Crazy Never Looked this Good

NAME: Jenna Templar
FACTION: Omega Protectorate
RANK: Secret Agent
AGE: 30
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 6’ 0”
WEIGHT: 140 Ilbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Dark Tan; Mocha
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Skilled in hand-to-hand combat;
+Undercover espionage
+Skilled marksman
-Can be over self-confident at times
-Easily offended and reacts with violent reaction
Usually wears Turtleneck sweater dresses, varies in color. Also wears knee-high boots and holsters for her blasters. Otherwise, if undercover or on a mission, she’ll wear something to accommodate for the situation.
Jenna Templar was born on Tatooine the only daughter of two outlaws, Lana and Steven Templar, who despite their criminal background cared a lot for their child. When Jenna was born Lana had taken a break from all of the smuggling and other petty crimes she and Steven committed in order to get by, all for the sake of raising Jenna properly. Once Jenna was old enough, however, Steven had wanted to help his daughter follow in the family business.
By the age of eight Steven began to teach Jenna some of his skills in stealing, fighting, and hiding in plain sight. This tended to help Jenna out a lot, especially when Jenna would deal with any local kids that gave her trouble.
Despite this Jenna wasn’t all-in-all a bad girl as she would look out for anyone who was in trouble. On one occasion she saved a boy from being picked on by bullies, easily fighting them off on her own. Another instance was where she gave half of what she stole to a few starving people out of charity. Her parents were proud but the more they saw how Jenna acted the more they realized she shouldn’t live her life as a criminal like them. But it was hard, considering their situation.
When she was fourteen, however things changed a lot when she and her parents were finally caught by one of the police divisions of the galaxy. Given their crimes over the years it was clear that both Lana and Steven were due to spend a long time in prison, but they’d pleaded to at least let Jenna have more mercy given that her actions weren’t her fault. Seeing her skills the head official of the division agreed to take her to where her skills would be put to proper use while she would remain at a boarding house. With this agreements reached Jenna had given a final goodbye to both her parents before the family was separated.
Over the years Jenna was properly trained in combat, weapon specialty and even playing undercover operations for the police agency. Like any other in her situation it took time to slowly build herself further up the ranks, going through both scueeded and failed missions altogether. As much as she missed her parents Jenna had headed their words when they told her to always adjust to a situation, no matter how bad it might be. What she’d always seen as a plus was being able to travel all around the galaxy and visiting exotic planets and places everyone had every talked about on Tatooine.
Now, finally having become a special secret agent, Jenna serves with the same faction that had taken her in and changed her life around. She still had personality and appearance issues sometimes, but she tries to avoid that when on a mission; though she’s not afraid to smack someone around who gives her any backtalk.