The Stars Our Destination
Birthplace | Denon |
Age | 17 Years |
Rank | None |
Faction | Independent |
Home | The Abringdon |
Species | Human |
Gender | Female |
Force Sensitive | Yes (unknown) |
Height | 1.55m |
Weight | 51kg |
Hair Color | Dirty Blonde |
Eye Color | Grey |
Skin Color | White |
Writer | DizzySteinway |
Image source | Matt Gross |
"The stars are out there. I'll find a way."
Jennilys 'Jenny' Coral is a young trader, starship engineer and explorer.
Born to a family of merchant traders, Jenny spent most of her life so far aboard ships. Travelling from one side of the Galaxy to the other, Jenny's family were constantly on the move, in search of jobs and security. Educated by her parents (and older siblings), Jenny naturally fell into the role of an engineer, disassembling and repairing her first ship system at the age of eight.
Jenny grew up largely within the confines of her family's trading ship, with occasional ventures onto distant worlds or trading stations. Such a confined upbringing has left her with an unquenchable urge to see more. The whole Galaxy is endlessly fascinating and Jenny is determined to see more of it. From the driest desert of Tattooine to the gleaming spires of Coruscant, she'll do whatever it takes to explore the endless worlds of the Galaxy. Maybe she'll be charting new hyperlanes and discovering new worlds within Wild Space. These dreams have lead to conflict with her family, who'd much prefer her to stay on with their trading business and help them out.
The only thing that Jenny knows for sure is that one day, she will write her name across the stars.
Engineer of Skill: Having to refit, repair and repurpose several parts of her family's trading vessel over the years has given Jenny an excellent understanding of cheap, commercial starship parts. From life support systems to fuel intake to hyperdrives, Jenny has an understanding of them all.
Curiously Observant: Wide-eyed and endlessly interested, Jenny takes in details that others might miss. Whether it's the colour of a robe, the profile of a starship or the scent of a certain flower, Jenny will lock these details in her mind. She likes recording things in her journal, just to remind her of where she's been.
Adventurous: Her one driving urge is to go places nobody has ever been, see things that nobody ever has and do things that... are probably hazardous and bad for her health. But she'll do them anyway, because the idea of living a humdrum life in one place is scarier than death.
Only Into Junk Jenny's engineering knowledge is focused mainly on ultra-cheap, old and widely available parts and manufacturers. The more modern, advanced or exclusive a starship part is, the less likely she is to understand it.
Bad Shot Jenny's family tried to teach her how to use a blaster. It's the one machine that she never could get the hang of. If a target starts moving, she can kiss goodbye any hint of hitting it. This has left her with an aversion to shooting, unless her life is seriously threatened.
Foolhardy:Brave, curious and young, Jenny wants nothing more to boldly go out into the Galaxy. A Galaxy filled with unspeakable, unknowable evils lurking at the end of every hyperlane, lingering in every starport. Despite the fact that she has few credits, little combat ability and limited decorum, Jenny still thinks she'll be absolutely fine.
Repair kit.
Private Journal: "All The Stars I've Seen."