Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jerec Shan

In Umbris Potestas Est
Name: Jerec Shan
Faction: Undecided
Species: Clawdite
Age: 30
Height: 6'2
Weight: 208 ilbs.
Eyes: Yellow
Skin: Greenish with Yellow Tinge
Hair: Black
Force Sensitive:

Strengths And Weaknesses
+ As a Clawdite, Jerec can take on the physical form of most humanoids. Through years of training and practice, he can assume many forms and even grow appendages; though he is limited in terms of height and weight alterations, as these can only vary slightly.
+ His years on the Zolan Investigations Unit has made him quite skilled in small arms, hand to hand combat and given him a strong gut feeling and intuition on when people are lying; though this is not to be confused with any force powers.

- As a clawdite, transformations can take a physical toll, and he is limited to the frequency of these shape shifts; severe injury can also cause him to loose his form as well.
- He has been known to have a short temper, has problems with authority, and prefers to do things his way, if he doesn't see eye to eye with others.

Ship: Sceptor

Biography: To be added shortly.

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