Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jessica Kidman

Jessica Kidman

Character Profile: Jessica Kidman

Name: - Jessica Kidman

1. Species

Type: - Corellian Female
Age: - Early 30's
Height: - 175 cm - 5'10"
Weight: - 78 kg - 170 lbs
Hair: - Blue
Eye: - Blue
Force Sensitive: - Yes

2. Description

Jessica used to be a bartender on a luxury starliner for a Zelosian drug syndicate. It was a glamorous job. Paying well and giving her a free run at the ship's galaxy-class facilities too. Well. That was until the day she helped an Alliance spy escape a summary execution in the private cabins and then subsequently, blowing up the hanger bay entirely. Smoldering cartel starfighters and all.

Two years later, she's learning to be a Padawan for the Denon Jedi Academy. Her final farewell gift from a mostly grateful Alliance. Spending most of her time training with practice sabers, folding her long linen robes, and browsing age-old holobooks on religion too. It's a far cry from her past life as a syndicate working girl. But she still finds the time to be a sassy and rebellious night owl too. Just when her Master's not looking, is all.

Jessica dislikes galactic politics and marauding empires. Even as a Jedi trainee herself. However, on the moral side of the spectrum she considers herself somewhat apathetic. Doing a good turn daily being more a slogan than a real lifestyle, just yet. That said. She always tips when dining out, compliments the staff, and usually finds time to help others with their form while at the gym. Her greatest success in life thus far is probably in staying away from galactic politics, lifting daily, and being a crack shot with a pistol. Alas, Jessica also looks to her greatest weaknesses as her bad money management, an irrational fear of deep water, and her frequently unsuccessful relationships.

If she has free time she can usually be found fist-bumping the Wookiees at the gym.

3. Strengths & Weaknesses

+ Professional Bartender
+ Crack Shot
+ Swift Runner
+ Cool Hand Luke

- Wild Thang'
- Thalassophobia
- Can't Budget Money
- Man Eater

4. Gear

- Tin-Roberts Plate Carrier. link.
- Zelosian Blaster Pistol. -
- Jedi Practice Saber. -


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