Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jeraud Rydor

Jeraud Rydor


Jeraud Rydor was born on her home planet of Naboo. She's a former member of the Sixth Battalion and current 'freedom fighter' against the New Order. She was raised on stretching farmlands by her mother and father. From a young age she was constantly surrounded by firearms and would later learn how to fire them. When the Sixth Battalion was first commissioned on Voss by the Silver Jedi Order, she had immediately signed up. While she believed what they did was righteous, she too knew the hard reality that they couldn't simply go head-to-head with the New Order. It was against their edict. Once she had found fellow like-minded individuals among the Sixth Battalion, she left to fight a guerrilla war with the New Order.

Jeraud isn't one you would call wealthy. Most of her equipment was taken from her fathers farm, including her XJ-2 Airspeeder. She's a highly versatile combatant and has been trained in unconventional warfare by the Sixth Battalion. She utilises blaster rifles over slug throwers, and has found stiff competition when against a Force User. In her firearm possession is a DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol and an A280 Blaster Rifle. She's a quick draw on the pistol, and a fine aim on the rifle. But in hand-to-hand combat she lacks greatly, both in skill and strength. Regardless, she is a woman you would not want to get cross with you.​

Hasjo Hallu was the General of the Sixth Battalion, and the man she had served under in her time in the corps.

May was the Commander of the Sixth Battalion and was directly responsible for her training and leadership.

Lysle Rigger was a family friend who regularly visited her father. She trusts him with her life.

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