Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jeriko Rex - Clan Rex

NAME: Jeriko Rex
FACTION: Mandalorian Clans
RANK: Vod of Clan Rex
AGE: 23
SEX: Dude
HEIGHT: Six Foot
WEIGHT: 160 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Slight Tan


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Jeriko, even though he has military training under his belt, is still very new to the Mando'ade, and lacks full knowledge and experience as one. There's still that GA spec ops training thick in his skull, but it still comes in handy in battle. The biggest thing about Jeriko that everyone will notice is that he still human. He will cry when a comrade dies, get angry when given an order he doesnt agree with, and fails all the time. He's still learning how to be an adult, and sometimes finds himself acting immature when the situation calls for a more adult demeanor.

Jeriko grew into the life of a poor family as Jeriko Denn, and was always in need of finding the next dinner for the table. His father was long dead, and it was just his mother and him. For the longest time, Jeriko found work salvaging, scrapping, and made very little doing it because he had no skill in it. When one day he found himself in a bar fight near the age of eighteen, he found a new love for violent actions, and knew he was good at it.

Taking his leave to the Galactic Alliance after his mother's death, he had to work hard to keep in line with his emotional self. Eventually, though, he passed, and fell in line with the rest looking for the best seat in the front lines, spec ops. Again, he had to go through training, and found himself able to work well with a team smaller than a platoon, and passed with flying colors.

After many skirmishes with the One Sith, various criminal gangs, and even some Mandalorians, Jeriko found a new interest in the Clans of Mandalore. Doing some small reading, and a little research, he became fond of the concept of family and looking out for each other, something he felt the military had a hard time doing. As a GA deserter, he became a wanted man, and found himself among Clan Rex members to try and lose his tail.

After getting away from them, Clan Rex accepted Jeriko as vod, and ever since then, Jeriko has been Mandalorian.

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