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Character Jhyrack



Lord Jhyrack

Age36 Years
FactionSith Order
Force SensitiveYes
Height8ft 3in
Hair ColorRed
Eye ColorOrange
Skin ColorPale
Distinctive featuresHorns/Size

Lord Jhyrack hails from the planet of Malthyl. It is a warm planet out in the Rim near the world of Won Shasot. Much like it's neighbouring system, it had an influx of pureblood sith after the great hyperspace war. Unlike that system, the sith found no advanced civilisations but organised tribes of humanoid, ogre-like creatures as the dominant species.

The world was filled with dangerous predators and the sith utilised the powerful creatures - that would come to be known as maldrani - to secure their settlements.

The system remained relatively isolated for thousands of years, becoming completely shut off during the Gulag Plague.

There is no sign of the pureblood massassi sith, but their mark on the world is obvious. Their generic heritage remains with the maldrani, manifesting in their yellow eyes and affinity for the Force. The culture of the maldrani has its roots in sith lore. The most common language is closely related to the sith language to the point a conversation could be held between the two with only minor issues.

Trade (and war) has been in place with neighbouring systems like Won Shasot for several hundred years, but only recently with central systems.

Lord Jhyrack rules over the northern continents. There are three main powers vying for control. The world remains a violent, dangerous place. Vast swathes of territory are still wild and ruled by dangerous predators.

From his mountain fortress, Jhyrack commands three key cities and two space stations with an iron first. He is a fiersome warlock with a powerful command of the Force. Yet in person - when unprovoked - is loud and jovial. His anger is usually well restrained, but can erupt without warning.

His skill with the Force focuses on turning his own body into a living weapon. Rather than battle those maldrani skilled in sith magic with their own intricate arts, Jhyrack hardens his own body against damage in an art skin to Force Weapon. He can dangerously draw from his own reserves to heal his own body, push himself to his limits and has used his fierce strength to cut down all those who have ever challenged him in battle.

Jhyrack privately tires of the battles on his honeworld. He is surprisingly well read and knows almost all of the old stories of hyperspace wars that survived from the sith migration to his planet.

He wishes to look outwards, to seek conquest and glory beyond Malthyl. To this end he has reached out to the Sith Order as it expands it's space close to edges of the Outer Rim. He looks for allies that could end his wars at home and give him glory beyond

  • Powerful in the Force
  • Loud
  • Jovial
  • Quick to anger



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