, she was enjoying the nature of the environment around her. It had been where she had spent the majority of her time in since the addition had been made to the Temple on Voss. It was also a welcome reprieve from the recent insanity that had befallen her.​
In the last few weeks, things had been different. She hadn't felt like herself, as if something had crept into her mind. Sure, there was another side to her, but this wasn't that. The presence was her own.Still , this had been kept to herself. What would she tell her fellow Jedi on council? That she had been having thoughts of things that would happen in the future? That she had seen herself being the cause of pain? Sure, she was still a seemingly new master. These kind of thoughts surely wouldn't be tolerated. No. For the time being, it was time for a return to basics. There was a need to return her mind to its previous state. It was about the only option she had..​
Still, other responsibilities still remained. She had left ample time open for any within their Order who wanted to learn what she had to teach. Whether anyone showed up or not was another thing, but even if they chose not to, she would remain there. At least until her normal mind returned to her.​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
It was a strange sensation coming here, more so because she was learning from her student one who had ascended to master and walking in Matsu wore a black kimono and her hair up. She bowed looking at Aika and touched the robes hanging off her shoulders. She could feel her force energies so small compared to before and wanted to rebuild herself. "Aika it is wonderful to see you."
He was a newer arrival around these parts, he wanted to evolve himself in most things, secluding himself in the archives wasn't the best for the social aspects of his life, but he didn't care for such things. When he stumbled across an open session being held evolving the mind, and mental capacities, he jumped at it. Not only would this serve as an icebreaker to his fellow Jedi, but anything to expand and train the mind was worth looking into in his opinion. Maybe he could use this as an experiment, on himself of course.

His massive structure slowly walked through the temple ground, his strides were much longer than the average sentient. Walking through corridors entrance and into the room of a thousand fountains, he looked upon others, two others. His neck twisted and lowered so that he could obtain a better look upon them. Two woman eh?

"Good day" he would say studying the women, taking mental notes.​

[member="Aika Kawakami"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]
Gurbot, Lorekeeper and Rajivari of the Silver Jedi, seldom wandered from his post within the Archives inner vaults or straying very far from his work there nor imparted from the company of his mentor and master Rasu Gan. Today had been an exception, it had been long since Gurbot had interacted with so many individuals or Jedi for quite sometime oddly enough he found himself conversing more with the Silver Jedi's grandmasters more often than his padawan fellows.

When Gurbot, large in form and spirit lurched forward from the jungles that normally covered his movements he decided in confidence to familiarize himself with the other padawans about. Again at 12.5 meters tall and nearly 544 kilos in weight the sight of Gurbot gave any who looked upon him a wide eyed expression. As he lurched about on his webbed feet he couldn't help but overhear/see a small gathering forming within the "Room of Thousand Fountains", Gurbot thought it to be appropriate, as he never missed a chance to wet his skin, his natural home being the brackish waters of Dellalt.

Thankfully, like all of the other buildings on the temple grounds, this particular one also happened to be just as massive and spacious to fit his being.

Noticing a familiar sight from the Archive library proper, Gurbot whistled through his blowhole in acknowledgement towards the archive patron Scutu Hu, although he was a familiar face, he never took the time to properly acquaint himself as Gurbot was always so absorbed in his work within the vault and about the planet.
Gurbot said to him in his accented voice "Well met!! Are you here to partake in this lesson hereabouts as well?" he continued "I apologize for not acquainting sooner but you see being the archives caretaker and constructor I have no time to stray from training and work you understand."

Gurbot hushed up then and there so as to here the words of the master currently at work, listening and calming himself so as to take in the lesson.
[member="Scutu Hu"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]

Jeela Tillian

Jeela stepped in the room of a thousand fountains, feeling the tension drain from her muscles. This would be a helpful experience, certainly. She wasn't entirely sure what the training would be on, but any training at all would be helpful, especially in these areas, whatever they would be, anyways. She wasn't entirely sure of what mental capacity was.

Seeing the others already in there, she bowed respectfully, and took a seat, sitting cross legged, and soaked in the tranquility of the room, waiting for the lesson to start.
[member="Aika Kawakami"]

This was quite a beautiful place and Lorna was glad to see it while she stood there in the expeditionary suit. The tight form fitted and in places socked almost outfit great for protection and exploring. It would help her find herself as she moved to listen to her master and follow the instructions. She noticed a few other padawans standing around who she had seen or worked with before and well Matsu... Her opinion of that was mixed because... she was practical and pretending people are all innocent and precious was a childs thing. So death in a war of enemies and civilians was expected and now she was hearing tales of the jedi having willing let herself be severed from the force... then fought to reconnect. The convocation in the conference room she had listened to had another and people going on about how they'd see what the force willed but agenda's as Selena would have said were usually more important then the will of the force. She tried to hold a wider view and focus instead of looking at everything through cracks in the door. "Master Aika this is a lovely spot."
What the hell was he doing here? William came to the Silver Jedi to be a scientist for them, and there were plans for him to oversee construction of planetary defenses. But for some reason, he was here. The Jedi woman he met with had told him he was 'force sensitive', which didn't go down really well. He said he didn't want to be a Jedi, but then he realised that having the force could be helpful. The code that these people used was still abit of an odd thing for him, but for now he would learn from them.
So William approached the group of people, keeping at the edge of the crowd. His hands linked behind his back, as he silently waited to observe whatever was going to happen.

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
((OOC: Sorry for not posting sooner. Life had me in a chokehold~))

"We have company..."

