Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jennica Sorsten

NAME: Jennica Sorsten
RANK: Knight
SPECIES: Nagai/Arkanian Hybrid
AGE: 25
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 136 lbs.
EYES: Silver
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale grey


Highly disciplined. The mission or objectives given to her to complete always take priority.
Extremely meticulous. Regards each task as a challenge to surmount, as utterly as possible.
Can see in the infrared spectrum. Due to her Arkanian blood.

Solitary individual. Considers being called anti-social a compliment, and rarely speaks if she can get away with it.
Almost completely lacks a sense of humor. Only displays it around those she trusts the most.
Ability to see in the infrared spectrum is diluted. Half-blood Arkanian, not full-blood.

Moderate training with a lightsaber. Favors Soresu, but has limited skill with Ataru.
Limited training in hand to hand techniques. Prefers K'tara.
Above average training in starship/starfighter maintenance and repair.
Average linguistics training. Can understand, speak, read, and write in Arkanian, Basic, and Nagaian. Can understand Astromech droids.

Jennica stands five feet and six inches tall, around average height, and weighs one hundred and thirty-six pounds. She shares the pale skin and black hair of her Nagai kin, and her fingers end in claws, much like her Arkanian kin, but there the similarities end. Instead of pure white eyes, white skin, and straight hair, she has silver eyes, gray skin, and her hair is far from straight. It tends to be shoulder-length, in whatever style Jennica finds pleasant at any given time. Her appearance has the advantage of allowing her to disappear into any background that has shadows or dark colors in any shade of black or gray with little effort. She customarily wears a sleeveless black leather tunic, black leather pants, matching boots, and fingerless black leather gloves.

Single-bladed silver lightsaber, stygium crystal.

Born to a working-class single mother on Nar Shaddaa, Jennica was orphaned mere hours after her fourth birthday when her mother was taken by a group of slavers. They never saw each other again, and the resulting circumstances forced her to live as a scavenger in the back alleys and filth-strewn streets called home by homeless of various ages, the destitute, and other survivors who were orphans as she was herself. At first, she kept to herself as much as possible, but after one and a half years of scraping and clawing (sometimes literally) a meager existence for herself, the realization dawned on her that she would not survive on her own.

Within three months of this decision, the young hybrid found a place for herself with a group of orphans whose ages ranged from her own to early teens, and she learned that their primary method of finding food was to pick pockets or beg for anything that others could or would spare. Between the time she was welcomed to the group and the time her sixth birthday rolled around, however, her innate talent for mechanical tinkering had provided them with a meager source of income, though the group did have to prioritize how it was spent. This changed, however, when a human who turned out to be an officer of the Empire, brought the group of orphans-turned-survivors aboard his ship.

Despite being confined to non-restricted areas of the ship given their status as civilians and noncombatants, Jennica and others of the group did manage to catch the ocassional glimpse of space through viewports now and then. It was during one such moment when she thought she saw a flicker of life floating near a shattered wreck that had formerly been classified as a starship, and told the officer of her suspicion. It was this development that revealed to her, and others, that she possessed the ability to see in the infrared spectrum. It was this ability, in part, that led to her adoption by the Imperial officer. Though his other reasons continue to remain unknown to her to this day.

Between the time this ability was revealed and her twenty-fifth birthday, the Imperial officer who had since revealed his name as Aken Bosch, did what he could to help hone and expand her general knowledge, her knowledge of starship and starship mechanics that would benefit both her and the Empire. After their joint discovery of her ability to sense the Force, he also somehow managed to locate a willing tutor to help Jennica hone and expand her more esoteric skills and knowledge . . . though the Empire did not long have any of her skills to call upon - she made the decision to walk her own path less than a month after graduating from the technical academy he had sponsored her into. While this may have left some on the Empire's side with distaste and perhaps even suspicion, mistrust, and wariness where she was concerned . . . she continues to harbor no ill will for them, or Aken Bosch.

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