Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jedi Knight, Samuel Creed




Name: Samuel Creed.
Alias: Sam.
Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance, New Jedi Order.
Homeworld: Commenor.
Species: Human.
Age Group: Thirty Nine.
Force Sensitive: Confirmed.

Samuel Creed stands tall at six feet, his fit, well-toned physique a testament to years of rigorous Jedi training. His long brown hair, often tied back, frames a face marked with the subtle signs of age and experience, particularly in the fine lines etched around his dark blue eyes. His weathered features reflect both wisdom and the weight of countless battles. A neatly groomed beard accents his strong jawline, adding to his aura of quiet authority. He is usually seen in the flowing robes of the Jedi Order, his posture calm and composed, embodying the discipline of his calling.


Force Powers:

Tactus Otium: ||| ||| |||
Altus Sopor: ||| ||| |||
Force Jump: ||| ||| |||
Force Speed: ||| ||| |||
Tutaminis: ||| ||| |||
Telekinesis: ||| ||| |||
Force Stasis: ||| ||| |||
Telepathy: ||| ||| |||
Curato Salva: ||| ||| |||
Force Light: ||| ||| |||

+ Skilled Saberist: Samuel Creed's true expertise lies in the art of combat, particularly in the graceful yet deadly swordsmanship for which the Jedi are renowned. With a lightsaber in hand, his every move becomes a fluid dance of precision and aggression, each strike measured with lethal intent. His mastery of the various Lightsaber Forms is evident in every battle, a testament to years of relentless dedication and refinement. Creed's fighting style blends elegance with sheer force, embodying the balance between technique and ferocity that only a seasoned warrior can achieve.
+ Educated Historian: Under the guidance of his former Master, Lumea Corsell, Samuel Creed was deeply encouraged to immerse himself in the rich and complex history of the Jedi Order, a legacy that stretches far beyond his own lifetime. While his prowess in combat is undeniable, his intellect is equally formidable. He carries with him the vast knowledge that the Jedi have amassed over thousands of years, absorbing the wisdom and lessons forged through time—many of which were learned through great sacrifice. This understanding shapes his actions, blending the sharpness of his mind with the weight of history as a compass for his path.

- Battle-hardened: Samuel Creed has weathered countless trials on the battlefield and through dangerous missions where conflict was inevitable, all in the name of upholding law and order under the banner of the New Jedi Order. These relentless experiences have not only sharpened his skills but also hardened his outlook on the galaxy. His stern demeanor and unyielding temperament make him seem distant, a man shaped by the weight of his duties, often difficult for others to truly connect with. Yet beneath this hardened exterior lies a resolve forged by years of adversity.
- Emotionally Guarded: Samuel Creed, a Jedi Knight whose mastery of emotional restraint is exemplary, has honed the art of keeping his emotions carefully guarded. His time in the field and the rigorous training he endured as an Apprentice of the New Jedi Order taught him to maintain a profound distance from those around him. This emotional wall, often the byproduct of loss and grief, serves as his shield, preventing others from reaching the depths of his soul. For Creed, opening up to others has never come easily, and the barriers he's built stand as a testament to the pain he's faced and the vulnerability he refuses to show.

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Former Master:
Jedi Master, Lumea Corsell.

Jedi Apprentice:
Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr .


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Samuel Creed was first inducted into the New Jedi Order at the tender age of five, beginning his journey as an Initiate. Immersed in the teachings of the Jedi Path, he was introduced to the Jedi Code and the mysteries of the Force, his young mind absorbing the wisdom of the Order. By the age of seven, Samuel had successfully passed his Initiate Trials, earning the rank of Padawan Learner. His potential caught the eye of Jedi Master Lumea Corsell, a skilled and compassionate teacher.

As he advanced through the lessons in Force Mastery, Lightsaber Arts, and the Artisan Practices taught to all students, Samuel honed his skills under Master Corsell's watchful eye. At the age of ten, she officially took him as her apprentice, marking the beginning of an intense period of learning and growth. Together, they traveled to distant worlds, undertaking assignments from the Jedi Council. These journeys not only expanded Samuel's knowledge but also introduced him to the complexities of life in the galaxy, from the bustling cities of the Core Worlds to the perilous fringes of the Outer Rim.

His apprenticeship lasted until the age of twenty-one, when a tragic mission altered his path forever. During a dangerous encounter with the Sith Empire, in the midst of the Second Great Hyperspace War, Master Corsell sacrificed her life to save Samuel. Her last act gave him the chance to retreat, a moment he would carry with him always. Honoring her final command, he returned to Coruscant, where the Jedi Council listened as he recounted the harrowing encounter with Sith-Imperial forces, including a Sith Lord and his apprentice.

With his apprenticeship at an end, Samuel stepped into a new role as a senior student of the New Jedi Order. Under the guidance of Jedi Knights and Masters, he continued to serve on the warfront, defending the Galactic Alliance with unwavering dedication. His missions were varied, ranging from direct combat to clandestine espionage, all aimed at safeguarding the freedom and integrity of the galaxy. He fought with distinction, always driven by his belief in a safer, more just galaxy under the leadership of the Alliance.

By the time he reached the age of thirty, the Second Great Hyperspace War had come to a close. For his exceptional service and commitment to the cause, Samuel was officially knighted, a recognition of both his personal achievements and his devotion to the legacy of his late master, Lumea Corsell. As a Jedi Knight, Samuel continued to uphold the values of the Order, striving to protect peace and justice in the galaxy while carrying forward the lessons and sacrifices of his past.

Public Threads:
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Private Threads:
Bound by the Force: A Tale of Two Jedi [Teynara Jeralyr].
The Path We Share [Anneliese Kaohal].
A Meeting Between Masters of the Force [Valery Noble].

Faction Threads:
Classroom Etiquette (NJO).

Player Vs Player Threads:
To be added

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