Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jedi Master Jasper Kai'el




NAME: Jasper Kai'el

FACTION: Formerly Galactic Alliance, Presently Tingel Arm Coalition

RANK: Master, former Jedi Council Member

SPECIES: Human Clone

AGE: Mid 20s

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5 ft 11 in

WEIGHT: 190lbs

EYES: Gray

HAIR: Blonde

SKIN: White, with a slight worker's tan

FORCE SENSITIVE: Force sensitive


Jasper is a young human male in his early to mid 20s with thin, scruffy beard and blonde hair tied up in a knot. He has distinctive grey eyes, an arm covered in aurebesh tattoos, and a notable prosthetic arm. Beneath his top are Sith runes, scars left by Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and treated with the assistance of Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble . The man is never seen out of his flight suit, which he wears tied around his waist.



A self made leader, a self-appointed father, an idiot who is too stubborn to die. Jasper Kai'el is nothing but a dependable man with a set of constants. He loves freedom and greasy foods, trains tirelessly with the effort of ten warriors combined, and is the shining beacon of the best Jedi ideals. He's not as powerful in the force, but after years of conflict serving in the New Jedi Order alongside his comrades in the Second Great Hyperspace War, serving on the Jedi Council in peacetime, and rising to face the challenge of the Dark Empire, Jasper has proven time and time again that he has a hard enough head to push through any obstical in his way, even if it gets him torn to shreads. While empathetic and compassionate in casual setting, Jasper can clear his mind at the drop of a hat, letting the force guide his hand rather than his emotions. No matter the situation, anyone who may find themselves allied with him will find Jasper Kai'el spearheading the path towards the solution. No matter the personal cost.


  • Highly Proficient in Makashi (Form II)
  • Highly Proficient in Form V (Shien and Djem So)
  • Proficient in Ataru (Form IV)
  • Skilled in Jar'Kai.
  • Standard Shii Cho.
  • Force Light.
  • Tutaminis (Learned from Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor ).
  • Lightside Runes (Learned from Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble ).
    • Fire (Fire Punch)
    • Heat
    • Lightning (Thunder Punch)
    • Ice (Ice Punch)
    • Illusion
    • TBD...
  • Highly skilled in Matukai martial arts (Learned on personal travels).
  • Tapas
  • Skilled swordsmanship.
  • Basic telepathy.
  • Effective piloting/mechanic skills
  • Effective with ranged weaponry.
  • Hobby inventor.
  • Experience with toxins
  • Eager to learn.


  • Low force sensitivity
  • Smart, but still somewhat dense at times.
  • Generally more confident, but sometimes can miss social cues. He understands.
  • Mechanical arm is susceptible to EMP or ION damage.
  • Quick to act, even at the risk of his own safety.


Jasper was the creation of the late Jastile Kai'el, a genetic Clone made from his own DNA intended to be the perfect Jedi. Deemed a failure and in a show of pitty, Jasper was left with the New Jedi Order. Because his force sensitivity was weaker then most, partially due to the nature of being a Clone, Jasper was forced to shift his focus to more practical skills like lightsaber combat. Despite his prowess as a duelist, when the time ultimately came for him to be selected by a master, he was unable to secure one, fleeing into exile out of shame for two years. In this time, he spent a brief period of time as a Bartender, but would ultimately long for public service.

Upon his return, Jasper would be thrust back into action, quickly rising to help face the rising threats to the Galactic Alliance at Empress Teta and beyond. Through trials and tribulations, Jasper Kai'el would rise to the rank of Jedi Knight and ultimately prove himself in the Second Great Hyperspace War, holding his own in spite of his lower force sensitivity. With the war coming to a close, however, Jasper would shift his focus to reconstruction, establishing the New Jedi Order Shield Core to streamline the process of Jedi lead aid across the galaxy. Recognizing his motivation for a better galaxy and blossoming skills in leadership, Jasper would be approached to oversee relief work from a seat on the Jedi Council. With a hope to help put his order and the galaxy on the right path, he accepted.

The era of reconstruction would come to pass, all while the Sentinel of Harmony did his best to rebuild what the Brotherhood of the Maw had torn down to give his home a brighter future. Of course, peace would not last. Jasper found himself amongst the council in wartime, as the newly emerging Dark Empire attacked with a vengance, carried forward by the ghosts of the Second Great Hyperspace War and the Brotherhood of the Maw. All the while, Jasper himself began to have visions of dangers beyond the Core, alongside strange encounters with a being called "the Whill" which troubled him greatly. He held back on departing, believeing that he had a duty to remain with the New Jedi Order and defend Coruscant. When the battle of Coruscant came and the Galactic Alliance held his own, however, Jasper realized that his home could stand on its own. He stepped down from the Jedi Council and prepared to depart. Jedi Master Valery Noble Valery Noble declared him a Jedi Master, the culmination of his efforts, and Master Kai'el set off to face his destiny in the Outer Rim...

A YT 7990 B Light Freighter called the Lonestar 1, which also acts as his base of operations. It has a class 2 and 12 hyperdrive, an ion cannon, a laser turret, two laser cannons, and 4 maneuvering jets for increased mobility.

T-70 Ultra "Lonestar" Class X-Wing


They Will Know Our Names - Xenoblade (Cover)




  • Cloning Tube / Mother


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