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Private [Jedi Quartermaster] Cathar Enclave

Tides of Change


Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Location: Cathar


The first of many stops for Elias was none other than Cathar, the homeworld of his friend and fellow Council member, Jonyna Si Jonyna Si . The last time he'd come to Cathar was a bit of a ruse; he helped accomplish an important task from his to-do list of Quartermaster duties in the form of discussing the next generation of Jedi armor for the NJO, but he also accomplished something he would privately argue to be of greater import: collecting a lovely gift for Efret Farr Efret Farr , which he had yet to find the proper time to offer.

"You'll know when it's right," Elias could hear his father say. The patriarch of the Edo family was wise in that aspect. He always seemed to know when the timing was right for anything from gift giving to reading the winds for signs from the future. Thinking of Efret brought a warm smile to Elias' lips, but he did have a mission here today. He tucked the mental image of her soft features into the back of his mind and focused instead on the dossier he'd been given on the Cathar enclave.

Luckily, his first stop on the circuit was a run of the mill armory check. Jonyna no doubt had things under control here. It would be quite surprising for him to find the Cathari Jedi lacking in anything substantial. Considering the savannah world's position in Neo-Mandalorian space, the worst Elias expected to find was hyperlane supply issues. Establishing open supply lines to enclaves behind the curtain of hostile factions was difficult, but not impossible. Elias had plenty of connections in the League of Autonomous Worlds. Pal Veda Pal Veda and Jacen Terrik Jacen Terrik came to mind. The Alliance tended not to trust smugglers very often, but Elias knew how to pick them, and from where.

He stepped down the Calypso's boarding ramp, already pulling a small skiff with supplies behind him with his free arm. They were customary supplies that ranged from standard MREs and Jedi fatigues, to more specialized yet still completely typical materials - namely, replacement parts for lightsabers and plates of Kenobi-pattern armor.

The sunlight reflected warmly in his golden irises as he scanned the dock for his friend. When he found her, a bright smile washed over his face and he held a hand up to wave for her attention.

"Jonyna!" he called, then corrected, "Master Si! It's so good to see you again!" Elias was notorious for dropping formal titles with friends, but he was constantly reminding himself of its importance when in the presence of fellow Jedi. Especially Padawans, who seemed to take on his bolder habits more and more as the years go by. No need to increase the number of bratawans out there, he mused to himself.


TAG: Elias Edo Elias Edo

To many, Cathar was just a Savannah world. To Jonyna, it was so much more. The jungles, the mountains, the swamps and oceans. To her, home was always more the jungle, but she could understand the association most made with the savannahs of the north and south. It's where most of the tribes of her people resided, and it's where most of the major tourist locations were.

The Cathar temple, was not one of them. The building sat high above, situated on the side of Mwamba Msituni., a peak so high it poked out of the atmosphere of the planet. And while the temple was by no means that high on the mountain, it sat normally hidden by an eternal storm that wrapped around the monstrous peak.

That had changed recently. Jonyna had opened it back up, and altered the storm ever so slightly. Now it sat, open to the air, with only a light, constant drizzle keeping the temple grounds clean.

Jonyna had expected the Quartermaster to come prepped, but seeing his freighter come down onto the star pad of the temple caused Jonyna to raise an eyebrow. Not in a bad way, it just gave her a small wave of nostalgia, seeing jedi still roaming the stars in beat up freighters and living free. She just hoped his bedspace was better than hers was back in the day.

"Master Edo." She nodded in turn, giving the man a wink as she gestured for him to follow. "What would you like to see first? The open forum is pretty much back in tip top shape, but there's still parts of the interior I need to get to modern standards. The jedi of old didn't even have holonet access, Sylvar help us."

She couldn't help but keep the tone light. Even if she knew this was a formal visit, she had no doubt Elias was gonna give the restored temple a passing grade.

And if he didn't, that just meant she had more things to work on.

Tides of Change


Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Location: Cathar


"Stars bless 'em!" Elias mused along with Jonyna. He walked alongside her, keeping in stride as they stepped across the slick ground beneath their feet. The storm looked much worse from above when Elias was bringing his ship through the atmosphere, but now it was a light but steady drizzle. "Reminds me of monsoon season back home," he said, reminiscing. He could still imagine the subtle changes in the air and the way the wind twirled. It fluffed up cottony white clouds until they turned angry and grey. This place felt like it was perpetually stuck in that proverbial calm before the storm, and Elias couldn't quite decide if that made him feel cozy or uneasy.

He followed Jonyna to the nearest interior, where he pulled the drenched skiff and deactivated its repulsors. He'd move it again later when he knew best where to take the supplies. For now, he had some questions for Master Si.

"So, aside from the lack of Holonet access, are there any specific areas you feel the temple needs extra support? If you're unsure, I can toss out some common needs that are reported to the Council."


TAG: Elias Edo Elias Edo

The lobby was a massive open space of stone and marble, only lit by a single window in the back of the room, carved into the stone in the shape of the symbol of the Jedi Order, both old and new, split down the middle. As they entered, Elias was met by the sight of Force Ghosts, just casually walking around the lobby, as if their presence was a normal occurrence. Some even waved, Jonyna waving back to the ghosts of padawan's past. She then looked to her fellow Master, smiling.

"Well, right now my current project is getting the Dojo and living spaces up to date, tech wise. The dojo still had protosabers on the wall when I first looked it over, so some modern training sabers would be nice. The library is still in need of modern upgrades, but I've been leaving that to Efret Farr Efret Farr to sort out. Half of the books there I fear might disintegrate the moment I touch them, and I've never been the most delicate of hands. The barracks rooms are all ancient, so a full overhaul of them is probably in order. What issues would you see fit? I've been trying my best to get this temple up to snuff for it's grand reopening, so I'm all ears for any concerns you might have."

