Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jessica Century

Jessica Century


.: Basics :.
  • Name: Jessica Century
  • Faction: None
  • Role: Agent / Slicer
  • Species: Human
  • Age: 22
  • Height: 5.9ft
  • Weight: 135 lbs
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Brown
  • Skin: White
  • Force Sensitive: Yes (Currently Unknown To Her)

.: Strengths & Weaknesses :.
  • Strength: Data Miner - Codes need cracking? She's your gal.
  • Strength: Pistoleer - A deadly accurate marksman with small firearms.
  • Strength/Weakness: Forgiving - Forgiving everyone and everyone for their past may not always be wise.
  • Weakness: Indecisive - Giving this girl multiple choices is like asking her the meaning of life.
  • Weakness: Ends Justify The Means - Creating a perfect society is an unachievable goal, but that won't stop her from pursuing that through any means necessary.

.: Appearance :.

Jessica has typically straight, shoulder length brown hair with matching brown eyes. She is taller than average human females, and possesses a fit, toned body that she meticulously maintains through vigorous exercise and the every day routines of her job as an agent. Preferring to wear what most would consider casual attire, she finds herself easily blended with crowds and gatherings, so not to attract too much attention herself.


.: Biography :.

A native resident of Corellia, after the events of the Netherworld unfolded and the destruction of her homeworld she found herself without family. Whether her mother, father, older brother, and younger sister had escaped she wasn't sure, but all trace of them appeared to have disappeared. Growing up she was constantly getting into trouble for breaking into her school system's network infrastructure and downloading test materials, student reports, and faculty files. Over time she honed her skills and began hacking into more secure data centers such as corporations and banks, though never taking anything, simply doing so to prove her skills and improve her wits. At the age of 14 she began receiving handgun training from an underground organization known as the Freedom Harbingers. Kept as a tightly guarded secret from her family she began undertaking a number of nefarious break-ins on wealthy politicians and their cabinets. An unknown number of framings were setup to pin the transfer of funds and data on politicians and senators of the Republic.

Eventually she was sold out by the leader of the organization in a police seizure and interrogation, thus she was brought to the capital and questioned for her part in the attacks. Answering for her crimes she was put into a juvenile detention facility for several weeks before being released and recruited to the Republic espionage division, in exchange for serving no additional time. Though she meant well by believing in the Freedom Harbingers' goal of framing fraudulent politicians, she was mislead in their goals, and used to their advantage while being forced into taking the fall for them, while most of the highest ranking members escaped. She is now interested in creating a united galaxy, brought together under cooperative rule and will do her part in each governing body to achieve that goal of lasting peace, no matter the cost.

.: RP History :.
.: Major Event Participation :.

.: Training & Development Threads :.

.: General Role Plays :.

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