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Jek'ai Cyin: Servant of the Sith

Jek'ai Cyin: Servant of the Sith
Name: Jek'ai Val Cyin
Nickname: Jek
Official Title: Indentured Servant
Home World: Rhen Var
Faction: The Sith Empire
Rank: Servant/Body Guard
Age: 24 GSY
Gender: Agender, identifies most with female.
Species: Zeltron and Human mix.
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 183 pounds
Hair: Coming down to the start of her neck at the longest point, Jek's hair is rather short, and usually pretty messy. It's dark brown in color, though looks black in most lighting. The girl's bangs are a little choppy, and most days get swept to the left..
Eyes: Just like her mother, Jek has yellowish eyes with some black around the irises. They're long and slightly thin, and her pupils seem a little small most of the time.
Skin: Thanks to her partially Zeltron heritage Jek has white skin tinted a light purple. A small scar marks her chin, going across it horizontally. Tattoos cover both of her arms and part of neck, along with two wings on her back. On her right thigh is a mark that was branded onto her when she was a slave, and is almost always covered up.
Body Structure: Jek'ai is tall for someone of her gender and species, standing at an impressive six feet two inches. All four of her limbs are semi muscular, and a little long. In addition her neck is of a slightly larger length then average.
Personality: With a cruel sense of humor and a love of pranks, Jek is sure to make you laugh. Or really, really pissed off. Luckily she makes up for it with her ability to be serious when needed, get the job done efficiently, and follow orders to a pin point. Some of this is driven by her mild OCD, but most of it trails from her time spent in slavery. There Jek learned that being a good girl and following orders meant getting fed, and messing up meant the whips and knives. Off duty she's pretty laid back, but a tad anti-social. When she's working off her debts, however, she focuses solely on the mission, getting it done as well as she can.
Born on the ice planet of Rhen Var, to Drake Cyin and Quip Cyin, Jek'ai was quickly forced to adapt to colder climates. Despite terraforming done on the world, temperatures still remained below preference, and most of the planet was covered in snow year-round. Some of her fondest memories are those of playing in the snow with her two siblings, Ipen and Vrh'in. Everything was well for the lass until she was 15 and on a family vacation to Nar Shaddaa. During a train ride the family was separated, and Jek was kidnapped.
Her captors were slavers. They wasted no time selling her to a rich woman in the outer rim. At first she seemed at least semi-nice, treating Jek surprisingly well. But it turned out that she considered pain a reward (unlike Jek), and beat her servant when she did well. Behaving badly turned out to be worse, as it resulted in her being rarely fed and locked in the dungeon (sadly not a fungeon) for a week or two, depending on what she had done. This went on for two years, leaving Jek with many, many scars and a new hate for humanity.
'Luckily' the woman's mansion was raided by a rival of hers, and she was killed. The man who did so was a better master, but still an odd one. For he was a cannibal. Oftentimes the lass was forced to cook for him, handling the remains of various species (including her own). The work left her scarred, and solidified her hatred of most people. This master lasted three years before he grew tired of her and sold her off.
By now she was 20, and nearly fully grown. Her mistress saw this as a bonus, and taught her how to use a variety of different weapons- but kept her on a slave collar constantly. In many ways she was similar to the first, though she was slower in her rewarding methods. In time she was able to make Jek used to it, to point where she almost looked forward to the pain. 'Sadly' (for the mistress) this only lasted two years, before Jek was stolen in a raid and sold once more. For another year and a half she changed between masters, none of them lasting very long.
Two months into her final stint as a slave, her master's house was attacked by Sith troopers and Imperial Intelligence officers. Turns out her captor was an enemy to the Empire, and was quickly executed. Most of his servants were killed, just in case they had anything to do with his plotting. A Darth was the one who found Jek, who had been locked up in the basement for 'bad behavior'. The sith promised to free her- on one condition. Jek was to loyally serve the Empire for as many years as she had been a slave (8). If she were to say no, she would be killed on the spot.
She agreed, becoming a pawn in the plans of the Sith.
And that is how she has stayed for nearly a year now.
Force Status: Force sensitive, only partially trained. Seeking a master.
Mental State: Jek'ai is quite sane, and passes every psychological exam ever given to her. However she does have mild OCD, and shies away from most social interaction. In addition she often flinches when she's touched, even if it's just a light pat, likely due to her abuse in the past.
Martial Status: Single, never married.
Strengths: Unsurprisingly (due to her physical form), Jek is strong and has good endurance. Though she's not as fast as others, she can take a hit- and hit back even harder. Also she is good with many ranged weapons and several melee. The blaster rifle and katana are her favorites, and the ones she excels most with.
Weaknesses: Jek'ai owes her life to a Sith (never a good thing), and if she abandons the Empire before she turns 31, she will be hunted down and killed. This also limits her freedom, along with choice of friends and allies. It's not like she can buddy up with the Jedi or anything. Unless she wants to one day try to kill said friends. In addition she is used to pain, sometimes even enjoying it, and will fight longer then she should, getting seriously injured when she could of prevented it. Other times she'll let a wound go untreated, trying to push past it, when all she's doing is hurting herself even further.
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual (based off female biological gender)
Clothing: Similar to many citizens of Dromund Kaas, Jek'ai has a rather... Gothic and punk style. Her wardrobe is comprised of mainly blacks and greys, lots of leather, and some spikes and chokers. One of her most often warn pieces is her old slave collar, modified (it can't shock her anymore) and fixed (as it broke when she was freed). A lot of her clothes are modded in some way, changed from what they initially were, as a lot of her stuff was bought from cheap stores and had to be patched up.
Relationships: TBA with RPs
Kills: None
Bounties: None
Ship: None
Force Powers:
Novice- Tapas and Mind Trick​
Adept- Force Empathy (helped with her Zeltron heritage) and Force Enhanced Strength​
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