Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Jeela Tillian

FACTION: Rimward Trade League

RANK: Jensaarai Apprentice


AGE: 19

SEX: Female

1.65 meters

WEIGHT: 80kg

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Black, long, wavy, down to her shoulders

SKIN: Olive complexion


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
-Not Blaster proof
-Not lightsaber proof
-Fast reflexes

A broad-shouldered, muscular woman with wavy black hair and an olive complexion. She has a strong nose, high forehead, and an assertive gaze. Geometric tattoos trace her biceps down to her forearms.

The Tillians are a boisterous, rowdy clan- with many members, known for their good reflexes, cunning trades, lack of respect for laws, and secretly, for being longstanding and frequent members of the Jensaarai. Nobody is really sure where the name Jeela came from, but it is a traditional family name, last held several decades ago by a young woman who disappeared during the Republic-One Sith Wars. Some viewed the name as unlucky since then, but Jeela's parents thought they'd give it a try. She was born in Yumfla, but raised among the Jensaarai of the Enclave, where she proved herself to be quite the Tillian. While not as big a fan of deep space as many of her kin, she excelled at swoops, brawling, and playing at cards.

She managed to scrape by the original stages of the Jensaarai training, as well as her initial apprenticeship, but sort of dropped out at 18 to race on the semi-professional swoop circuit, but after losing her bike in a bad bet, she's restocking what she's doing with her life, especially with the rise of Sith imperialists on the border again. Highly idealistic, but not particularly concerned about legality, she was finally convinced to go on out on errantry and finish her training before returning to be knighted as a Jensaarai Defender.






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