Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jezebel Marcos


NAME: Jezebel Marcos
FACTION: First Order
AGE: 24
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 145 lbs
HAIR: Blue
SKIN: Blue


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Being a Chiss, Jezebel has Above-average night vision allowing her to see in places other species would have difficulty with.
Jezebel is very good with handling a ship and can navigate through space with ease if she has the right maps and co-ordinates
Jezebel is a natural with tech because of her upbringing and her father letting her experiment/look at the ships
Jezebel is very intelligent because of her upbringing, being forced into study almost all the time she learnt many things and her intellect soared.
Jezebel isn't very good when it comes to space combat so she always flees if she can, entering a space battle might end up killing her.
Jezebel has trouble making friends so it can affect her when she is selling cargo and other things with her nature.
Jezebel keeps her past a secret because of the relationship she had with her mother. This could lead to odd situations and occasional distrust with others

Jezebel isn't much different than that of other Chiss, Unique features about her though include the fact she has a scar across her back from a fight at a younger age. She also would don a first order pin badge to show her support for the order. This would go along with her mandalorian esc armour that her boss allowed her to keep after the person ordering the armour "mysteriously" perished when trying to steal the shipment and refused to pay.

Jezebel was born on Csilla and she lived a very happy life as a youth because her mind had not yet been brought up to the knowledge that life can be harsh. Her family was not a noble one it was just wealthy. She hated almost all of her family life because her parents would neglect her unless her studies were going well which they almost always were as she was very bright, this did not however bring any happiness to her mother who still seemed to despise her. She hated school as her parents demanded that she was to see almost no outside contact so she wouldn't be badly influenced. She was interested in starships from a very early age due to the fact her father would sell them to almost anybody he could. She became infatuated with the V-wing starfighter as she loved the design and overall look of the ship. She hated her mother because she was the one who forced her into solitude. Her father would always be nice to her when the mother was away. Her father would allow her to watch as starships would take off, and on the other occasions allow her to view the V-wing she very much adored. This relationship with her father would take a turn for the worse whenever her mother was around, he would become distant and avoid contact. When Jezebel became 20 she left her household and her father let her keep a YG-4210 freighter to start a shipping business. She thanked him and promised to return one day. As she set of into space she smiled realising that her mother was far behind her and decided that so was her past. She ventured to many different planets earning a living but not really living a full life, over her time she discovered something called the First Order, she fell in love with all the policies and agreed with everything they said, the propaganda was so enjoyable she decided she would pursue a career in the First Order, she thought about it day and night until she finally decided she would do it. But not right now, she would save a great amount of money to find a nice planet under First Order control to live on and then sell her ship. This was the beginning of Jezebel's story but it still has a while to go


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