Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Theme: TBA
Name: Jerrel Kast
Alias(es): -
Class(es): Bounty Hunter
Birthplace: Naboo
Force Sensitive: No
Force Alignment: -

Species: Human
Age: Mid 20s
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 175lbs
Eyes: Light brown
Hair: Dark brown
Skin: Light

Rank(s): Bounty Hunter
Allegiance(s): Bounty Hunters Guild - Enarc Chapter, League of Autonomous World (by contract)
Language(s): Galactic Basic, Naboo, Mando’a, Huttese

Personality Traits: Diligent, Greedy, Arrogant
Education Traits: Bounty Hunter education
Lifestyle Traits: Extravagant Adventurer
Character Alignment: Chaotic neutral

An illegitimate son to a Mandalorian bounty hunter and a Naboo minor noblewoman, Jerrel was raised in a remote compound in Naboo, where his parents only visited him once in a blue moon. As soon as he turned six, he was taken by his father across the galaxy on his bounty hunting missions. His father raised him as a Mandalorian, but as he never practiced the Creed, it’s inherited to Jerrel too.
He grew to be an excellent fighter, learning tactics and techniques from early on. He had his first joint-hunt with his dad at the age of 10, first solo-hunt at the age of 12, and first monster-hunt, slaying three acklays when he was 14. By the time Jerrel was 15, he’s already a proven bounty-hunter when it comes to capturing petty criminals, runaway slaves, and clearing up landscapes from monsters and beasts.
But he wanted more, so at the age of 17 he left the Enarc-chapter to operate mostly in the Slice. Working for criminal organisations, petty lords, and corporations, Jerrel built a name for himself as a ruthless, no-nonsense bounty hunter with no morality and all the guts to go up against much bigger, sometimes Force-users oppositions.
When he heard of his father’s passing, Jerrel decided that it’s time to move back and take control of the Enarc-chapter of the Bounty Hunters Guild. It just happen that a certain, benevolent power in the name of League of Autonomous World was assembling in the region around the same time, consolidating power in fear of the Sith’s incursion, and Jerrel sees this as the opportunity to come out on top as a hero and secure himself wealth that would put him on par to even the Queen of Naboo.
Skills and Abilities: Strategic thinking, Negotiation, Networking, Reconnaissance, Close-quarter combat, Demolition expert, Martial arts
Strengths: Deal-maker, Monster hunter, Quick-reflexes
Weaknesses: Haughty, Ill-tempered, Troublemaker

Beskar’gam (~25% Beskar)
WESTAR-34 blaster pistol x2
Z-6 Jetpack
Right Beskar Vambrace
Tracker launcher
Tranquillizer dart launcher
Micro-rocket launcher
Wrist vibroblade
Left Beskar Vambrace
Whipcord launcher
Whistling Birds
Computer system

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