Jessikal Skea
Music | Theme |
Age | 20 |
Personality Traits | Kind, Compassionate and Diplomatic |
Education Traits | Medic Training, Natural Orator |
Lifestyle Traits | Tends to live a simple life if possible, nothing too lavish |
Rank(s) | Senator |
Faction(s) | Galactic Alliance |
Species | Ariem |
Languages | Galactic Basic, Huttese |
Gender | Female |
Force Sensitive | N/A |
Character Alignment | Lawful Good |
Height | 164cm |
Weight | 56kg |
Template Credit | Konrad Harrsk |
Born on Hosnian Prime, Jessikal's two mothers were hard working tailors in the planet's main megalopolis. From a young age, she understood the extent of her people's history. Her mothers did not spare the grim details of the abuse their people had at the hands of various criminal elements. To many it may have not been appropiate for a child to know such things, but Jessikal understood the gravity of the nature of the information. It was important that she knew about the tragic past of her people. It helped shaped Jessikal's interests at a young age to begin pursuing ways for her to get into political scenes on Hosnian Prime. She began to volunteer for charities throughout her schooling years, ranging from helping the less fortunate, to running fundraisers to help improve medical care in the Ariem Quarter of the Megalopolis. Jessikal however would take a slightly different career path detour. When she turned 18, she volunteered to join the GADF as a medic, helping to be a beacon for her people to inspire them to join as well.
She served two years active duty before moving to the reserves. When the election for Hosnian Prime's senator was in full swing, Jessikal threw her hat into the ring. She platformed about bring more prosperity to not only the Ariem people but to everyone on Hosnian Prime. How she would be their voice in the Senate and how she plans to hopefully bring about a more peaceful galaxy so many soldiers can return home to their families. Granted the many warhawks within the planet, opposed Jessika's more pacifist intentions. When the vote came down to it, Jessika won with a slim majority. Now she serves both in the Senate and in the reserves for the Galactic Alliance.
Medical Training Excellent Orator Natural Leader
NameDescriptionSela Skea Mother (Alive) Mol Skea Birth Mother (Alive)