Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jemini Matoret


Jemnini Matoret


NAME: Jemini Matoret

RANK: Padawan


AGE: 22

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5/10ft

WEIGHT: 220lbs

EYES: brown

HAIR: brown

SKIN: white

FORCE SENSITIVE: Alchaka, Force Speed, Force Sense, Telekinesis, (learn from Cole Matoret) Protection bubble, force scream, Animal bond,force healing, and ionize (learn by him self) Some lightsaber training in form 1 and 3 of lightsaber combat.


Strong leadership skills, able to learn force abilities within a few days of being show them , overconfident in his skill, not a good lightsaber duelist.

Jemini wears Old jedi inspired armor made from beskar (Mandalorian iron, along with brown robes also they are several modification within the armor like an energy shield, along with Rocket boots with an Mitrinomon jetpack thruster and wrist rocket that his modifies himself, and his utility belt has several equipment like an A120 aquata breather, Yurt, Hush-1000 comlink, imagecaster, Marksman-H training remote,

Jemini Matoret grew up on Dantooine, within a small farming community with his Father Cole Matoret as his mother died in child birth, his father was a Jedi Master before left the order and married his mother and later gave birth to him, he would teach Jemini some force abilities and the lightsaber forms like Alchaka, Force Speed, Force Sense, Telekinesis, and only Form 1 and form 3 of lightsaber comabt when he was not training with his father then he was helping around the farm with cattle and growing of crops, and when not doing that then he went to the play with the other nearby farmers kids, he lived a normal life for 10 years until they were attack by some slavers his father fought them, as his father was saving him and the other farmers and their family he was attack from behind by the slavers his father scream to get the other to safety as he fought them off, as he was leading the group to safety they were attack by more salvers he fought them but he was not skilled in lightsaber combat and was easily defeated as the slavers were about to kill some of the farmers he use force scream on instinct alone, with this he was able to get the jump on them as the farmers escape.

As he was about to leave and fallow the farmers he was knock out from behind, as he later awoke he found him self within the slaver ship alone and for the next 6 years he would be force to fight for the amusement of the slavers against other combatants the like of animals, droids and mostly living beings, in those 6 years he learn many new abilities like Animal bond, ionize, force healing and protection bubble, he would later lead a slave revolt against the slavers and take over the ship he would later leave the former slaves to deal with the slavers as he would fine him self on Mandalore were he would meet a the Mandalorian Kolto Varad, with the teachings of Kolto he would learn hand - to hand combat and crafting, he would later forge himself an Old Jedi inspired armor out of Beskar (Mandalorian Iron) with the guidance of Kolto Varad.

From their he was given an old YT-2400 light freighter by Kolto so he could go explore the galaxy and become the jedi he was meant to be.
YT-2400 light freighter

Length=21 meters

Maximum atmospheric speed
1,200 Km/h

Hyperdrive rating
class 0.6
backup class 8

Power Plant
Cryogenic reserve power cells
Quadex power core

Kuat Drive Yards deflector shields generator,
Nordoxicon-42 anti-concussion field generator port and starboard,
fore deflector shield generator

Sensor systems
siep-irol passive sensor antenna
sienar fleet systems active sensor pulse generator
stellar navigation sensors,
Electromagnetic discharge filter
Navigation system
Rubicon navigation computer
tandem flight computer

1 Ion cannon(front left)
1 Ax-120 (Ground buster) surface to air defense blaster cannon
1 Mark Xll tractor beam
1 laser cannons mounted on 1D servo turrets(2)

R2- D5

not at this moment

Cargo capacity
100 metric tons

1 months

Other systems
2 escape pods



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