
- Intent: To finally codify a frequently used NPC.
- Image Credit: Laurence Fishburne in The Matrix (1999)
- Role: A Jedi Master with an administrative role, used for story purposes.
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Age: Middle aged adult
- Force Sensitivity: Master
- Species: Korun
- Appearance: A dark-skinned Korun male with a shaved head. Complexion is weathered and scarred. He wears coarse, traditional robes without adornment.
- Name: Jedi Master Morgun Jai | Chief of Internal Affairs
- Loyalties: The Jedi Order
- Wealth: Jedi Stipend
- Notable Possessions: None; he has no worldly possessions.
- Skills: A Jedi Master of middling power, his greatest strengths are his knowledge, his memory, and his unshakeable will. He devotes his time to managing the lower minutiae of the Order, wielding a power akin to that of a bureaucrat whose seal or stamp of approval can create ripples that change the course of history.
- Languages: Basic, Korunni, Huttese, binary droidspeak
- Personality: A stern and stoic Korun, Morgun Jai leads a spartan lifestyle. He has eschewed all worldly possessions and harbors no attachments of any kind. Utterly devoted to his work, he finds fulfillment in his management of the Order, ensuring that the wheels remain greased and the machinery keeps running smoothly.
- Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber & The Force
- Combat Function: While not intended for use in combat RP, Morgun Jai is as capable of defending himself and others as any other Master of the Force.
- Force Abilities (Force Users Only): Standard Jedi Master abilities
- The Pen is Mightier: Morgun Jai selects Jedi to send on missions, assigns Padawans to Masters, grants permission to use certain forces/resources, provides counsel, and attends to the general minutiae of the Order which is considered too minor or inconsequential to be handled by the Council.
- Master of None: Morgun Jai is not a particularly powerful or standout Jedi Master, nor is he a member of the Council. His power is limited to managing the lower echelons of the Order; he is not involved in any of the big decision making.
Born on Haruun Kal, Morgun Jai was given to the Jedi Order in infancy. He trained to become a Sentinel, but later fell into an administrative role. Officially he holds the office of Chief of Internal Affairs, where he has remained since the earliest days of the SGHW. He signed documents allowing the disgraced Jedi Starlin Rand to return to the NJO, and is responsible for assigning Padawan Ben Khal to Master Oukranos Cthylla, among other actions.