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Approved NPC Jedi Reformation

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The Jedi Reformation
If men and women may be redeemed, why can't a nation?

  • Group Name: The Jedi Reformation
  • Classification: Jedi Order, underground resistance movement, secret society
  • Headquarters: Takodanna (hidden, subject to change)
  • Loyalties: The First Order (self proclaimed)
  • Group Sigil:
  • Description: The Jedi Reformation is an underground movement of Jedi within the First Order but also mantain a presence in the surrounding systems. They are primarily made up of Force Users who have successfully managed to evade the sight of the Knights of Ren and align themselves with the Light Side of the Force. Some are Jedi trained elsewhere in the galaxy, coming to the First Order out of a sense of duty, others were living on their worlds before the First Order arrived and long for freedoms they are now denied while a few have never known a life without the First Order but have adventurous spirits seeking change. Despite the name, The Jedi Reformation is not seeking reform among the Jedi but reform for the First Order. An uneasy agreement rests within the leadership triumvirate that while the First Order is a repressive regime, it’s total destruction would create more problems than it would solve - it would end more lives than it would save, this tends to put them at odds with their cousins in the Galactic Alliance. Instead the Reformation believes the First Order can be reformed from within and approaches this goal by a variety of methods.

    Firstly, secretly protecting and promoting moderate figures within the First Order’s civilian and military branches. Those who display upstanding moral character may find themselves backed by the Jedi Reformation, willingly or not. The vast majority of the time, the benefactor themselves is completely unaware of their secret supporters and the protection they provide to their cause. The Jedi Reformation may help complete the target's missions so the target appears consistently competent while sabotaging their rivals in an effort to gradually overturn First Order leadership. The Knights of Ren and FOSB believe that a few figures are knowingly working with the Jedi Reformation and continue to seek the liquidation of these enemies.

    Secondly, frustrating the efforts of those whom they deem to be the First Order’s oppressive elements: primarily the Knights of Ren and the Supreme Leader himself but anyone who stands in the way of democratising and moralising the First Order is a target. The Dark Side of the Force has been identified as the primary corrupting influence on the First Order. The Jedi Reformation believes that by gutting the First Order of its Dark Side practitioners on all levels of society, the First Order will gradually transition into a more free and open society. One way or the other, this requires the removal of all Sith elements lingering inside the First Order and total eradication of the Knights of Ren from the galaxy. While the Jedi Reformation will attempt peaceful conversion and mercy, there is a begrudging acceptance that Ren who won’t lay down arms shall have to be captured, exiled or killed. Those without any connection to the Force in other areas of the First Order who are implicated being willing involved in acts of cruelty and oppression are also targets including Moffs, admirals, generals and agents of the secretive First Order Security Bureau.

    While most of this is done through subterfuge like bribery, blackmail and sabotage, there is a more military focused branch who will recruit people without Force Sensitivity as soldiers. While a large military force is out of question, small strike teams led by Jedi can be established to raid key targets. This is mostly used to frustrate military research, industrial development and the activities of the Knights of Ren.

  • Hierarchy: Formally, the Jedi Reformation is led by a triumvirate of mysterious Jedi Masters who occasionally converge to discuss matters and have the power of veto over any project or assignment. However due to the nature of their operations, The Reformation will often maintain radio silence to avoid detection. This has resulted in a heavily decentralised operation where each planet has a regional leader who will act almost independently of the larger organisation. Once a month, these planetary leaders submit a report on their operations to the triumvirate.
  • Membership: The Jedi Reformation actively seeks out Force Sensitives across the First Order and surrounding systems, hoping to reach them before the Knights of Ren. Those they find, the majority convert and are raised in the ways of the Jedi however given the secretive nature of the Reformation, it can take many years before someone is properly integrated into their network. For those without Force Sensitivity, association with the Reformation is done gradually. Spies will first ascertain how willing the contact may be and what role would best suit them before they approach and recruit the contact.
  • Dogma/Doctrines: The Jedi Reformation believe strongly in the old Jedi teachings. They preach a non-violent solution wherever one is available and absolutely despise open warfare. When it comes to their enemies, conversion and mercy is always preferable to killing but they will do what must be done to save lives.
  • Curios: None. The First Order's totalitarian reach is everywhere. Anything that might identify members is an unnecessary risk.
  • Goals: The goal is the eventual reform of the First Order into a more progressive, democratic state which will be tolerant of Jedi

Currently N/A

How long the Jedi Reformation have existed is a mystery. The networks have built up over many years but the resumption of war between the First Order and Galactic Alliance has caused a sudden spike in their activity, only now are the loyalists of the Supreme Leader uncovering the extent of this secret movement. Years previously, three Jedi on the run from the Knights of Ren sought an escape from First Order space. It climaxed with the deaths of an Acolyte of Ren and several Stormtroopers. In his passing moments, the Acolyte expressed regrets of falling to the Dark Side while one of the Stormtroopers had a photo found on his body of a wife and son. The incident changed the three Jedi who no longer were driven to escape, rather they decided they would stay behind and help who they could. As time passed, so too did their strength and followers eventually forming a loose network of contacts all dedicated to the idea of radical reform to the First Order.
[member="Samka Derith"]

Samka Derith said:
​Image Credit: N/A
This can't be N/A. If you made the image yourself, please indicate as such and then link to any borrowed asset.

Samka Derith said:
Loyalties: The First Order (self proclaimed)
Please provide a link to the First Order faction page.
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