Her head returned to its normal position, a heavy, yet quiet, sigh escaping before she turned to face those who had gathered. Lips curled into a slight grin as her gaze bounced from one being to the next. Luckily for her, her invitation to a group training had no gone unheard. At most, she expected one or two. But six? That wasn't something anyone really prepared for. Still, she wasn't prepared to back track by any means. How would that look? A master known for her mental abilities giving into numbers? Just wasn't an option.

Some of them she knew, while a few others were foreign. Mastu Ike, her former master, had found her way to the class. That itself was nothing shocking, considering the recent events that had befallen her. Now, Aika was to begin teaching the same person who had once looked after her as if her own daughter. To say that this would be weird was the understatement of the year... But it would definitely be fun.

Jeela was the same young girl that had accompanied her on a previous mission. Even to this point, she had no idea who the girl's actual master was. It created a sense doubt within the young master, knowing that she was likely being reported on back to whoever was behind the girl. Nonetheless, she'd gained Aika's attention enough previously, and that was more than enough to to make her not think twice.

Ah, Lorna. Aika's own actual apprentice. In recent times, the two had found themselves ever separated, having no time to actually learn from one another. That alone made her wonder what the girl had been up to as of late. Sitting around? Maybe. But, considering her last name, it was highly unlikely.

The other two were unfamiliar to her, but seeing a fresh face was always a good thing. That included the lone male who seemed to keep his distance. His mind was unsteady, a constant jumble of thoughts. Quite obvious that his journey was only just beginning..

Her hands still clasped behind her back, a deep breath escaped her body, eyes ever remaining on the group. "Greetings, to all you. Master Ike always included. I'll attempt to keep this short but..." Just as her words trailed off, the waterfall behind suddenly changed. The water instantly curved upward, before spitting out into a wide wave, expanding out over the group though all of its movements ceased as it remained over head. As it shot it, the water separated from the flowing current, which moved as normal. "I make no promises. Oh, and to the one standing so far back that he believes himself hidden, your welcome to join. Even those unsure of themselves are welcome to learn and train with me."

[member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Scutu Hu"] [member="Gurbot Luk"] @Jeela Tillian [member="Lorna Halcyon"] [member="William Trager"]

Jeela Tillian

Jewels shifted to observe the newcomers as they entered. She knew none of them. Unfortunate, to be sure, but perhaps not unexpected. She had never been good at bonding with comrades, and once s turned nomadic, she had kept mostly to herself, with little chance of forming friendships. She regretted that now, or did when the loneliness hit. She let those thoughts slide away though and focused on Master Kawakami.

Her eyes widened at the technique with the waterfall, but she regained her composure. That was stunning. There were trillions of drops most likely,,and she had moved them all. Even with ballistakinesis, she had been unable to manage, so far, more than a handful of objects. The skill required for an ability to move a waterfall would be immense. There was a great deal for her to learn here, that was certain.
William's eyes transfixed on the shifting waterfall, his mouth hanging open for a while. After a few moments he snapped out of the gaze, moving himself forward and into the group at the teacher's comment. Once he had taken up a new position, his eyes looked up to the waterfall again. This 'force' was something weird...
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="William Trager"] [member="Jeela Tillian "][member="Aika Kawakami"] [member="Gurbot Luk"]

Matsu listened to Aika and gave a nod of her head to that. She looked at Aika with a look more admiration then she might have intended but this was her student now teaching her. She found it a wonderful cycle so learning the lessons would be something for her to do well and relearn everything she had lost. It was a humbling experience much like visiting the five preistesses had been. See her own limits and what they could become before well learning the secret they taught. With a bow of her head Matsu clasped her hands together to listen.

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
"Very well... The let the lesson begin."

At that moment, she released her hold on the water, allowing it to instantly drop down into the fountain behind her, flowing as if nothing ever happened. "Telekinesis is not used through the Force alone. It is a connection between your mind and at the Force that allows such feats, as the one you just saw, to be performed. It takes time, and an amount of concentration that is abnormal in order to use this ability to its full potential. But, once you've mastered it. The only limits to what one can do, is what one can imagine. That said.." Her hands unclasped from behind her, left raising slowly until it was even with her chest. As her hand rose, a few pebbles at the feet of those who chosen to learn rose high enough to hover, even with their noses. "There is two sides to every coin. For every good that something can do, it can be used to cause equal destruction. As easily as one can better a world with such power, they can rip it to shreds. So... Who's ready to try something that few ever truly master?"

Jeela Tillian

Jeela tilted her head, listening and watching her speak. The pebbles bobbed lazily in front of her face, hovering and rotating as a multitude of invisible forces acted on them. The Force. Gravity. The atmosphere. Breezes. Her breath. Radiation from the star. Uneven heating. All pushing against each other, and the Force winding between them to keep these little pebbles aloft. She looked up and took a deep breath.

"I am, Master Kawakami." She wasn't sure how well she could do though. Telekinesis had not been her strong suit before. Let one any of her strengths. They had all been down different paths. Perhaps that was why she was here. It was, actually, on further thought.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Aika Kawakami"]

Matsu gave another bow of her head to indicate she was ready to begin and to enjoy the training. Aika was good and had taken what she was taught evolving it to her own lessons. If she started teaching how to alter the environment Matsu might swoon but that would be much much later. For now she was grinning with a look upon her face as she stepped forward a little and watched everything. Perhaps new understanding would come upon her as she bowed. "I am always ready to learn."
Lorna gave a nod to her master while she listened and focused on what she was guiding them towards. More mental prowess could prove useful but she knew it was something she was stunted in, sure she could absorb to fuel some mental abilities but it was hard to find explosions when you needed to concentrate. "Understood master." Her hands clenched while thinking about what she was going to be able to try with Aika."

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