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Approved Species Je'ka Lairi, Flame of the Savannah

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  • Intent: To make a phoenix-esque creature for Cathar, mostly because I think it's really funny.
  • Image Credit: Tumblr
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Cathar (Planet)
  • Name: Je'ka dom Lairi
  • Designation: Semi-Sentient
  • Origins: Cathar (Planet)
  • Average Lifespan: 10000 years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: At a glance, one might mistake the bird for a sentient ball of flame. Though, upon getting close, the Je'ka Lairi is a brilliant display of bright yellow and red feathers, with feather tips that smoulder off into a green-ish hue. Curious birds by nature, the Je'ka are known to fly during the day, spreading their wingspan and showing the brilliant rainbow of flame that often shows as they trail across the sky.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 28 to 81 cm
  • Average Length of Adults: 55–67 cm
  • Skin color: Unknown, they are always on fire.
  • Feather color: A burning red, with a brilliant vermillion tip.
  • Distinctions: Je'ka Lairi are known for their different colorations in flame and feather. As they get older, the flame can change from a red, to a blue, to a white. Females are known for their smaller size, while males are known to grow as large as twice the average size.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Vermillion Bird: The Je'ka Lairi are known for two unique traits. Upon hitting maturity, the bird self-ignites, pyrokinesis overtaking it's body and producing a brilliant flame. While the bird is completely unaffected by this, it does mean that it is completely immune to flame itself. As it grows, the bird is capable of learning to control this ability, and while it can never turn it off, it can choose how the flame burns, making it so the heat can effect separate objects differently, and can even learn to project it's pyrokinesis outwards.
  • Raven-Brain: The Je'ka Lairi are known to be quiet clever. Capable of remembering people, sometimes years (or centuries) later, and are capable of manipulating primitive tools, as well as remembering complex commands.
  • Elf Syndrome: The Je'ka Lairi live very, very long lives. Often, they can master their abilities long before they reach their expiration date. It is said that Je'ka Lairi know the planet better than anyone, and are often seen in Cathar folklore as holders of great wisdom. In reality, they're known for being incredibly empathetic, and capable of strong emotional bonds.
  • Trickster by Nature: The Bird of Flame is known for it's trickster-esque nature. Known to play pranks and horde various objects for it's own amusement, these birds are believed to be avatars of flame, and seem to follow the flickering, chaotic nature of the natural element.
  • Bird-Brain: Despite their relative intelligence, the Je'ka are still birds. they're goofy, a bit scatterbrained, and single minded at times.
  • No Off Switch: The Je'ka are physically incapable of turning 'off' their flame. While older specimens are capable of controlling it, they still struggle with the fact that they're fiery by nature.
  • Sharp claws: The one exception to their burning feathers is their razor sharp talons. A known weak spot of the bird, it's the only spot that can interact with the world without lighting it aflame. Should you injure this, they might not be able to land.
  • Bird of Myth For a Reason: The Je'ka Lairi are mythical amongst the Cathar, for a reason. The birds only mate once every decade, and mate for life. Many biologists question if the bird even exists, as their rarity and lack of population brings their status as a viable species into question.
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Communication: Brilliant variety of bird song and calls. Capable of mimicking, but not learning complex speech.
  • Technology level: Can learn to manipulate basic tools, and solve basic puzzles.
  • Religion/Beliefs: None. They are bird.
  • General behavior: Je'ka Lairi are known to be elusive creatures, folklore stating that seeing one is a gift in and of itself. Often seen once in a lifetime, these birds only seem to be found in pairs as mates, and intentionally hide themselves in secluded locations such as high trees, deep jungle canopy, and thick swamp. The birds are hunters by nature, eating the large insects of Cathar, as well as fish and mammalian rodents. That said, they are known to persist on berries and fruit when needed, and have a known fondness for the fruit of the Bul dom ii Zerpa'era plant,.

    They are also known for their ability to mimic almost any sound, and remember individual names and faces. Many are known to use this as a way to mess with, or get an advantage on, other animals in their habitat, but some trained Je'ka Lairi are known to be general goofballs when tamed. Naturally independent, the birds are known to only take to those with strong wills, to the point where owning a Je'ka Lairi as a pet is a sign of great leadership, and many Cathar use the bird as heraldry for elders.
Long before the Age of Chaos, on the jungle planet, the Je'ka Lairi flew over the golden savannah and deep jungle of Cathar. A creature of legend to the native people, the Je'kai dom Lairi, or just Je'ka Lairi are known to act as agents of wisdom, and trickery. Avatars of flame. Believed to be manifestations of the Force, the birds are often solitary creatures that avoid being seen, as their feathers are known to never extinguish, even after they fall off, allowing them to be used as weapons by the locals at times of conflict. Some believe the birds are undying, but that's simply because a body of one has never been found after the fact. In reality, the birds are known to literally explode into ash upon death, the sound sometimes considered an omen of doom.

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