A brilliant fire
The Annihilation has just started but I'd love to do some more threads with my character Valery here. They will be set right before Exegol unless the outcome doesn't affect the RP at all and there's a need for them to be afterwards.
As for ideas:
As for ideas:
- Jedi threads: Valery often takes Jedi on assignments, teaches things or plays a role in the development of a Padawan or even a knight. If you got a Jedi who needs any of that, feel free to poke!
- Underworld: I write a lot of classic Light vs Dark stuff, so a dive into the underworld is always fun to mix things up
I can interact with your smuggler, a criminal character or anything related to the Galaxy's underbelly.
- Sith stuff: I beat you up.
- BYOO: Do you have other ideas? Or just want to meet Valery and do a thing? Let me know too~