Orihime Ike
Forceborn Daughter
Image Source: Lucifer
Intent: To construct for some who preform well a special set of robes collected by Matsu's padawan Sorel and Daughter Orihime.
Development Thread:
Ain't No Sass in Our Kaas [Silver Sanctum Dominion of...
Seeking a holocron
Padawan Adventures.... They're.... Grate
Manufacturer: Sasori Research
Model: Advanced Jedi Robes
Affiliation: Orihime Ike, [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Nikias"] [member="Aris II"] [member="[/SIZE][SIZE=12px]Valae[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] Kitra"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Zak Dymo"]
Modularity: N/A
Production: Limited (Only A Select Group Of NPCs/PCs)
Sasori Light Armor
Sasori Glove
Ranger's Utility Boots
Kinetic Weave
Crystal Weave
Sigil of Hope
Anti-Energy Field
Terentatek Leather
Classification: Anti-Saber
Weight: 6.5kg
Quality: 10 (Ssori Light Armor)
Special Features:
Anti-Energy Field
Designed as a suit for a small group of padawans and apprentices. The padawan pack of the Silver Jedi as it were and friends. rihime worked with her mothers researchers and company to craft the protective hide into a robe losing most of the alchemical properties from it. The treatments more to preserve it as a hide armor that can still be semi flexible and protective to the ones wearing it.
The hide is no longer immune or highly resiostant to the force but leaves maybe trace effects. It won't stop an attack from affecting the one wearing it but it has been weaved with protective crystal and kinetic weaves. To give it a different level of protection, the leather hide being attuned to the jedi so they can wear it and have it be lightsaber and blaster resistant. Hardened material treated for coloring.
The kinetic weave designed to aid with kinetic and slug attacks while an anti-energy field used in ancient stormtrooper armor dissipated energy shots from a blaster. THe connect to the force energies through the crystal weave allows the padawans wearing it to connect to the armor for themselves and the calming effects for their minds it exudes through the force.
The interior bodyglove is a modified Sasori light armor with the sleeves removed. The protection armorweave and duraplast protective plates on the outside making the exterior armor. The utility boots a highly protective set and the channeling gloves designed by Sasori are included for the jedi wearing them. Around the neck built in sigils that secure around the neck are one of the final pieces.
Primary Source:
Sasori Light Armor
Sasori Glove
Ranger's Utility Boots
Kinetic Weave
Crystal Weave
Sigil of Hope
Anti-Energy Field
Terentatek Leather