Shora the Shameless
Yuuzhan Vong Gone Wrong
Following a failed Escalatier Ceremony, Shora has been exiled from his Domain and cast into a galaxy which is incredibly foreign to him. As a warrior who longs for home and desperately wants to return to his people, Shora must restore his honor in the eyes of the Yun’o. However, the Yun’o created the Yuuzhan Vong through pain and sacrifice, and it is only through pain and sacrifice can they be appeased. Therefore, armed with only an amphistaff, a loincloth, and a rudimentary understanding of Galatic Basic, Shora has given himself the mission of defeating and sacrificing the best opponents he can find. If the opponents are followers of the False Way (Jeedai, Sith, etc) then the sacrifice is that much greater.
As a Yuuzhan Vong, Shora possesses many physical attributes that make him incredibly tough for force users to face. Perhaps you are a Sith who needs some extra hands to wipe out a Jedi Enclave, a padawan who happened to bump into the wrong person at the wrong time, or maybe even a civilian who needs a little protection from even nastier people. I am incredibly flexible and eager to start Shora’s journey. It could end with him victorious, in jail, or with a full stomach and a place to sleep for the night.
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As a Yuuzhan Vong, Shora possesses many physical attributes that make him incredibly tough for force users to face. Perhaps you are a Sith who needs some extra hands to wipe out a Jedi Enclave, a padawan who happened to bump into the wrong person at the wrong time, or maybe even a civilian who needs a little protection from even nastier people. I am incredibly flexible and eager to start Shora’s journey. It could end with him victorious, in jail, or with a full stomach and a place to sleep for the night.
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