Jie ‘Ears’ Tarell
Faction: CIS
Species: Human
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 5,9
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eyes: Piercing blue
Hair: Bald
Skin: Fair
Force-Sensitive: No
With no hair, Jie is somewhat aged before his time. Looking weathered a little gruff, he maintains his look without let up. Lithe yet muscular, he is often called ‘scrawny by fellow soldiers. However, he is more than capable of holding his own in a scuffle.
Perpetually gruff, Jie is always ready with a sardonic or witty comment, usually at the expense of a CO. This makes him likable to many but unlikable to his superiors. He is certainly a talented marksman and is highly skilled in the workings of communications arrays and various terminals. Often considered a ‘tech guy’, Jie can appear unapproachable or perpetually grumpy to those he does not trust.
Unlikely to risk his own neck, he will reluctantly head into a firefight for his squad mates.
Weapon Training
BCR-X13 Compact Sniper Rifle and a plethora of standard issue blaster competence. Often tasked with communications tasks.
Born on Fondor, Jie Tarell was a rough gang-kid, learning the trade of running his mouth and running his feet even faster. Growing up one step of the authorities, Jie was able to find work in the CIS where his natural talent for combat could prosper. A natural with splicing all things electric, he can jerry-rig all manner of improvised explosives and is considered a good marksman. With no family to speak of, he lives for today and does not think much of tomorrow. He does, however, like being alive.
Faction: CIS
Species: Human
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 5,9
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eyes: Piercing blue
Hair: Bald
Skin: Fair
Force-Sensitive: No
With no hair, Jie is somewhat aged before his time. Looking weathered a little gruff, he maintains his look without let up. Lithe yet muscular, he is often called ‘scrawny by fellow soldiers. However, he is more than capable of holding his own in a scuffle.
Perpetually gruff, Jie is always ready with a sardonic or witty comment, usually at the expense of a CO. This makes him likable to many but unlikable to his superiors. He is certainly a talented marksman and is highly skilled in the workings of communications arrays and various terminals. Often considered a ‘tech guy’, Jie can appear unapproachable or perpetually grumpy to those he does not trust.
Unlikely to risk his own neck, he will reluctantly head into a firefight for his squad mates.
Weapon Training
BCR-X13 Compact Sniper Rifle and a plethora of standard issue blaster competence. Often tasked with communications tasks.
Born on Fondor, Jie Tarell was a rough gang-kid, learning the trade of running his mouth and running his feet even faster. Growing up one step of the authorities, Jie was able to find work in the CIS where his natural talent for combat could prosper. A natural with splicing all things electric, he can jerry-rig all manner of improvised explosives and is considered a good marksman. With no family to speak of, he lives for today and does not think much of tomorrow. He does, however, like being alive.