Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jihun Khim

Jihun Kim

NAME: Jihun Khim
ALIAS: Cardinam
SPECIES: Human/Cyborg
AGE: Mid 30s
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 193cm

WEIGHT: 75kg
EYES: Dark Brown

HAIR: Jet Black
SKIN: Naturally pale, but tans easily.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes but artificially, explained below.



The Professional: A seasoned operator well versed in many combat forms and several advanced techniques he's acquired over the years. More importantly, he keeps his cool under fire and never reneges on a contract. In his line of work, you're only as good as your word - and your results.

Terminator: To enhance his physical and mental abilities, his body is heavily augmented with bleeding edge bionics.

Whisp: Tired of being chucked around by Force Users, Jihun found a witch to inscribe a protective seal on him. Tied to his spirit, it generates a semi-conscious Force construct he's dubbed Whisp. The construct creates a protective cocoon of Force energy around his body, protecting him from basic telekinesis and telepathic attacks. It also improves his senses, granting him extrasensory perception on par with a typical Apprentice-level Force User.

Pragmatic: With few exceptions, Cardinam doesn't mind working with anyone as long as they help him advance his goals. The biggest turnoff to any sort of partnership would be incompetence.

Hey There, Dhalia: While he tries to put up an act of being a hardass, sometimes he can be sentimental to a fault. He's very loyal to his comrades and will go through seven hells for them. The same goes for a certain little crime lord he's become enamored with as of late.

Terminator: All those fancy augments now grafted to his body make him susceptible to being impaired by ion attacks and EMPs, electrical surges, and even slicing.

Pyro: He has a sick fascination with seeing things burning since he was young, which still gets him in trouble into adulthood. He's always failed to suppress the urges, so he uses his work as a mercenary to work out these destructive impulses. His trademark weapons have become a plasma projector and incendiary grenades.

Whisp: When active, the construct creates a distinct signature that can be easily tracked even if Jihun may be otherwised concealed. Especially powerful Force attacks can still overwhelm Whisp like a normal FU, especially if caught off guard. It's not a silver bullet, but a tool like any other.


Jihun is a tall man with an athletic physique from his years of activity as a soldier and mercenary. He has tattoos and scars all over his body, though his face is clear. He's usually clean shaven with short hair. His armor is immaculately maintained, while he always dresses neatly outside of combat.


Born to a poor family on Chazwa, Jihun didn’t have very many prospects growing up. Constant neglect from his parents (always stressed exhausted from being overworked on their multiple dead end jobs) led to the development of behavioral problems. Much of Jihun’s youth was spent coming and going from juvenile detention centers for vandalism and theft.

As he grew older, he picked up a taste for pyromania, taking great pleasure in setting abandoned buildings ablaze. However, during one of his episodes, he was horrified to discover one building wasn’t quite as vacant as he thought as he heard screaming from within. He would rush in to save the squatter, an old man, both of them sustaining serious burns in the process.

While hospitalized, it was determined by investigators that Jihun had been the cause of the fires, and a whole string of other before that event. Tried and convicted as an adult, he was given the option of either military enlistment, or imprisonment. Figuring he would have an easier time escaping from the military rather than prison, he chose the former option.

The next seven years of his life were then dedicated to Grand Army of the Republic, first as a normal grunt and then as a member of the special operations community as he proved his mettle as skilled soldier. He specialized in combat engineering and demolitions, earning a fearsome reputation as "Cardinam" for liberal use of the eponymous named incendiary.

That time of his life was bittersweet. On one had, he had a purpose in life, and forged a family of sorts with comrades. However, after initially rising to be the dominant power of the galaxy, the fortunes of the Galactic Republic turned and it became the punching bag of the galaxy, eventually grinded down into the dust by vengeful Sith and a host of other adversaries from within and without. It was all the infighting, in particular, that eventually made him lose hope in the Republic. In the last days of the Republic, he fought for the survival of his brothers rather than anything else.

While disillusioned, Cardinam soldiered on though, now fighting for the highest bidder instead of any heartfelt cause. He had become a mercenary.






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