The Arkanian Senator Ardak Serifen sent a file to the rest of the Senate, containing the official write-up of his bill, and rose to address the Senate and describe the bill's contents.
"Ladies and Gentleman of the Republican Senate. As you are all well aware there are several organizations in the Government that have a healthy supply of Force-Users, most notably the Sith Empire. As a precautionary motion I have written up a Bill that mandates Jedi who are in the military will weekly training sessions to train normal members of the military how to deal with opposing Force Users. Other Jedi may volunteer in the assist in the efforts at their discretion, but it will not be required. This training includes but is not limited to: Teaching the mechanics and limitations of Blaster Deflection, how to deal with Telekinesis, and how to best combat Force Lightning. This training may be increased in frequency at the discretion of the Jedi heading the training as well and the leading officer of the unit being trained."
"Ladies and Gentleman of the Republican Senate. As you are all well aware there are several organizations in the Government that have a healthy supply of Force-Users, most notably the Sith Empire. As a precautionary motion I have written up a Bill that mandates Jedi who are in the military will weekly training sessions to train normal members of the military how to deal with opposing Force Users. Other Jedi may volunteer in the assist in the efforts at their discretion, but it will not be required. This training includes but is not limited to: Teaching the mechanics and limitations of Blaster Deflection, how to deal with Telekinesis, and how to best combat Force Lightning. This training may be increased in frequency at the discretion of the Jedi heading the training as well and the leading officer of the unit being trained."