Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jessica Med-Beq


NAME: Jessica Med-Beq
FACTION: Silver Jedi
RANK: Chief research officer, Ringovinda StarYards
AGE: 35
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.97 m (6 ft 6)
WEIGHT: 100 kg (220 lbs)
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Blond
SKIN: See above image
  • Basic (fluent)
  • Mando'a (broken vocabulary)
  • Jawaese (average)
  • Gunganese (near-fluent)

  • Big, sexy, well-trained brain: At least she isn't some skin-deep beauty; for many things mechanical Jessica is a lady one can be trusted with, but as a slicer she is actually not one that can do so on a regular basis - there isn't a whole lot of ways that she can't out-think a problem; plus her mental speed is very high
  • Gadgeteer genius: she could design contraptions ranging from variable-geometry landing gears to AI
  • Great willpower: she can resist mind tricks
  • Free-thinker
  • Astronomical memory capacity (even though much of her knowledge is actually subconsciously fed to her)
  • Highly energetic
  • Strength in bursts
  • Near-Wookiee morphology: while it helps with bursts where she needs brute force, in cramped spaces it is a liability
  • Genius bruiser: While useful on a lot of levels, it can also be a liability as it forces her to pick potential lovers as well as her friends accordingly and she seems to let her abilities define who to befriend and her identity
  • God complex: when she achieves something, she brags about said achievement given the proper context, but sometimes she feels burdened, as if the Force was constantly relying on her to perform high-level mental operations for Force-users making use of cognition-enhancing Force-powers
  • Lacks subtlety: she has been described as having the subtlety of a Star Destroyer, even though she was on the design team of actual Star Destroyers - she is also an aggressive go-getter
  • Lacks agility: she is a liability in close-quarters for this reason
  • Lacks physical endurance
  • Lacks fashion sense
  • Prone to obsessions: as seen with the whole Kuat Drive Yards arc in her NPC days, she can keep vendettas to the point of engaging in industrial espionage and getting herself hurt for one
  • Somewhat absent-minded
  • Eccentric in terms of mechanical possessions: while she isn't fashionable by any stretch, she'd always want the more bizarre or larger possessions so long as they are long-term, bonus points if she had a hand in designing the thing herself
  • Glory Hound: it can lead her to risk her life for her own pursuits of glory (probably a side-effect of having such massive brainpower however)
  • Don't let her near Jawas: they WILL hit on her for no reason
She also appears to be rather thick, with rather sizeable muscles, since in the design stages of starship components, she did have to do some heavy lifting. As far as her physical capabilities are concerned, she can be considered almost the same as a female Wookiee, and also she has a morphology very similar to those of female Wookiees.

Born on Loronar to a father that served in the police and a mother that was the daughter of a well-to-do socialite in the Kawano family, Jessica became interested in mechanics from a young age and found her true calling in hydraulic systems. She had an internship at Bluth Company while an undergraduate at Dammon University on Corulag, where she endlessly heard complaints by bulk freighter captains that their and almost begged her, or asked her at gunpoint, to design landing gears that would enable them to land their ships, which were capital ships, on planets. That event made her vow that she would build the best landing gears in the galaxy.

Eventually she worked for Kuat Drive Yards, where she was always one to believe that capital ships should be able to land on planets, believing that the ships that most need to land, and that freighters should, currently cannot. She earned a MBA from Corulag University of Economics a few years into her career. Due to tense relationships with the engineering higher-ups at work about outfitting large capital ships with landing gears, while employed by Kuat Drive Yards, she left the company and she was hired by Ringovinda Systems, leading her to a vendetta that even led her to submit a bid for a citizen-led raid. She even gave her first name to a line of landing gears to be used on capital ships, which debuted on the Maersk-class bulk freighter. During the raid on Kuat Drive Yards, she got injured but she proved rather capable as a ranged fighter, and she was celebrated in an orgy of praise in Ringo Vinda's tabloids: immense willpower, Mandalorian beauty (even if she is decidedly non-Mandalorian in origins and upbringing) even "brain-with-a-lady" sometimes. Charzon finally allowed her more independence in carrying out adventures as needed.

Today, together with [member="Cathul Thuku"], she postulated the theory that many unsuspected spells, as well as different mechanisms for existing spells, would be accessed through either side of the Force provided that the caster of the spells had proper knowledge of chemistry or physics. This theory is called quantum magic.

As a member of Ringovinda StarYards' Design Triumvirate, she is part of the major decision-making processes of the company; that corporation is a little particular in that the real power within the corporation is held by the creative minds, with the COO and CFO, while important in the day-to-day operations, being subordinate to the Design Triumvirate in practice. She has become the public face of Ringovinda StarYards among the Ringovindian public even though Charzon was the public face of the corporation away from the planet.

She unwittingly became the star of Dead Fantasy 2: Wookiee Zombies of the Galactic Republic by virtue of being prominently featured in the historical records used for principal photography as a result of being the Republic's most consistent fighter, but is otherwise in no shape or form a bankable star as an actress. And also she anchored the Silver Sanctum's huttball team at the Galactic Games. She has since earned a reputation at jumping at any occasion to gain glory on some level, regardless of what that is.

Lately she was in search for answers: after designing the Hammurabi AI almost all to herself over a few days (which ended up being comparable to X0-X1's initial programming) she began feeling as if Force-users were using her as a computer in the Force. That inconvenience didn't prevent her from later repeating a similar feat with a 380mm-caliber hypervelocity cannon. Because she symbolized three of the most valued traits in the Techno Empire, sophistication, knowledge and technical excellence, she became the latter's mascot.

OTHER NOTES: For those familiar with [member="Charzon Loulan"] I tended to use her almost systematically as a NPC for dev threads for items, ranging from landing gears, repulsorlifts, as well as for ships making use of these.


A Neimoidian Yacht



RELATIONSHIPS: (love triangle is afoot)
[member="Summer Sovereign"] - Lover
[member="Warren Century"] - Lover




- First Order Economic and Commerce Summit
- Did someone order landing gears?
- Massive problems call for massive solutions
- Vengeance served freezing cold
- Operation Noah's Ark, phase 1
- Bedridden
- Another symbol of gratitude towards the Mandos
- For 3000 Years, They Ignored Our Calls for Help (SSC Jabiim/Handooine dominion)
- Bras and broomsticks

As PC:

- Using the Force as applied quantum mechanics
- Gods of the Stadium
- Too smart for her own good?
- The Mandalorian Crusade (MC invasion of GR Kashyyyk)
- Finally, some non-Jawa womanizer!
- First Annual Galactic Games
- Perfume in a Pizza Hutt Palace
- The Hammurabi Code
- Force-computer online
- The Galactic Premiere of Dead Fantasy 2
- Castle in the Sky-High IQ
- Beware the Republican Mascot
- Funding Renewal
- Lead By Light
- The Force-Computer Wore Perfume
- The Silver Jedi Come (SJ dominion of the Stygian Caldera)
- The Broken Amethyst (TE raid of Vulpter)
- The Moment of Truth
- Wardrobe Renewal
- Full Speed Ahead

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