Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jessa Holly

Jessa Holly


RANK: None Current

SPECIES: Corellian

AGE: 19

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'8 1.7 Meters


EYES: Green


SKIN: Pale White


PERSONAL POSSESSIONS: Datapad, Comms Device, DC-17m(Only Rifle Mode), Utility Belt


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Creative
+ Mechanically Inclined
+/- Strong Willed
- Vengeful
- Overly Analytical

APPEARANCE: Fair skinned and in fairly good shape, Jessa typically has a focused look and a sharp gaze. Being rather small even for a human, she has a somewhat diminutive stature that is offset by her strong personality.

BIOGRAPHY: Born on Corellia, her family moved to the outer rim before she was old enough to remember her home planet. Living on the move, her father and mother were traders and she hated every bit of it. Being on the move, never settling in once place. As she grew older she got more accustomed to it, but as a young girl she hated it. Though this life style ended up saving them from all sorts of troubles down the line. When she was young, she got apprenticed to a mechanic and engineer who hopped on their ship to change planets. Working with him in his shop got her working on all kinds of things, from droids, to starships and even weapons. Fabricating parts and machining, welding metal plates back together, fixing a shield generator, putting together a communications array. It was work her mind could sink into and forget everything else, parents, the galaxy, all of it. After the Netherworld incident, she stopped hearing from them all together and never heard from them again. Not long after she turned nineteen, Jessa decided to strike out into the galaxy on her own, taking the money and skills she had gotten from her time training to start her own life and see where it would take her.

SHIP: A simple Transportation shuttle, equipped with a machining station, welding tools and materials for fabricating parts.





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