Jihta Heidjr’Oshan
Builder of Death Machines

NAME: Jihta of the Oshan family, from the Heidjr region
FACTION: Atrisian Empire
RANK: Shadow Hand
SPECIES: Asha'ladier
AGE: 19
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 95 centimeters
WEIGHT: 100 lbs
EYES: Green (wears white contacts)
HAIR: Dyed Red
SKIN: Pale grey
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Strong for their size-Given the high gravity of their home world, Asha’ladier are naturally stronger to compensate. This is only really noticeable on standard or low gravity worlds.
- Denser-Asha’ladier are harder to hurt by physical blows, as their tissue and bones are denser to hold up against the higher gravity of their world.
- Master Engineers-The species has a natural gift for understanding the mechanics of everything they see, and so are naturally gifted engineers.
- Strong senses-The species has large eyes and ears, and a sensitive nose. Because of this their senses are naturally greater than humans, though not significantly so.
- Good spatial awareness - Jihta is able to judge distance and angle in relation to her with surprising accuracy. This makes her a good shot, but more relevant to her work it makes it easier for her to calibrate weapon targeting in new designs. She knows where it should go, and adjusted the calibration accordingly.
- Scrappy - In a fight, Jihta wont stop until she can't attack any more or has won. She does not fear odds, and can overcome large threats that otherwise she should not have been able to.
- Short- The high gravity has caused the species to be naturally shorter as they evolved. This prevents them from falling very far if they trip, and so lessening damage, but becomes a disadvantage when encountering taller enemies with longer reach.
- Dense-Asha’ladier cannot swim in water unassisted, as their bodies are naturally denser than water. Drowning is an ever present fear on their home world.
- Cannot speak Basic-The species has never encountered Galactic Basic, and their vocal cords can only pronounce many syllables with great difficulty. Most Asha’ladier would need protocol droids with them if they ever traveled off world.
- Tech obsessed-The Asha’ladier tend to over complicate issues, building overly complex contraptions to solve simple problems.
- Near sighted - Jihta has naturally poor eyesight, and wears solid white colored contacts, to make herself look more fierce (in her own eyes).
- Reckless - She is prone to doing first and thinking about the consequences second. This has caused more than one accident, including the one that scarred her.
Jihta was born to the same family and region as the legendary engineer Kiht Heidjr’Oshan. This, naturally, meant people expected great engineering feats from her. The young girl loved the attention, and dove into the world of technology with a fervor rare even among the tech obsessed asha'ladier.
What worried her parents however was that she became obsessed with weapons, rather than a safer or more useful technology. The asha'ladier had not seen a war since the Rakata unified them thousands of years prior, and so her craft was a rarity. Still, she became more and more obsessed with making bigger and better killing machines.
Not long before she was to leave her litter, one such contraption malfunction nearly killing her and leaving the keep scars on her face. It was discovered the reason was her eyesight had begun to fade, and she had miss aligned a part. Instead of seeing this as a warning, Jihta wore the disfiguring scars with pride. She dyed her hair red and wore white contacts, thinking it made her look more ferocious.
When the asha'ladier encountered the Atrisian Empire, Jihta volunteered to leave the planet and join the company Sampson's Designs as a weapons expert. For the first time she was able to design weapons that would actually be used, even if she found the style of Atrisian ships a bit simple and dull for her taste.
Soon after it was discovered that she was force sensitive when an Inquisitor guarding Cara studied the asha'ladier. Soon after, Jihta found herself at the mysterious Citadel.
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