Tides of Change


Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Location: Cathar


The wonderful craftsmanship of the suncatcher carved into the far wall. Stormy weather outside bathed the room in a melancholy hue, which was exacerbated by the plethora of Force ghosts that wandered the hall as if they were alive and well. Their presence wasn't as unsettling to him as it might have been to other guests, though; the Spinners of Genetia, similar to the common concept of Jedi Seers, often communed with the spirits of their ancestors for guidance and wisdom during times of uncertainty. Elias himself had spoken once with the Force ghost of his great-grandfather, a strong Genetian warrior.

Elias waved back to the ghost of a Padawan, smiling kindly as if the child were walking corporeally.

As Jonyna spoke, he nodded, listening and thinking. "Your dojo is an easy fix," he said. "Training sabers and remotes are pretty plentiful. Prosperity definitely has plenty to spare, so I'll work on getting a ship out here with those soon." It wouldn't take much to outfit Jonyna's dojo. Her students would only need to manage for a week or so before new training blades were in their hands, blocking electric darts from the spherical remote droids. He scratched his chin while he considered the barracks and living quarters.

"We built bunks on Bogano for our younglings and Padawans, and standard beds for Knights and Masters. The temple guardians preferred bunks to better accommodate their numbers and duty stations. It really depends on your space, and how much room you're willing to allow your members for personal affects. Our Padawans have footlockers and nightstands, for example."

Bogano also have an archive, but it was very well preserved when Elias and Tarus Undara Tarus Undara first discovered it. There was little work to be done in the way of preserving books and data, and what was needed was handled by Elias' protocol droid, KT-77. He'd found her a few years ago in the Jedi ruins on Sullust, and she'd served as a Jedi archivist ever since. To that end, he agreed that the library was best left to Efret Farr Efret Farr and her restorative magic.

"Yeah, that sounds like Chief Curator work to me," he mused with a chuckle. "If you have any holocrons that you're concerned about, though, I could take a look at those. I collected a fair few of them when I was serving on Dagobah. I picked up a thing or two about decrypting them and storing their data in a newer holocron, if you're interested."


TAG: Elias Edo Elias Edo

Jonyna led them to the left, into the West Wing, as she spoke. More spirits wandered the halls, Jonyna paying them no mind. "I was thinking we could also get some PROXY droids for the Dojo as well. Hire them on an exclusive contract, and maybe get some to volunteer. I've got one who works on my ship, and he's done wonders for helping me keep my edge. With all the data on old lightsaber forms here, I figure we might be able to have them teach classes about older forms of saber combat." She smiled, before pausing. Holocrons...

"See, that's the problem. There aren't any. Just...books. Actual, physical books. Efret Farr Efret Farr and I have been working on digitizing them, but it's a slog. I'm hoping before we open we can have an archive like the one at the temple, and maybe convert some of them into holocrons. Sylvar knows holocrons made my life easier when I first arrived at the temple on Courscant."

She stopped at a stone door, gesturing to it with the Force as the door slid open. "Here's the Saber Forge. I was hoping to preserve it for historical purposes, but I understand the want to upgrade it. I'm a bit antsy to get it up and running. It's still set up mostly for Force Embued Blades, and Protosabers."

Indeed, inside the Forge looked like one not set up to make lightsabers, but traditional blades. The walls were lined with different sized tongs, tools for pouring metal and shaping steel. Hammers were still laid out, no sign of an automatic hammer in sight. Arguably the most modern part of the forge were a set of molds for lightsaber parts off to the side, yet still they looked ancient.

Tides of Change


Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Location: Cathar


PROXY droids are-“ Elias began, then stopped as a spirit crossed his path. He wasn’t sure if he’d bump into it or simply pass right through, and would it be offensive in either case? He stood still for a moment to allow it to pass before hastening his pace and returning to Jonyna.

-expensive,” he finally said. “But if we can locate some who’re willing to volunteer, that would be a huge blessing. I’m sure there’s a good number of droids throughout Neo space in need of a sanctuary. I’ll put feelers out for PROXYs.” If all else fails, Elias could certainly go with the first option and find a reasonable contractor.

He stood aside while Jonyna rolled the stone over to reveal the saber forge, which he quickly realized was a very literal name for this part of the temple. Elias’ Quartermaster nerd senses were going off the charts as he looked around. He marveled at the antiquity of the protosaber molds and all the tools used to forge them.

You know me,” he said, “I’d recommend modernizing only what you have to. All you really need is a workbench, some storage for the components, and maybe space for a Knight or an architect droid to teach your younglings how to build their sabers.” He ran his fingers over the surface of a smithing table, feeling every notch and pit made by tempering hammers.

The rest would be an excellent learning opportunity. Organize the tools and molds, get some mounted datapads… I know it sounds like a museum exhibit, but these Padawans need to understand how far the Jedi Order has come.

Elias smiled awkwardly then, realizing he may have started preaching at Jonyna. He couldn’t help it sometimes, especially when surrounded by so much posterity. If Jonyna wished to remove the original forge, Elias would be happy to help modernize the space; and he would just as happily offer to relocate the forge to Bogano, if that was her decision.

Otherwise, light restoration and the addition of modern saber crafting equipment right alongside the ancient forge.

What do you think?” he asked after a pause to think.


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